
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blog Hop Giveaway!!!

Are you ready for a fun Blog Hop that's all about giveaways?  Me too!!!

Thanks to Quilting Gallery for hosting a Blog Hop Party to celebrate Back-to-School -

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Of course I wanted to join in the party - who doesn't LOVE a party?!?  And I am really excited to celebrate the fact that AQAP now has over 200 followers - whoohoo!!!  So this is what I will be giving away here at A Quilt and A Prayer....

Don't we all just love Kaffe Fassett?  What a designer!!!  If I were going back to school, Kaffe's classes would be at the top of my "gotta-take-it" list!!!  And of course Kaffe's books are more than just projects and quilts... they are ART!  So much eye candy and gorgeous photography.....

Not to mention Kaffe's luscious fabrics!!!

This book is one of my favorites, so it's no surprise that somehow I ended up with a second copy. =^..^=  So I'd love to pass it on to one of you who would love it!  It is a very large, heavy softcover book, with 144 pages of gorgeousness :*)  Of course it is in perfect condition.  Here are just a few of the 20 projects in Quilts en Provence....

So how do you win this gorgeous book?  Simple! just leave a comment and tell me what you like most about your favorite blog site.  You do not have to be a follower to enter, but if you are a follower or decide to become a follower, I'd like to say THANKS by giving you an extra chance to win.  Just leave a second comment letting me know you are a follower and how you follow.  That's it!   

Why would you want to decide to follow me here at A Quilt and A Prayer?  Well, for all the fun projects of course!  With a little kitty cat fun thrown in too :*)  Here are some of the fun projects I've shared recently....
One Block Wonder
Medallion Block for Vintage Valentines
July Calendar Block
The Blog Hop Giveaway event runs through September 3, so I will draw a winner at midnight that night (or close thereabouts :*)  I will be happy to ship internationally, so feel free to comment and get in your chance to win no matter where you live! =^..^=  Also, if you are a No-Reply Blogger, be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you.  Otherwise I will have to draw another name, and that would make me - and you! - very sad :*(

Now, you know you want to join in the Giveaway Party and see what everyone else is giving away too, right?  So after you have left your comments below to win the Kaffe book, be sure to click on this button to get to Quilting Gallery and check out the other blogs that are having giveaways!  The full list of participating blogs will be posted on Sunday, August 26, shortly after midnight.

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Good luck!  
And as they say in The Hunger Games, "May the odds be evah in your favah!"

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. I follow lots of blogs, I do love bonnie hunters blog, very inspiring. amongst many others

  2. LOL! I've had my head in a hole, evidently. I couldn't figure out what the deal was with all these "Back To School" giveaway posts in my blogger roll! Bahaha! Love the Kaffe Fasset book -- incredible stuff! Just like your precious projects!! (The ants/watermelon mini will always be a favorite!) :)

  3. And....of course I'm a follower! :)

  4. I love seeing and reading about everyone's projects on their blogs. I've learned so much from blogs. I always love seeing pets too!

  5. I'm already a follower of course!

  6. His work is so amazing as is his use of color.

    I always enjoy seeing what others are working on in their blogs. There is always inspiration beyond time available!!! I love the watermelon and ant quilt. Too cute.

  7. I like all the color and projects i see.

  8. I love seeing tutorials and demonstrations and how-to's

  9. And I'm already a follower of yours.

  10. I have been following you for some time now and will continue to do so...wonderful giveaway!

  11. i'm a follower. and read all your blogs'

  12. I am now a follower through email! that way I dont miss any posts :)

  13. I like blogs that have really clear pictures and tutorials. not crazy about the ones with alot of clutter and only 2 inches of reading space. The book looks incredible!

  14. I love everything Kaffe! I have been collecting Kaffe fabric for a while and need to get going on using some of it. Thanks for the giveaway. Very nice!

  15. One of my favorite movies is a Year in Provence by: Peter Mayle...Wonderful movie serial...Love this book and the quilts the colors are amazing as is anything Kaffe creates...Thanks for the chance to win

  16. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. My favorite thing about blogs is tutorials and inspiring projects.

  17. I wanted to do my part to get you over the 200 follower marks so I decided to join the fun. New follower here!

  18. Hi Teresa! It's been too long since I visited.. I've been so bad at blog surfing/commenting this summer! Of course I follow. :o)

  19. What I love most about blogs are all the fab pics of quilting projects. Not sure I have a favorite blog, just love them all. Oh, and your water melon quilt with the ants on it is soo great! Love it!

  20. Hi Teresa. I have followed your blog awhile with my blog watch list. However, I had failed to make it official. I just did and see that I was number 200! So congratulations girlfriend!
    Love, love, love Kaffe Fassett. I have two of his books, but not that one. I so hope I win.
    Have a nice weekend.

  21. I absolutely love tutorials because I am so new to quilting. Thank you very much.

  22. I love tutorials and seeing finished projects!

  23. There are so many fantastic blogs out there so I guess I like when they show what they are working on and are human and show the mistakes too.

  24. I am a follower through GFC - thanks for the chance to win a Kaffe Book. I met him at his booth at the Festival of Quilts last weekend so it would be cool to have one of his books!! Yay for shipping internationally.

  25. What I like most about my favorite blog is the thrifty ness. I'm not able to buy designer fabrics all the time. In fact I have one fat quarter bundle that is designer and I actually regretted buying it. I've found beautiful fabrics in sheets, clothing, table clothes. Anyway, she shows beautiful things she makes out of shirts.

  26. About to become a new follower.

  27. I am a follower of your wonderful blog on GFC!

  28. I love tutorials on blogs. I love to get new ideas and try things I wouldn't have thought of on my own! :) Blogs are so much fun!

  29. My favorite quilt blogs always have inspiring projects and ideas. This is great giveaway thanks for the chance.

  30. I'm excited to be a new follower through email.

  31. I always love looking at the process quilters use for quilts, and photos of their studios! It's nice to know mine isn't the only one that get's messy while in process of many projects!

  32. Probably my favorite blog site is Exuberant Color - why? Well you see, Wanda likes bright and bold as much as I do and she makes quilts that are pure art..even if it is a bed quilt, it is ART. She uses color and value amazingly well. I hope to be that good some day. She also "plays" to create. Not to mention she shows quilts that she made from Kaffe Fassett fabrics AND quilts that she makes that are inspired by his can you tell why I want this book???

  33. great book! i love everything he does.

    come visit my giveaway too--

  34. I love blogs that have great tutorials, splashes of colour and great tips :)

  35. I recently joined your blog as a follower. I am enjoying reading it and seeing what you are up to!
    The blog I have followed the longest is Bonnie Hunter's, Quiltville's Quips and Snips.

  36. I so love his fabrics. I have a quilt to start that showcases his unique fabrics

  37. G'Day from Australia! You didn't say if your giveaway is open internationally, but I wanted to say, "hello" anyway. The book looks beautiful!

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  38. I am following via email.

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  39. My favorite blogs usually have tutorials, and sometimes fun quilt alongs!

  40. I like pictures, but not more than 5 or 6 in a post. Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. I think what I like best, are the big clear pictures. Eye candy.

  42. I'm now following you in my blogger list ; )

  43. I love Fat Quarterly's blog. There are fab QALs there!

  44. I love quilt blogs for the tutorials (I'm a newbie) and the gorgeous colors and combinations of fabrics!

  45. I follow you via GFC! (I'm just west of Music City, btw)! :)

  46. I follow so many, I don't really have a favorite, but mostly I follow for tutorials, tips and just to be able to get inspiration from the beautiful creations of others. :) Thanks for the chance!

  47. My favourite blog has lots of great sewing ideas on it.

  48. New GFC follower gibberish

  49. This was the first Kaffe Fassett book I read, and ohmigoodness! It's so lovely! My favorite thing about my favorite blog sites is the author's personality. No matter what the topic is, their voice is real and valuable to me, and it brings me a little joy to read their adventures. (And even more so if they make quilty things for me to admire!)

  50. I've never been able to take his class but I had the good fortune to be in the class next to him at Sister's one year and we loved his music! I have too, too many favorite blogs to list but Quiltville would have to be at the top of my list. I'm looking forward to finding new favorites on the Hop!

  51. I like blogs that chat with me as though I am a friend who dropped in for a cup of tea and a chat. Oh, my goodness, how generous a gift you are giving!!! Adore his material but don't have any of his patterns or books! Thanks for the opportunity!

  52. I am a follower - love seeing your blog come up in my email!! Blessings!!!

  53. Sou seguidora em GFC,

  54. Sinceramente eu gosto de tudo e todos,por conta do aprendizado e processo criativo,sigo verdadeiros

  55. Hi Teresa. Congrats on your 200+ followers. Your blog is so much fun, who wouldn't want to follow you!! I am a follower and fan, as you know. I also like Bonnie Hunter especially now that she is in Bali and sending pictures everyday. Thanks for the fun of trying to win a great book. I do not have any of his, I really need one, right??

  56. Wonderful giveaway, I learn so much and get inspired from all the blogs I visit.

  57. Hi Teresa! Great giveaway - love his quilts and the photography is always stunning! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. I love checking out blogs, and seeing what everyone is working
    on. Lots of pictures are great!
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  59. I am a happy follower!


  60. i couldn't choose a favorite blog...but i love when I learn a little about the person and not just her/his sewing table :)

  61. I love Kaffe Fassett! What I like about my favorite blogs is not too much "wordiness" or "preaching" but just little tidbits about WIPs and UFO, new lines of fabric, favorite tips, new tricks, anything really, but short and sweet :)

  62. Tengo que ser seguidora,tengo mucho que aprender de usted.

  63. i've several fav blogs ... sewcalgal for her information, reviews and tutes, kay mckenzie's for her applique and lizzie b
    cre8tive for her patterns. really love them all ... sharing, caring, creative bloggers!

  64. my favourite blogs are smaller ones -without the bi-weekly sponsor update things. I like to see progress pictures ohh and it's really comforting if they make mistakes to, it get'S a bit depressing if they turn out one perfect qiult every week plus of course mathcing bags and pilllow cases and the odd birthday present...

  65. Oh dear, there are sew many, all my favorites!

  66. Awesome Blog thanks for the giveaway. And a new follower. Have a blessed day!

    Lv2sew2011@yahoo dot com

  67. I love tutorials on the blogs. hugs

  68. I am follower from Italy, thank you for this chance

  69. what a great book. I also love tutorials on blogs.
    thanks for a chance to win.

  70. Im now a new follower of your nice blog

  71. I love their tutorials and how they are so creative to the point that their lovely works give me inspirations

  72. Hmmm, I think what I love most about my favorite blog site is that no matter how stupid I feel for asking a question, they answer it and it helps me to realize "everyone had to start out as a newbie."

  73. Perhaps if I win his book, I would be finally able to cut into the Kaffe Fasset fabric I have collected. Lol ii- Just gorgeous. I love all the inspiration and new patterns I find on the blogs. Judy C

  74. A faithful follower via email notification - JC

  75. My favorite blogs have lots of pics and tips and tutorials. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  76. I'm a follower - receiving your posts by email. Thanks.

  77. Oh that looks like a lovely book. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  78. That is a tough question. There are so many things about so many blogs that I follow - all for different reasons. 'Quilty' blogs for inspiration, 'cooking' blogs for new ideas and inspiration, I guess what I like about all the blogs I follow is their amazing inspiration!!!

    Great give-a-way - thanks for the chance

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. Just became a new follower too! :)

  81. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  82. I am a follower. Love your blog.

  83. my favourite blog is Cat Patches and it has the right blend of quilting, cats and fun :)

  84. Blogs are part of my life. I love ideas and tutorials!!

  85. I love that my favorite blogs have tutorials and great photos along with personal touches. :) Thanks for the chance.

  86. My favorite blogs are quilty with tutorials and have some photos of quilts, fabrics, and beautiful Kaffe designs like those in your book. I also gravitate to blogs with "something" going on like giveaways and QALs (even if I don't participate). Thanks for the fun - your moonglow quilt is gorgeous!

  87. One of my favorite blogs is the one by SewCalGal. She inspires me, as well as leads me "down the garen path" to parts unknown ( and often refreshing and suprizingly entertaining.

  88. My favorite things about the blogs I read are the tutorials and the look at fabric/color combos that the designers use. Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. My favorite blogs always make me laugh.

  90. I love to follow lots of blogs. I love to see what everyone is working on. So much creativity to share.

  91. I love getting inspiration from bloggers - seeing what other people are working on. And I really love tutorials.

  92. I'm a new follower on google. thanks for the chance to win.

  93. I am already a follower. I love Kaffe Fassett! I just got her string quilt book on Amazon and feel the need to do every one in the book. She is awesome with color and bright prints.

  94. I really like seeing tutorials or Accuquilt projects on my favorite blogs. I can't really say which is my favorite... there are so many.

  95. My favorite blog has a little bit of everything, she cooks (I don't), she quilts, has pets and just generally gives us peeks of her life.

  96. What an awesome book to own! would love to have it.My favorite blogs have lots of pictures of the things they are making which inspire me to try some new quilt patterns or ideas. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  97. I love tutorials and QAL on blogs.

  98. I follow lots of blogs and can't really say that I have a favorite thing about any of them. I love the diversity out there. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  99. I follow lots of blogs! Lynne at lilysquilts is one of my favourites - she has some great tutorials!

  100. I follow several blogs and like them all so can't really pick a favorite. I get ideas and inspiration from all of them. It is always so interesting to see what other people are working on.

  101. Favorite blog: Bonnie Hunter's. She's so generous with her inspriation, advice, and patterns.

  102. My favorite blog site is any one with lots of great pictures and tutorials as that is what helps me increase my quilting skills.

  103. What a great giveaway. Thanks so much!

  104. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  105. I like Bonnie Hunter's blog. She is a travelogue when she is on the road. I have made some of her quilts.

  106. I follow a number of blogs. Each one has something different I like about them. Samelias Mom/Wild Flowers and Whimsey/Wedding Dress Blue etc.

  107. I follow a bunch of blogs, I always love the ones with block or quilt patterns.

  108. I love a lot of blogs, mostly because they are so inspirational.

  109. I just became a follower. Your blog is new to me, and looks very interesting.

  110. I have a few favs in blogland, too many to name but I can tell you that I enjoy blogs with lots of pics, an author with a good sense of humor {not crass like some I've happened upon and the lingo made my head swim}, tutorials are great and sharing creations.
    Thank you for the chance

  111. I love to see the quilts and read their bios babscorbitt@gmail

  112. I am a follower via email

  113. I am new to blogging, but love to see what everyone is working on and those are beautiful colors in the book. Thanks for the chance.

  114. wonderful prize; this book looks fantastic!! thank you

  115. You now have a new follower. I loved going back and looking at your past postings. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.


  116. I really like the organiziation of you blog and will be following you after I get this posted.

  117. I love tutorials and seeing all of the inspiring projects that everyone has completed.

  118. Humm the thing I like about blogs would be the ones that have a "human" touch to them. They not only share their work, but also their boo-hoos, stories, tuts, etc., and are remember that not all of us have a gallizion years under our belts but some of us are real newbies. Thank You for the chance to win Kaffe's book and sharing your delightful pictures.


  119. What a beautiful book!! Thank you for being so generous!! I love the quilt blogging community because everyone is so kind and lovely - lots of comments, lots of mutualy quilt admiration, etc!

  120. inspiration!
    thanks for the great giveaway.

  121. Teresa,
    You made that gorgeous Moon glow quilt- I so love that design and I have often considered making it.
    I love Kaffe Fassett books and I do not have this one. It looks like a real beauty.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a terrific book.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  122. I am a long time follower of your blog.
    Hope you get lots of visitors to your blog during the hop.
    Regards from western Canada,

  123. I follow a variety of blogs, from personal friends to Japanese language to quilting. And in all of those, my favorite things are the photos! It's fun seeing all the different places and quilts and foods and fun times.

    By the way, I LOVE your moonglow quilt. It is gorgeous!!

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  124. I love learning about the blogger and their life/interests

  125. I'm a new follower. thanks for the chance to win

  126. I don't have a specific blog that I believe is better than any other. I love blogs that show the process of a project.

  127. I love the July calendar block on your blog! I'm going to have to make me one of those...

  128. I'm a follower! My favourite blogs have great ideas and tutorials.

  129. I love the Hunger Games, book and movie!!! My favorite blogs are those that post often. People who don't blog more than once a month don't inspire people to return. All the blogs I follow post several times a week and so do I on my own blog.

    Love the blue Kaffee quilt you showed the photo of! Would be thrilled to win the book. Thanks.

  130. I'm going to become a follower right now!~

  131. What an interesting book. I would love to have a copy

  132. I love the bright colours in his quilts. I like to see tutorials and lots of photos. Your projects are all wonderful!

  133. I am a new follower. Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway.

  134. I follow a lot of blogs and I love them all! Their photos, their ideas, their projects, their life, their interests......just everything!;))

  135. i love blogging and im quite new to it....
    thanks for the giveaway

  136. I don't have my own blog, but I follow many. thanks again.

  137. would have to be my favorite quilting blog. She is so funny and has amazing taste in fabric! Thanks for letting me stop by!

  138. Just started following in my Google Reader!

  139. And I just became a follower! Thanks for the giveaway.

  140. my favorite blogs are simple ones that focus on the love of one thing, one focus on patterns for vintage sheets, one focus on just the fabric for the quilt, doesnt even make sq. On loves string quilts, one loves photography. One loves linky parties

  141. oh I love those patterns, my favorite blogs are the ones my step daughters write, great way to see all that is happening in their world, my favorite quilting blogs are sewcalgal's blog for info and contests and i just love bunny hill blog for her designs


  142. I follow lots of blogs. I love pictures and I enjoy tutorials of some of the great projects out there.

  143. One of my favorite blogs is Bonnie Hunter's Quiltsville. I love reading her funny stories, quilting adventures, about her machines, links quilt tutorials and inspiring quilting. I love your Moonglow Quilt! Those are my favorite colors and it is awesome! The ants & watermelon are cute too! :) Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  144. Nana company is a fav of mine..I love her favorite mosaics

  145. One of my favourite blogs is called the Needle and Thread network. It is a Canadian site that highlights quliters and fiber artists on a weekly basis. Such amazing talent. Thanks for the opportunity on the giveaway and good luck to all the particpants.

  146. I am a new follower. thanks for the opportunity

  147. I read a lot of blogs and it is very hard to pick a favorite. It depends on who is talking about what that day.

  148. I am new to your site, but am now a true follower.

  149. I am new to your site, but am now a true follower.

  150. love easy craft ideas

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  151. gfc follower

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  152. My favorite blog is AmyMadeThat! I love her project ideas.


  153. One of my favorite blogs is My Sweet Prairie because her thread painting is amazing! Thanks for the chance.

  154. I am following you by email ,thanks again.

  155. I don't have a favorite blog, but I enjoy the pictures, recipes, decorating ideas, etc. And contests! Looks like a great book.

  156. My favorite blog sites have quilts and usually tutorials. I also enjoy it when I see pictures of their travels, their kids and pets too.

  157. I love quiltblogs and most I like those with lots of photos and tutorials :)
    Gun, Sweden

  158. My favorite blogs have quilts and tutorials. I especially love seeing scrappy quilts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  159. I just started following the quilting blogs I didn't know they were out there its all new to me. So I really haven't followed long enough to have a favorite yet.

  160. I am following your blog via email
    llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com

    And GFC

    Linda Meyers Gabbard

  161. I love the inspiration I get from visiting my favorite blogs. I have learned new techniques, try new color combinations and make new quilting friends.


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