
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April NewFO and Other Fun Stuff!

Technically I qualify for entry in the April NewFOChallenge – but just barely!!!!  Actually, it pretty much never made it off the ground.  I started out with every intention of completing my May Calendar Quilt...

..... but unfortunately it just never happened.  This is as far as I got…. 

Yeah, I’ve got a lot of work on this one yet! =^..^=  But I did start it, and as Barbara at Cat Patches reminded me, that’s all that’s required for this challenge… whew!!!!

I’m thinking for the month of May, I’m just going to hang up the March calendar quilt (see it HERE) with the bird house and flowers again.  I loved that quilt and it still fits the season.  Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?

Now, on to other Fun Stuff….

I won this fun book from Vickie over at Spun SugarQuilts.  

Looking through the book, I see that it has the cutest little patterns for English Paper Piecing!  I have been thinking I’d like to try a small project using this technique, so I was just delighted with the win.  Thanks so much Vickie!!!

Work is progressing on Moonglow, but slowly because of all the other things I had going on this month.  I did manage to get all the paper piecing done for the final block....

Yes, you read it right - FINAL BLOCK!!!!  Now it just needs to be assembled and the center appliquéd in.  This one looks more like a circle at this stage, which is weird to me.  Jenny Beyer designed this one a little differently from the others.  Instead of taking the points all the way out to the outer edges of the block, she cut them off in a circle and did a Drunkard’s Path circle around it to finish it as a square.  Here's what the directions look like to make it a little more clear.

I’m not sure if this is wasted effort or not, but I figure at this point I don’t need to try to change things around, so I’m doing it her way.  She’s been quilting a lot longer than I have after all !!!  I’ll let you know how it turns out…..

After that FINAL BLOCK is finished, all that will remain is assembling all the blocks and adding the borders.  Wow!  This one took a lot longer to complete than I had thought it would, but it is going to be SUCH a relief to have it DONE!!!

On a final note, I want to share this sweet little bluebird house that my friend Corinne asked her husband to make for me!  Isn’t it adorable?!?

During one of our sewing group days, I was fussing because I had gone to the Southern Garden Show hoping to find a birdhouse for our yard, and there was not even one to be found anywhere.  The next week, she brought me this little treasure!  We don't have any tenants yet; we may have waited too late to put it up, but hopefully some cute little bluebird will find it soon and happily add to our little outdoor family! =^..^=

I have to tell you, friends are among my greatest treasures!!!  Thanks Corinne & Paul!!!

Hugs & Blessings!

Linking up today with:


  1. Teresa, I'm glad to know I am not the only one who is overcommitted! : ) I am currently working away at getting a post ready for my SewCalGal FMQ Challenge--due in 2 hours!
    What a fun looking book you won. Congrats!!
    Oh, Moonglow is going to be so worth the effort you have put into it. It does glow!!
    Cute little birdhouse--hope you get tenants!

  2. Your Moonglow is definitely glowing because it is almost done!!

    We have several bluebird houses on our property, but they prefer making their homes in 2 old, tall cedar posts that hold up a 10 ft. fence. At least we have bluebirds! The tenants in the real nice bluebird houses are sparrows and chippies. Very messy tenants, I might add.:)

  3. Oh I have the calendar quilt patterns too and just love them! Aren't they fun to do? And your moon glow is beautiful. Thanks for sharing
    Beth in Dallas

  4. That moonglow block is a stunner~

  5. I LOVE the colors you're using in the Moonglow - beautiful!
