
Monday, April 16, 2012

My First Blog Award!!!

What a fun day!  First thing this morning, I learned that Melodie over at In the Desert awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award!  I’m just tickled pink to receive my first blog award!  Thanks Melodie!!!  But more than the award, I’m so happy that you enjoy my blog and I really appreciate your sweet description ---- *blush!*

So here are the rules for receiving and passing on the award….

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to their blog.
3. Copy and paste the Liebster award to your profile.
4. Pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve to be in the spotlight (they must have @200 followers or under).
5. Blog about it and leave a comment for your nominations to let them know that you have chosen their blog.

So without further ado, the 5 blogs that I am choosing to pass on the award for the coveted Liebster Blog Award are:

Count it *all*JOY!!  - What a “JOY” it is to have a friend like Denise!  She is the most open and generous person, and that warmth glows throughout her blog.  She has a lot going on in her life, and she shares it with a smile and a JOY that is definitely catching!

MarveLes Art Studios  - Oh my!  What a blessing it has been to get to know Leslie!  And what she does with fabrics, threads, paints, ribbon, yarn, stamps, papers….  I get dizzy just thinking of it!  She is a very talented artist and her art quilts are just amazing.  Go now & check out her blog – but be prepared to drool!!!

Dar's Patchwork Garden  - Dar is just the sweetest person!  Like most of the bloggers here, her life is full of many things, not just quilting.  Right now I am enjoying the bird’s nest watch on her blog!

Me & My Stitches  - How can you not love a blogger who shares her adventures on The Great FART?!?  If you haven’t already found this blog, go and check out the wonderful jewelry she makes.  Warning – you might as well have your credit card handy when you go!

Rogue Quilter – Janet is just an amazing blog friend!  She is always ready with a friendly & supportive comment, and I look forward to hearing her thoughts because she always has a different way of looking at things :*)  She is also very productive & her blog is full of lovely quilts!!!

You can click on the blog names to get to each blog.  I hope you'll go over and check out these wonderful bloggers!  They have wonderful stories to tell and gorgeous quilts to share!  Maybe I'll see you there!  ;*D

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. You are very deserving of the award, Teresa. I really enjoy your blog. It is always interesting and entertaining and you make wonderful quilts. Thank you for the nomination and the very sweet words. I'm not familiar with a couple of the nominees. I will have to check them out.

  2. Thank you Teresa for mentioning me, but I am not so deserving, but I am sincerely grateful for the joy you give, and the friendship you share! I love your blog! Soli Deo Gloria, my friend!
