
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stash Report – Week #26

I apologize for not getting this post up yesterday as promised!  With all the fun going on with grandchildren, I have had to find little snatches of time here and there to take care of the normal routine like blogging and quilting.  Definitely not complaining mind you!  I so love seeing the girls and spending time with them. :*) 

Busy times mean the opportunity for lots of handwork, and I really needed to do some catching up on my current stitchery projects.  I finished my latest Promises and Borders block with the exception of the flower centers. 

I sort of got tired of doing all those little French knots and just went ahead and started the next one. =^..^=  She has released another one that I have not started yet, so I’m really pretty behind on these blocks.  There will be 9 of these blocks in total, and these are the ones I have done so far.  (These backgrounds look blue, but they are really a nice creamy white.)

 Then I finally finished up one of my blue-work Winter Wonderland blocks!!  

Because this is just a “fill-in” project that I pick up when I don’t have anything else prepped and need a handwork project, it is going very slowly.  But I am enjoying watching these quirky little snowmen come to life and it is always fun to start on a fresh, new block! :*)

I'm linking up today with Kathy's Quilts for a new Linky Party she's starting to celebrate "Slow Quilting" - the process of slowing down and enjoying the journey by adding hand stitching of some sort to our quilting activities.  Go check it out HERE to see what others are hand stitching.  Kathy wrote a post about Slow Quilting HERE that really spoke to me about the need to slow down and enjoy life.... and she gives some great tips for ways to start slowing down.  I hope you'll go over to read it when you get a chance.  It is well worth your time :*)

The girls left this morning for a few days, so I packed up and headed out to a sit-n-sew at one of my guilds, Lebanon Piecemakers.  These ladies know how to do a sit-n-sew!  They were there when I got there about 10am, and looked like they’d been there for hours already.  When I left at 4pm, most of them were still there sewing!!!  Yep, my kind of sewing buddies :*)

At the sit-n-sew, I managed to get all of the center 9-patches done for the alternate blocks on Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  

And then I got all these pieces ready for making the 4-patch corners on the outside layer of the blocks.  

These will all go together to make 24 blocks that look like this for the alternate block...

Once they are assembled, all the blocks will be done and the center will be ready to assemble.  I will also need to make the pieced border blocks, but I think I’ll wait on those until I get the center done.  A little “finish-reward” therapy, you know what I mean?  This quilt has a lot of pieces and takes quite a while to complete, so I am just taking it in stages and trying to practice that "Slow Quilting" I referred to earlier in the post, enjoying the journey rather than rushing to the finale.

Also, just a reminder that I am working on my block for the Red White & Blue Blog Hop! 

Don’t forget now to come back here on July 3rd to see what I’ve made.  And for added incentive, I’ve decided to have a little GIVEAWAY too!  Here are a few sneak peeks at my project …  

You can go to Jane’s Fabrics and Quilts HERE to see what the Blog Hop is all about.

I had no real finishes this week, and wonder of all wonders, I purchased no fabric!  So my Stash Report remains the same as last week:

          Used this week:           0 yards
          Used YTD 2012:           82.75 yards
          Added this week:         0 yards
          Added YTD 2012:        112.50 yards
         Net Used for 2012:      -29.75 yards

I'm sure next week will be a different story as the Divas Guild is planning a trip to Whittles Fabrics and I will undoubtedly fall under the siren call of a few choice fabrics! :*)

How is your stash coming along?  See how others are doing HERE at PatchworkTimes!
Also linking up with:
          What a Hoot for BOM's Away!
          Manic Monday at Sew Happy Geek!

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Love that snow family portrait. I haven't embroidered for years, but you are certainly tempting me.

  2. You are doing a fantastic job on your Promises and Borders, and the Snow family is just tooooo cute!

  3. You have so many great projects going on. Glad you found some time for handwork.

  4. Your Borders & Promises blocks look terrific, as does your Winter Wonderland in blue!! I *love* the RW&B project and cannot wait to see it!!!! Yay!!! :)

  5. Thanks for linking up with your terrific hand stitching!
    I have a couple of friends who are doing the winter wonderland blocks...they are so fun!

  6. You do such neat work, love it all.

  7. You are a busy girl, some really lively work being produced.

  8. I am also working on the Winter Wonderland quilt, I am doing mine in red, I love how the blue looks. I just love to PP and I think your block for the Hop is going to be great. If I did a stash report, I would be in big trouble!

  9. Your stitchery pieces all look so good! I love the little scriptures in frames--very pretty.
    The sit and sew sounds like my kind of gathering. No challenges or swaps or rules or pressure, just SIT and SEW. Love it!
    I look forward to seeing what you have there in the R/W/B fabrics. I love all things patriotic!

  10. A very informative post. Your scrap blocks look great, the snowmen are coming along and I can't wait to see what you are making with the RWB. As usual, I did not get my stash report done, nor the design wall this week. Maybe next week will be better. You are doing great with your sewing.

  11. Wonderful projects, Teresa - love them all. I'll be sure to come back July 3rd to see what you made.

  12. Your stitchery is just great!

  13. Wow! So much fun stuff going on. :) Your stitcheries look so good - I can't make letters look that nice. I'll have to try again in a while, after I've finished my Dear Jane.
