
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Curve It Up QAL - Block #2

We have so much coming up for us in the next week that I knew I needed to jump on getting the second block done for the Curve it Up QAL.  I really didn't want to fall behind, so I downloaded the PDF and got busy.  Jenny's sister Helen over at HGMR Deco Quilting designed this block which is called the "Curve It Up" Sawtooth Star.

Working with these fabrics is really stretching me.   The line has orange, purple, aqua and green, and not all of them play well together - not for me anyway.  And a lot of them have large patterns that don't work in small pieces, so I had to go raid my stash to add a few more solid-reading fabrics to the line.  The curved orange stars are from a fat quarter I dug out of my stash :*)

I originally wanted to go "matchy-matchy" and use this pretty aqua with the dragonflies fabric in the 16-patch center.....

But as you can see, it just didn't work.  The aqua was a perfect complement to the dragonflies fabric, but it was just blah in the block.  I knew I had to punch it up with some color, but I was concerned about using the purple in there, afraid it would be too garish, but eventually it was really the only choice that allowed that center to pop.  Once I got it put together I was thrilled with the result!  I love the movement of those purple squares in there!

The block went together easily, although at first I had some qualms about the fact that the star points don't go out to the seam allowance and they don't meet in the middle.  Once I realized it was designed to look like that I decided to get used to it :*D

I thought it would be fun to add a decorative element to this block by fussy-cutting the flowers in the corners.  After I figured out where I wanted to cut the first flower to get the look I wanted, I put some Omni-Grip on my small square ruler and traced the flower design on it so I could place the ruler exactly on the same place with each subsequent flower.

              Here are my first two blocks of this QAL together.....

This has been fun and challenging, and I am delighted that I decided to join in.  I'll be linking up to Jenny's Flickr Group HERE.....

I also want to show you something I won last week from my friend Leslie who shares her gorgeous art quilt works over at MarveLes Art Studios.   This girl is a serious artist and makes some wonderfully quilty, sparkly, delightful pieces - you will want to check her out!  She is also one of the sweetest bloggers I have met here on Blogger :*D

This hand-painted watercolor drawing notecard is what I won!
Don't you just love it?!?!!!!

I'm so happy with this little card and can't wait to frame it and hang it in my sewing studio - huge smiles!!!!  Thank you so much Leslie =^..^=

I may need to take a little break from the blog this week with all the things going on right now.  Today we celebrated our youngest grandson's first birthday....

What a CUTE birthday cupcake :*D
Tomorrow we are going to the stadium to see the Carolina Panthers play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  I sure do hope they decide to play well tomorrow :*)  It is supposed to be cold and cloudy, so I will be bundling up very, very warm!!!

After that we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving, as I am sure many of you will be doing as well.  May I send to each and every one of you - whether you live here in the US or not - my sincerest wishes for a wonderful holiday surrounded by all those you love!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Linking up with


  1. Teresa, I love the blocks with the curves in them. I love your choice of colors in the first block you showed and how you fussy cut the corners. They are really fabulous! And thanks for the hint about how drawing on the ruler to line up where to cut. How easy!

    About the curves -- when looked at individually it's easy to not like that the curves don't meet, but from a distance, the eye does something to change what we see -- at least for me - and the curve continues around the inside edges. I think it is just perfect.

  2. What a great block. The colors are wonderful. I live the fussy cut corners.

  3. I'm following the "Curve it Up QAL" but not making the blocks. I think you have done a wonderful job (as always) on your blocks.
    What a clever use of the InvisiGrip. It didn't work well for me on my rulers, but maybe I shouldn't get rid of it. It just may come in handy, I see.
    What a fun birthday celebration! And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  4. Just love your QAL blocks! your curves are fabulous and I love your colors! Orange and purple just pop together and the aqua is lovely with them! Your hint on how to make sure your fussy cutting is exactly the same is wonderful - thanks!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!!

  5. Your blocks are just wonderful as usual. I love the colors you are using too. Have not used Invisigrip yet, but will get some to keep on hand for the great idea of fussy cutting your corners. What a neat idea.

    I hope you have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving with your family and the birthday boy. He sure is a cutie.

    Have fun this coming week.

  6. Your block looks great. When I sewed the Deco Shimmer pattern from Helen I was too thinking about the point that does not meet in the middle. But now I really like the design, but same with you, I had to get used to it.

  7. What a great quilt block. The curves really do add so much nice movement to a quilt. I am guessing that you will be a pro at them by the time this quilt is done. Such a cute little birthday party! Hope all your holiday celebrations are just as festive.

  8. Lovely blocks - just love your color choices - they would really stretch me!!! I'm at home watching a little football (Denver vs. SD) so I'm warm and cuddly!!

    Blessed week of activity and a bountiful Thanksgiving for you and all your loved ones!!

  9. I haven't seen that QAL. Neat looking blocks.
    Your grandson is so cute.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Such pretty blocks! I love the colors, and the curves make them really interesting. Looking forward to seeing more!!

  11. Teresa, you're doing a marvelous job in piecing your curved blocks -- just marvelous! And I love the dragonfly print you used!! Happy birthday to youngest grandson!! Hugs!! :)

  12. Love your curved block with the perfectly fussy cut corners! The fabrics prints and colors are terrific together...very striking! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. what a great block with the fussy cut corners. Almost as cute as that little grandson of yours!! I LOVE how the high chair is decorated, super sweet!!

  14. I absolutely love your curvy blocks!! The fabrics you used are just right. Have a great time with the grandson and have a great Thanksgiving.

  15. Love the blocks and I love your fabrics. Your corner fussy cuts are really beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. You sure are doing a wonderful job. I've ordered the ruler....grin. Was this very hard?


  17. Your block is so beautiful and precise. The invisigrip is great, but I've also enjoyed Pat Speth's tip of putting a piece of the waffle shelf liner under the ruler. You can't see through it, but the ruler doesn't move at all. It was one of my favorite tips ever.
