
Sunday, December 16, 2012

SSS & Stash Enhancement - 12-16-2012

Wondering what "SSS" is?  That's Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching which I decided to abbreviate for my post title's sake - I sure hope she doesn't mind :*)

I should finally have the hand applique done on this block by the end of today - whoopie!!!  That will really only leave one inside block for me to do on this quilt other than that center bowl of fruit that cannot be applied until I assemble the center and applique down that braided tree.  Lots of work yet before that happens!

Maggie Walker - The Blue Collection
Then I will have all the outer blocks to finish up with those tall vases full of leaves... eye-yi-yi!!!  But hey, I'm farther along than when I started right?  LOL!!!

Now, before I share stash enhancement, let me show you my exciting win from Sew We Quilt, Madame Samm's Books for Women by Women event.  What a great series!  Madame Samm's blog is the place to visit every day for lots and lots of interesting things going on!  Rare is the day I don't get over there to find out what she's up to :*D  I won this book - you can read the review HERE - and all the wonderful items shown below - including that amazing box of Aurifil threads!!!!  Oh yes!  I squealed!!!!

Great book broken down into daily installments, designed to help you grow in self acceptance.
I'm enjoying it immensely!

Aren't these just absolutely YUMMY!?!!!  I'm just itching to get down to business playing with these wonderful threads :*)  Aurifil is the only thread I use anymore for piecing.  It is so thin that it doesn't add bulk to my seams and a spool of it lasts quite a long time.  And yet it is strong enough to keep from breaking easily - unlike some other threads I have tried in the past!  I'm planning to try some of these on some machine applique - I bet they are going to look great!  Thanks again Madame Samm!!!

Now, I'm also excited to share some Stash Enhancement!  First, I received this wonderful fabric from my friend Barbara over at Cat Patches.  If you haven't visited Barbara, you need to go there ASAP!  Cat Patches is one of my favorite blogs, and it doesn't take long to figure out why once you visit :*)

We both worked on the Promises & Borders blocks from Jenny of Elefantz this year, and Barbara had purchased 3 yards of this fabric to use as her backing  .....

.....but then she changed her mind and used something else.  When she asked if I could use it for my project, I jumped at that deal before she could change her mind :*D  Look how nice it looks with the colors I have used in my stitching!  It couldn't be more perfect!

Then I fell into temptation when Connecting Threads moved some of their fabric collections into the Clearance section - some that I had been eyeing for a while, like these half-yard cuts of batik snowflake prints.... just $4.84/yd!

And then I really got into trouble when their Library collection went on Clearance!  At $3.56/yd, I got enough of these fun prints to make a good-sized lap quilt for me!  And these fabrics feel really nice - good quality at such a great price - can you blame me for giving in?!?  (They've still got a lot of great fabrics on sale by the way!)

The blue on the left will be the backing, the dark blue with book circles will be the outer border, the lime books print will be an inner border, and the print on the right will be used like a panel in the center.  Look at all the fun designs in there....  =^..^=

These are just a few of the complementary prints that I added to the mix.  I'm not sure of the design yet, but I couldn't wait around and risk them selling out.

This is the backing, but I will also use it in the quilt top.  I also got a half yard in yellow :*)
Don't you just love this library card print?
I just drooled over these book prints!  Classic!!!
This will definitely be one of my 2013 NewFO Challenge projects (also at Cat Patches)!  I can't wait to dig into making this up so I can cuddle up with a good book :*)  

Are you adding new goodies to your stash?  You can see more Stash Reports at Judy's Patchwork Times!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. New fabric is always fun! I'm usually adding more than I'm using, but that okay.

  2. Oh my goodness! I have read through this post twice!
    What great delights! Your applique block is amazing! I still can't believe you are making this extraordinary quilt! Thanks for linking up to SSS :)
    The box of threads is an amazing treasure...WOW!
    And the fabric goodness I am beside myself...don't know how you're managing to keep calm!?!?

  3. WOW!! That is some fabulous fabric. I clicked on the link and went over for a look see. There are some lovely fabrics on sale there, but I managed to resist any purchases. I'd never been to that particular store before. They have some pretty good pricing, even without the sales. And I LOVE your peaches block. It looks fabulous!

  4. Congrats on your wins...the thread is so yummy! And your fabrics are wonderful...I see lots of projects in your future! Have fun with it all!

  5. Great wins, girlfriend! That fabric is simply perfect for the promises and borders pieces -- I love it!! Happy Sunday!! :)

  6. Great progress on your applique block, it takes a while, but will be so worth it in the end. What a delicious thread collection, so many beautiful colors.

  7. Wonderful surprises when I checked in on you tonight.! The thread is wonderful and your fabrics are really perfect for your slow stitching blocks. I've never seen library fabric before, but it's great!! Looks like Santa came early to your house!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Oh my, what beautiful fabrics! At that price, who could resist?? ;-)

  9. I was led into temptation too! My LQS was changing hands and my dear friend was trying to get rid of all the fabrics the new owner did not want...I swear I just went in there to trim a quilt I had finished quilting!!! As I was getting ready to leave,she told me that if I wanted to pick out some fabric, she would give me 70% off. So 112 yards came home with me!!!
