
Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm in Love!!!

Seriously in Love..... with Easy Street!

Easy Street Linky Party HERE!

This Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt has been sew much fun to work on!  

I did fall behind during the weeks leading up to Christmas with so much going on.  Unhappily, our children were not able to come after Christmas for their usual visit, so I decided to make myself busy to take my mind off my disappointment.  And Easy Street was a very willing project =^..^=

The only clue that still remained to be sewn up when Clue #7 posted on New Year's Eve was #4 - the aqua/purple flying geese.

They were all cut, but I had not yet sewn them up and attached them to the white/purple flying geese.  Fortunately, I did not need these #4 units in order to work on #7 which showed us how to construct the corner and setting triangles, so I was able to make them up quickly.

Four Corner Triangles
A couple of the 12 Setting Triangles
As soon as I saw these made up, I knew this was going to be a quilt that I'm going to LOVE!  

These colors are the main reason I decided to go ahead and join up for this mystery, even though I had so much that was already making demands on my time.  Aqua and Lime Green are my two favorite colors - and I knew they'd be gorgeous with purples and black/whites!

Bonnie promised a "Rapid Fire Finish" to this mystery - and boy, she wasn't kidding!!!  We got Clue #6 on Friday morning, followed by Clue #7 on Monday (New Year's Eve), and Clue #8 - the Finale! - followed immediately on its heels on New Year's Day!  Whew!!!

The final clue was The Big Reveal!  We were given two blocks - a main block and an alternate block - both gorgeous!!!  Here are the first of both of them for my quilt.  I just LOVE all that scrappy happiness :*D

Block A - the Main Block - isn't this just gorgeous???
Block B - the Alternate Block
 The addition of the Alternate block really adds a nice sashing effect, with multiple chains throughout the quilt.  Yummy!!!

And this is with the blocks in their place in the quilt.....  

I finished up the aqua/purple flying geese last night, so I should be able to go to town on finishing up these blocks and putting this amazing quilt top together.  I can't wait to see it done!  For a change, Bonnie does not include pieced borders on this quilt.  I haven't even begun to think about the fabrics I might choose for mine.

Are you working on a fun project right now?  What's got you excited about 2013???  
I'm making up lists and plans and getting really excited about the New Year!
And I'm looking forward to sharing the fun with all of you of course!

Hugs & Blessings,

Linking up with:

Patchwork Times


  1. OOOO la la!! I can see why you love it!! It is so you - vibrant and lovely!!

    I've got plans to finish up several (to the tune of about 20!!!) UFOs. Plus, I'm participating in one SAL which will finish about mid year.

    Looking forward to all your lovely creations and sweet fellowship, though it just be in cyberspace!!


  2. Yes, these colors are right up your alley, Teresa. And it looks stunning! I just pulled fabrics for Easy Street last night, so I have a long way to go, but other than my Mom's birthday gift, it is my main focus this month--if I can stay focused. : )

  3. I love it too. not like last year, I didn't LOVE it, still not quilted either

  4. Wow, wow, wow. This looks fantastic, I can understand that you will love that quilt.

  5. I love, love the color choice. Looks like 2013 is going to be a good year for you. Day 3 and almost a quilt.

  6. Oh my gracious, your fabrics have just made this GORGEOUS! Nicely done, dear girl! Teresa, was it you that purchased the very pretty cardinal fabric not too long ago? Happy almost weekend!! :)

  7. Oooooh, pretty, pretty, pretty!

  8. Gorgeous! Yours is coming along fabulously! Isn't this a wonderful quilt our Bonnie has designed for us!

  9. I'm about at the same point as your photo, Teresa. I love it, too! I'm so glad I decided to play. Love your fabrics!

  10. Absolutely yummy!!! Your fabrics are so vibrant, I just LOVE it! Can't wait to see your big reveal! :)

  11. Your piecing is exquisite! The various shades of the main colors you have chosen work so well together! Kudos!

  12. Goodness, I love those colors! A beautiful quilt. I remember having a small off road motorcycle. I just loved the colors. But it was way too much bike for me. Quilts are so much more rewarding.

  13. You are way further along than I am. I think I am working on clue number three. I got behind with the holidays and a horrible stomach virus that hit our house. Hope to catch up next week. Love your colors.

  14. I think this is just beautiful!! I have never done a mystery quilt, it sounds like so much fun :) Don't know when I'll get back to sewing, I cut my finger so badly on Christmas Eve, with the rotary cutter, I had to have the tip of my finger surgically removed :( I have sewing withdrawls! Living vicariously through fellow quilters :)

  15. I got behind too on Easy street working on Christmas gifts I have a little extra time mine don't have to be ready until we go to Portland, OR at the end of this month, but maybe making 3 quilts along with everything else during the holidays and Bonnie's mystery quilt was a little ambitious. Anyway thanks for sharing. Love it, can't wait to finish up step 7 of mine!

  16. Beautiful! Your colors work together very nicely. The dark grey is a nice touch.

  17. Your Easy Street is GORGEOUS! Excellent job on the fabrics ... the limes and aquas just pop!

    I'm finishing up a wall quilt that I'm not as happy with as I thought I would be ... so I'm already dreaming of what to make next.

  18. I am loving the gray you are all using!

  19. So sorry your children could not visit, but your quilt is coming along beautifully.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  20. Your fabric choices are beautiful Teresa! Would you believe I missed Clue was strange starting to put the blocks together....then I realized what I had missed.

  21. This is looking so good! Really like the gray fabric too.

  22. Your quilt is coming along beautifully. The colours are gorgeous together.

  23. Love your colors! I think some of those same fabrics are in my quilt. Isn't this fun?
    Sorry your children couldn't come to visit. Looking forward to seeing all your projects for 2013.

  24. I have been thinking about the borders and a pieced one does sound like a good idea!

  25. I love your quilt. I am still in Part 6

  26. And your green and aqua fabrics are so vibrant and pretty. I love this quilt.

  27. Wow, looks awesome!! I think I might use a string border on mine. I've got plenty of the teal and greens for a nice big border. And what's a Bonnie quilt without strings? Or a pieced border :) Can't wait to see what you do with your border.
