
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today was the last day of our Music City Retreat at Camp Widjiwagan.  We all had so much fun!!!  But I have to admit, all that stitching pretty much wore me out!  I am THANKFUL to be home and looking forward to a lazy, relaxing day at home tomorrow :*D

One of my fellow retreaters napping yesterday afternoon - doesn't she look comfortable?  =^..^= 

And I'm very thankful that THIS....

..... was already on the floor when we arrived at retreat and not the outline of a fallen retreater LOL!!!  We never did find out how this got there - just maybe we were afraid to ask?

I am SO thankful for a beautiful spring day and the lovely sun showing its face for our enjoyment today here in Nashville!  The first few days of the week had what felt like the most frigid temperatures all winter long, so I am delighted that it is GONE!!!

However, it did give me a chance to wear my new Swishy Scarf that I finished up last week - once I managed to get it away from Gypsy that is LOL!!!  She sat in my lap most of the time I worked on this, so perhaps she thinks I made it for her =^..^=

I was afraid I would have to wait until next year to wear this bright beauty, so that's one more reason to be thankful :*)

Of course, I think this guy wears it much more elegantly than I ever could!

Of course, we are ALL very thankful that Daryl over at Patchouli Moon found the pattern for the Kitty Pincushion!

Yes, I had to show you the picture again - it's just TOO DARN CUTE!!!
The pattern is free too!  Click HERE for this pattern, designed and generously shared with us by Sue Daniel.  Now I can make one of these for my very own - and you can too!

So to celebrate so much to be thankful for, I'll leave you with a few more pictures from Camp Widjiwagan to inspire you!

We all agreed - one of our favorite finishes was Melissa's neutrals Rail Fence masterpiece!!!! 
And Joanne's UFO Stars from 2004 was a definite favorite!
This was the 2nd set of quilt blocks she sashed & put together into a top while at this retreat!

Phyl's Bunny Hill Snowmen make me wish for a nice cup of Hot Chocolate!!!
And who wouldn't love her Christmas Mouse applique quilt?  Hand applique my friends!!!
Don't you just love this mouse fabric for the backing?  It's perfect!!!

Nancy was only able to come join us for one day.....
.... and she stunned us with her colorful Eldon Stars - look at all those stars!!!

Anne worked on her beautiful fabrics she picked up in France - oo-la-la!!!
This was Debi's first retreat with us - and we certainly hope not her last!
Don't you love these wonderful batik stars????  Oh my!!!

Susie channeled her inner fashion design diva with these appliqued swirls on a knit dress =^..^=
Charlie is learning to like Civil War prints - definitely out of the box for her!
Brenda was overjoyed to finally finish up this fun blue/white snowball project!
Belinda worked on her McKenna Ryan applique project.  She had several others done but I wasn't
quick enough with the camera - she took them home before I could get a picture :(
This is Becky's gorgeous Christmas Poinsettia quilt - only two more borders to go!
There were a few others that I missed getting photos of - bad girl!!!!  I apologize to my friends who did not get included here - it is certainly not because your work was not beautiful, because it was!!!

As for myself, other than finishing the top for Hudson's Heroes, which I showed you HERE, I also managed to get 11 of my Strip Stacks blocks done.....

And I got caught up on all the clues for the Baubles and Beads mystery quilt.....

I just LOVE these batiks - YUM!!!  Can't wait to see how the mystery will turn out :*D

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you all have had much to be Thankful for this Thursday!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Wow! Girl, you've got to be almost (note I said *almost*) retreated out!! LOL!! I wonder if the taped residue was leftover from a quilter's murder mystery! I've done those before -- such fun! Everyone had amazing projects they were working on! Sometimes I can spend hours being non-productive, soaking up everyone else's mojo!! Thanks for the heads up on the freebie, too!! Glad you're back and had a marvelous time -- enjoy your well-deserved day of rest! :)

  2. That was a lot to be thankful for! So much creative energy going on there, I may have been immobilized by it all--the couch looked very comfy!
    Sp much good stuff here, I can't even begin to comment on specific projects (except maybe those Eldon Stars--WOW!).

  3. Tons to be thankful for. Lots of inspiration here. Gorgeous blocks and quilts.

  4. All just gorgeous projects and thank you for sharing. I saw the note on the other post for the free pattern and have it all printed - just a must make item for sure.

  5. Teresa, You really have a bunch of talented ladies at your retreats. I loved everyone one of those you showed. I especially need the pattern layout for the neutrals (if it can be put together in a weekend??). Your stacked strips are looking good. Really enjoyed seeing all the wonderful tops and yes, I am thankful for this day. It was sunny here too. Now rest up for Easter.

  6. Wow! what amazing show and tell. I am very thankful even though it is Friday as I read this post! LOL

  7. I agree!! WOW oh WOW!!!! What inspiration!! So much fun - thanks for sharing!!


  8. What a fun and inspirational retreat. Thank you for sharing. I'm wondering how Anne is going to put her squares together with that fabric from France.

  9. What a productive retreat! That's some serious eye candy! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow, what a lot of inspiration there. Thanks so much for sharing!
