
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Back from the Rooster!!!

It doesn't seem like I've been home at all these past few months!  And it has taken a toll on my blogging, of course.  It always takes me a few days to recuperate before I'm able to get back to blogging.  I apologize for being MIA so much lately, but hopefully these great pictures from our retreat this past week at Red Rooster Retreat in Alabama will mollify you enough to keep you from jumping ship! =^..^=  Warning - this is a long post with lots of pictures!

First of all..... one of the BEST reasons to go the the Red Rooster is the FOOD!!!

Does this look yummy scrumptious, or what?  Oh yes, we chowed down!!!!

All the meals at the Rooster are delicious and hand cooked by Jennifer herself.  She's an excellent cook and loves to cook everything fresh and from scratch.  One dessert was strawberry shortcake, with homemade shortcake and from-scratch whipped cream - YUM!!!  Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that - it was gone before I could even think about a picture LOL!!!

The other great thing about the Rooster is the SPACE!!!

The red arrow shows you where I was sitting - 
when I wasn't eating, or taking pictures, or visiting, or - well you get the idea!  LOL!!!

I was pretty darn productive at this retreat which made me a happy girl!!!  You know how sometimes you go on retreat, and all you seem to get done is a lot eating and sleeping and talking?  Me too!  But not this time...

I started out by quilting my Rainbow Pineapples.  First I stitched in the ditch around each all the borders and then around each pineapple.  The only other quilting I did in the center was to stitch around the center pineapple square for stability.

My quilting gloves are $1.00 gardening gloves from the Dollar Store with the fingers cut off :*D
Then I did a simple freemotion feather in each black corner, which was pretty much wasted effort since you can only see it in the right light....but I was happy with the effect.

I hope to get the binding on it this weekend, and I'll show a final reveal then :*)  

After that, I got caught up on my Piecemaker's Year-Long Mystery Quilt called Baubles and Beads.  We are almost done with this mystery - I finished up Clue #14 at retreat.....

Chain-piecing Clue #13

The clues are coming together!!!  I just love these soft batiks :*)

And last, but certainly not least, I got busy on my Amish Beauties blocks!  First, I had to take apart the two blocks I made in Gatlinburg :(  I was using my new-to-me Bernina 180 for the first time and didn't have my 1/4" seam just right, so they came out almost a quarter inch too small and the pieces didn't fit together very well....

One of these days I'll learn to check that 1/4" inch!!!!  So I did a lot of this first.....

But then I got down to business and eventually I ended up with this.... 11 (almost perfect) blocks complete - WHOOHOO!!!!!!

I'm planning to make 16 blocks for a 4x4 block wall hanging, so 5 more to go.  Since each of these blocks finishes at 6 inches, it won't be very large.  My fellow retreaters thought it would be great if I gave them each one of the blocks as a retreat favor..... you can imagine my response to that suggestion!  :*D

There were some old friends at this retreat as well as some new ones - always a great mix!!!

Our friend Lynn moved away last year to Seattle - we were overjoyed when she flew in for this retreat!  And she was very prolific too.  First she made this oh-so-cute 10-minute table runner.....

With these adorable snowman buttons on each end - too cute!!!!

 Then she started assembling some hand-embroided blocks into a quilt.....This is called Aunt Bea's Parlor from Black Cat Creations.

All of these wonderful 30's fabrics were eventually cut up ....

And used to border her blocks to make this!

She still has to put on the borders, but we all fell in love with this!

It was hard to say goodbye to her when we left, but she's assured us she's coming back in October for the next RRR - whoohoo!!!

We had a few newbies there too!  Cookie LOVED Red Rooster and has already put in her name to come back in October :*)  She worked on her Braid quilt - a Bonnie Hunter pattern - using lots of scraps that she traded with her weekly sewing group.

And Melissa finished up a top before the rest of us were even settled in good!

Her mom, Betty, worked with these wonderful fabrics - I tried really hard to figure out a way to steal them and not get caught ... but... no such luck!

Sandy made the most humongous t-shirt quilt I have ever seen!!!!  She started with this....

Then got busy doing this....

And finally ended up with this....  WOWZERS!!!!

And believe it or not, she had enough t-shirts left over to make another one!!!  Which she started when she finished this one - now that's a labor of love :*)

One of the fun things to look forward to at Red Rooster is flying your completed quilt top - TaDa! - from the top floor banister so everyone can see it.  Here is Joanne with her Red & Black Stars that she had begun at the last retreat.... these beauties just glow!!!

Mary quilted her Redwork Snowmen quilt on her Featherweight.....

I have these patterns too and plan to start stitching them up when I finish Promises & Borders.  I guess I failed to get a picture of the finished quilt, but I can assure you it was amazing!

Pat worked on her Scrappy Asian Road quilt....

...... which turned out gorgeous, of course!  All those sparkly oriental prints - YUM!!!

Carole worked on a gift quilt for a friend - aren't these fabrics just so soft & loverlie?

She had her blinged-out turtle pincushion that Lynn made for her on top of her sewing machine giving her daily support and inspiration :*)

Check out that doily shawl with pearls adorning her back - LOL!!!

And Rose stayed busy playing with some of the most gorgeous batik bricks I've seen in a while!!!  This is planned as a graduation gift, so she put the pedal to the metal and sewed busily the whole time!!!

Michelle decided to model the first strip of her Big Easy quilt...

I can't remember if this picture was before or after she fell on the stairs and put this big hole in the wall - fortunately no quilters were permanently harmed in the filming of this blog!!!

She survived to finish up her quilt top and proudly fly it from the bannister for her Ta-Da moment!

All in all, I think you can tell we had a WONDERFUL time at the Rooster!  It's good to be home though - it always is, isn't it?  I had a few lovely squishies waiting for me too....

I won these beautiful, sweet-smelling handmade soaps from my sweet friend Janet O who blogs over at Rogue Quilter....these are the BEST soaps!!!  Thank you so much Janet :*)

Then I found out I won a copy of the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks #7 issue from Sassafrass Lane - along with four of their gorgeous patterns!!!  Whoohoo!!!!

I can't wait to dig into this great magazine and see all these wonderful blocks!  Shayla is the Editorial Assistant at Quiltmaker and her block is that cute little owl on the front page in the left side column - I will definitely be making a few of those so be on the lookout for them soon!  And if you are new to the Sassafrass Lane blog - be sure to go check them out HERE.  Shayla has a couple of really beautiful quilts in the Blogger's Quilt Festival right now :*)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. How fun to be able to do what you love to do with people you love to be around! Parmesan pork chops????? I'm there!

  2. TOO MUCH FUN! I want to come to the Rooster!
    What a great quilt show...thanks for sharing it!
    I love how you quilted your tiny's such a wonderful quilt!
    And of course...
    just adore your itty bitty amish beauties :)

  3. What a fabulous retreat! Thanks for sharing everything, but have you not heard, what happens at the Rooster stays at the Rooster? At least some of it! LOL. You should see my head! More knots! GREAT TIME! Love to all my great friends that shared this,week!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Looks like a lovely time and so many gorgeaous fabrics and projects.

  6. Looks like it was a wonderful retreat and I can't believe all that you got done! Love the photos of the food, where you worked and all the rest! Congrats on your wins also!

  7. Wow, looks like a wonderful time. Fantastic projects.
    Greetings from Germany, Grit

  8. What a great retreat, and you re-treated us to a bunch of great photos! All in all, a great quilt show!

  9. Thanks for letting us have a look at your Retreat. I enjoyed looking at all the projects.

  10. I had such a wonderful time with you and all my great friends. I love you all so much and hurts more and more each time I have to leave you all. I can wait for October to get here and be back at the Rooster with everyone doing our favorite things, eating & quilting! Lynnie Lou

  11. Wow, is there a diet plan to follow when you come home from Red Rooster? : )
    Beautiful quilting on your rainbow pineapples! And your Amish blocks look stunning!
    I love seeing what everyone was creating. Looks like more fun than I'm allowed to have!

  12. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun!! Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

  13. It really looks like a fabulous place for a retreat . Great projects by everyone , thanks so much for sharing with us .

  14. Oh my - it sounds like it was a wonderful retreat! Thank you for sharing so much eye candy! I especially enjoyed seeing the close-ups of your Pineapples and Amish Beauties - they just pop with color!

  15. What fun! Thanks for sharing all of the quilty goodness you experienced.

  16. So glad you get to go play with all your friends!!! And I enjoy seeing all the beautiful and creative pieces that you all make, but, it is always good to have you home again where I can get ahold of you to talk and pray together! Love ya!

  17. Lots of lovelies that you ladies worked on. Sew cute! Glad no one was hurt falling down the stairs. Loved that doily turtle with the bling.
