
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Back in the Blogging Saddle!

Gentle reminder.... Google Reader shuts down tomorrow!  
If you have been following by GR, I'd love for you to switch over to Bloglovin' so I don't lose you as a valuable follower!!!  Just click on the link on my sidebar to continue following along ♥♥♥

I got home late yesterday afternoon from my "world tour" - aka, visiting a few days with my daughter and then at the TVQA Spring Seminar in Murfreesboro for 3 days :*)  It's always such a delight to spend time with Christy and Emma.  I don't see them nearly enough now that they are three hours away from us in Savannah.  During this trip, I got a special treat ---- Warning!  Serious cute alert coming up ....

Brand new baby kittens!!!!

Adelaide ("Addie") with her newborns =^..^=
 Emma's cat Addie gave birth to these little sweethearts while I was on the road to their house.  Four shiny new faces greeted me upon my arrival!

Sweet little baby face!

Who can resist a newborn baby kitten?  Mama's got a protective paw over this little fellow
Addie is only about a year old herself and this is her first litter, so we were really happy to find that she is an excellent mother and doing a fine job with no help at all.  The proud papa, Harry, is not so sure what is going on, and he's pretty sure he's not happy about it because his playmate is not coming out to play anymore.  So he's finding other ways to keep himself occupied, like playing with my scraps as I was trying to iron them LOL!!!

He's such a ball of energy that it was hard to get a picture that wasn't blurry!
After I left Christy's house, I headed off to Murfreesboro TN and the TVQA Spring Seminar.  I took 4 classes in 3 days, and it was truly a blast!  Actually, I feel a little "blasted" this morning LOL!!!  Pooped and just plain worn out!  But I learned a lot and had so much fun!   I'm sending a shout-out to my friend and great roomie, Lisa!  This was our first time rooming together for anything, and I was delighted to have the opportunity to get to know her better.  She's such a great person and wonderfully easy going!  We got along famously and very quickly came up with a routine that allowed us both to enjoy our stay and each other's company - so lovely!!!

I'll share pictures and adventures from my classes tomorrow for Design Wall Monday.  For today, first up, I just have to share this wonderful fabric sent to me by my wonderful friend, Cheryl who blogs at Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting.

OMG!!!  Cheryl said she saw this fabric and just knew that I would LOVE to have a piece of it because of my love of text fabrics - was she ever RIGHT!!!!  Oh my gosh, I squealed when I opened it!  Not only do I love text fabrics, but I also love crosswords - any kind of word puzzles are special favorites of mine!!!  Cheryl, I can't thank you enough!  This will go in a very special project, something I can look at often and think of you!!!  =^..^=

I also want to share my Slow Stitching Sunday progress and link up at Kathy's Quilts - one of my favorite blogs!  This is a Ta-Da moment for me.....(pardon the wrinkles!)

Yay!!!  I finished the final block for Promises & Borders!!!!
Yes, indeed, my friends, all my whining about these blocks is now officially over!!!  =^..^=

I'll look up my pictures for all of these blocks and try to post them together sometime later this week.  I'm so excited to be done with these stitchery blocks, and I can't wait to trim them down to size, sash and assemble all of these lovely blocks and make them into a wonderfully inspiring quilt!!!

Since I knew I was very close to finishing P&B, I traced off the 3rd block for Winter Wonderland in case I needed another handwork project while I was traveling.....

I also took along my socks, but somehow never got around to working on those.  I understand there was an amazing Knit Shop right around the corner from where I was staying, but I never got a chance to get over there.  I have to find my yarn for the Dreambird Knitalong with Judy and Denise!  (You can go Patchwork Times or Justquiltin with Denise Russart to check that out if you're wondering what I'm talking about.  They both have links to this KAL on their sidebars)  I'm thinking a day trip with my friend Joanne is going to be in order very soon :*D

In closing today, I'll reward you for sticking around to the end by showing you some pictures of stash additions - very little actually - I'm quite proud of myself!!!

First, I found a good-size bottle of Best Press in the Unscented version in Hancocks....

Several of you wondered if the lavender scent in the smaller bottle I was using was bothering my allergies.  That particular scent did not bother me, but then I tried using the peaches and cream scent, and that one did bother me!  It really did a number on my lungs and I began coughing quite a bit.  I also didn't like the hair-spray-type sprayer on those small bottles, so I was happy to find this bigger bottle with the super-duper sprayer and no scent!  Now that I'm home, I'll be continuing my Stash Washing Adventures.  Thank you to so many of you who offered great suggestions and ideas for helping with that - you're the best! - and I will be trying each and every one of them !!!

And now for the Stash Enhancements you've all been waiting for
 - and very patiently too I might add  =^..^=

Pat Sloan had a box of half-yard cuts for $2.50 on her book table, a great price I couldn't resist, especially with some of these lovely colors and prints!

Aren't they wonderful?  Totally irresistible!  Fortunately, I did manage to resist all other fabric offers... unbelievable, I know!  Especially when Hancocks had an entire wall of fabrics in every color and print imaginable for 50% off!!!  I only picked up two pieces of solids in the remnants bin there for peanuts....Yes, I'm good :8)

Be sure to come back tomorrow for some pictures from my classes at Spring Seminar!

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday ♥

Hugs & Blessings!



  1. Such an exciting post to read! The kittens are soooo adorable (all babies are a delight, aren't they?!?!)
    And congrats on finishing the stitcheries!!! Can't wait to see them in a quilt :)
    And can't wait to hear more about your classes....tell us everything!

  2. The little kitties are so adorable.

    I LOVE that fabric that Cheryl sent you! Adorable!

    I cannot wait to see and hear all about your classes!

  3. Awwww - thanks for the kitten pictures - haven't seen any kitties in ages! LOVE the stash enhancement flowery batiks, especially the pink and yellow!

  4. I love finishes, can't wait to see your blocks assembled into a flimsie. Your so organized to have your next project ready to go.

  5. Love the kittens!! Can sure understand your delight with the word fabric. The batiks are wonderful!! Will be right over to pet them.

  6. Lots of eye candy here! From kittens to beautiful stitcheries and that great fabric. Would love to see your finished blocks all together!

  7. Cute kittens! I LOVE the crossword fabric :) All your stitcheries look great.

  8. I don't know where to start. The kittens are so cute! The youngest I've ever seen one was 5 weeks. They look the size of a hamster. Did Mom let you hold one? Sure hope so, I'd be so eager to cuddle one under my chin. Your Pat Sloan fabrics are a fun acquisition that are sure to wind up in the perfect project. Your needle work is excellent ~ friends are good! Sandi

  9. The baby kitties are so cute! Addie looks a lot like my Elly. Such a sweet face.

  10. I don't like most scented things, but, I do like the lavender Best Press. Lots of cute fabrics.

  11. Did you hear a collective "awwwww" as we all looked at the kittens? : )
    Congrats on finishing Promises and Borders! It will be a lovely quilt.
    You were very well behaved in the fabric acquisition department. Weren't you feeling well? *LOL*

  12. Aw is there anything as cute as newborn kittens? So sweet! Beautiful fabrics too.

  13. AWWWW!!! You've got KITTENS!! You're so lucky! I can't get past the kittens ... I know you've posted about wonderful things after the kittens, but I just can't get past them. LOL! :)

  14. I'm just getting around to reading blogs and loved your pics of new babies, your fabic enhancements and all your funny banter. You are one busy lady and I don't know how you manage to keep blogging so often. I guess you have some secrets for getting things done quickly. I really enjoy your blog -- even when I don't leave you a message.
