
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lessons From a Teacup....

Sitting on my side porch in the early morning drizzle and stitching on my current Winter Wonderland block...
            Life is Good!!!

As always at these slow-stitching times, my mind quietens, leaving room for my Lord to speak gently to my soul.  This is the lesson I heard this morning as I lifted an almost empty teacup to my lips and tasted...

"When your cup is full to the brim with a fresh supply of delicious, steaming hot tea, it takes a while away from the hot burner before it grows cold and tasteless and unworthy of its name.  But if that cup is running on empty, and you've neglected to fill up on a fresh supply, it takes no time at all away from the heat before it becomes that most despicable of all things... Cold Dregs!!!  It is the same with you and Me, my Daughter.... stay filled up with My Love, My Word, and My Presence, and all will be well with your soul!"


This current block of Winter Wonderland is coming along very nicely, if a little more slowly than I would like.....

I am thinking I will adopt my friend Barbara's (Cat Patches) habit of stitching a little bit each morning before she starts her day.  Otherwise, it will be another lifetime before this project is done LOL!!!  And it is a good time for me to sit and reflect quietly on the day ahead and "fill up" with all that I need in order to face it :*)

I'm linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching today....and praying for her and her family as they go through the loss of her beloved brother ..... life can also sometimes be very cruel.....

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Lovely thought in today's post. I like to take my morning's for quiet reflection too.

  2. Thanks for reminding me what I love about stitching. Just wish the weather would cool off so I could quilt on the terrace. Another 100 degree day here, till then I will stitch inside in the ac! Your snowman took me back to a cold wintery day I remember when I lived in WI, awhhhhh the snow is so cold!

  3. Your Winter Wonderland is looking great... the blue is gorgeous! I am looking forward to the rest of my household returning to school on Tuesday and getting back into a normal routine.

  4. A wonderful post - a good reminder.

    The snowman block is progressing nicely - I love the snowflake fabric as a background. When I saw it, I immediately though, "why didn't I think of that"

  5. What a wonderful lesson this morning - and a great way to start the day. blessings, marlene

  6. Thanks for sharing your inspired thoughts with us, Teresa.
    Your snowman stitchery is going to be a smile-maker! So cute. : )

  7. Nice post. I love that snowman pattern. Blessings to you, too!

  8. A great post today and I love how your snowmen are coming along. You will find that just a few stitches a day really does make a big difference and gets the job done (from a Mom who steals away little bits of 5-10 minute time all day long!)

  9. thanks for the inspiring thoughts this morning, Teresa. I find that it is the same with me. When I spend time with Him and in His presence, I am always full to the overflowing, but when I move away from that, I have very little of any value to offer anyone else! Blessings!

  10. Your stitching is so perfect! I also go to my quilting chair each morning with a project and but I drink a cup of flavored coffee. It is a wonderful way to start my day!

  11. Your stitching is so nice (as is your whole post!). I used to sit and hand quilt in the mornings for an hour or so and it was amazing how much I got done. Now I waste my time on this computer! Should go back to stitching!

  12. Thanks for the inspirational thoughts. You expressed it so perfectly!

  13. Beautiful stitching! I've also had Kathy on my mind today, such a loss! What a faithful sister she's been!

  14. Amen sister. May it be well with our souls this and every day.

  15. Beautiful thought for the beginning of the week. Your winter snowman block is coming along nicely. Love that you used a snowflake fabric for the background. You are sooo smart!

  16. What a lovely post! Your idea of quietly working each morning sounds great to me. Slowing down to do hand work just feels good-a restorative to one's soul.
    Have a great week,

  17. Love that little lesson you shared with us this morning. I love your little Winter Wonderland ... hopefully by putting in a few stitches early each morning, you'll get it done in no time. ;-)

  18. Deep thoughts with Teresa! I LOVE IT! I wish I could get my mom to get back into hand embroidery, but, she says it gives her a headache. Your's is very nicely stitched!

  19. Thank you for your loving thoughts Teresa ;)
