
Friday, November 29, 2013

Headed Home!!!

We are on our way home! We've had such a WONDERFUL time sharing the Holidays with our loved ones :) It is unbelievable how much we are going to miss them, but it will be good to be home too. Such is Life, right?

Gypsy is looking forward to being home even more than we are!!!

Finished up Christy's socks and gifted them while we were together .... They were supposed to go in her stocking, but .....

I think she likes them :)

Working on my Wingspan on the long drive home.

So thankful that I can knit without getting carsick! This is such a mindless project - I love it! And it is about halfway done :)

Check back soon .... I am joining in TWO Giveaway Blog Hops very soon - more details soon. For now, be sure to visit Judy's On the Needles for more yarn creations!!! (

Hugs & Blessings!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hope you all had a wonderful visit with family! You gotta get home to see Bonnie's first clue!!!!!! LOL

  2. Yes, I would say she loves them. Have a safe ride home.

  3. Why put socks in the stocking when you can put them on feet? : )
    It is nice to not get carsick, isn't it? I stitch or read as we drive and my kids can hardly believe it. They all get carsick. Wingspan is coming along nicely.
    Won't it be nice to be home?

  4. I've missed seeing your works but knew you were enjoying the family. Christy's socks are beautiful. You really did a nice job on them. I love how tall they are too. Your Gypsy looks a lot like my Lucky. I could never get her to ride in a car though.

  5. Love your Wingspan! And those stockings look mighty cozy. How did you get your cat to travel so happily in the car? Ours sound like they are dying.

  6. So glad that you had such a nice time - and yes, it's always nice to get back home, isn't it? We are spending the weekend in Paducah, and I got some hexie basting done In the 2+ hour drive down here - it's wonderful to find something I can do in the car without getting carsick (most of our travels are 12+ hours one way). Your Wingspan is coming along so nicely!

  7. The socks look like a perfect fit! She looks happy! Kitty cat looks anxious to get home, LOL - very fun photo! Cheers! Evelyn

  8. Glad you enjoyed the ride home. I see you won over at CatPatches. Enjoy those barn quilt ornaments.
