
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A "Tranquil" Nursery

So many of you left comments saying how much you liked the baby quilts I recently made for some sweet, sweet little grand-babies .... THANK YOU SO MUCH for all those kinds comments!!!  (If you missed them, you can click HERE)

I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of these quilts being gifted during my visit home for Thanksgiving last week in North Carolina.

Here is Anna (my DIL) happily showing off Tranquility at her baby shower!  What a blessing it was to be able to be there for that event!  I miss so many of these things living so far away :(

Tranquility is the rag quilt I made for Cooper, our newest grandson who is due the day after Christmas.  Anna & Josh absolutely LOVED the quilt!  I drew a deep sigh of relief, considering all the things they wanted me to consider while making it (read about their ideas for the quilt HERE).  (Short recap - my son is a hunter, and he wanted to recapture the tranquil feel of the forest for this little one's room - nothing "cutsie" or "babyish" for this little guy!!!!)

And we were all delighted with how well it goes in the new nursery.  Here are a few pictures of their "Tranquility" nursery for Cooper.....  did they nail "tranquil and serene," or what????

What baby wouldn't be happy in these sweet, gentle surroundings?  
(Yes, my son painted those stripes!)

One little corner all ready for some sweet times of rocking and smiling into innocent little eyes :*)
Anna has chosen the perfect sage/brown/cream plaid drapes for those windows

I hope Cooper learns how to Dream Big early in life!!!!!
(Did you notice the little John Deere piggy bank?  
And teensy, tiny deer antler plaque in front of the monkey?)

They even have a deer-antler light switch!!!!

Everyone I know would love to have one of these soft cuddly rag quilts!  
I've even got ideas for making another one for me =^..^=


As for the presentation of Miss Genevieve's Banners quilt .....

.....  I think she was more impressed with the tissue it was wrapped in LOL!!!  But her mommy and daddy loved it, and I'm sure Genevieve will too when she gets old enough to enjoy it :*)  She's right at 8 months now, beginning to stand and doing her version of a crawl, which her parents call "crawking" - it's too cute for words!!!

Here she is with her Grandpa - I think she was pretty impressed with him too, wouldn't you say?

Once again, thanks for all your sweet appreciation for these two love-filled quilts :*)  I have to get busy now with a few Christmas gifts - time is growing short!!!


Just a reminder - come back for TWO GIVEAWAY POSTS during this upcoming week!!!!

Tomorrow - December 5 - I'm joining Jacquelynne Steves for her.....

And then Monday, December 9 - I'll be joining Terri Stegmillar's Blog Hop ......

Paws in the Garden - by Terri Stegmillar
Photo Courtesy of Terri Stegmillar Art Quilts

Great giveaway items on both of these Blog Hops....

So ya'll come back now, ya hear????

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. I am so green over here, what a cute one and to have a soon to be grandson.....I want him!!!!

  2. What a wonderful, soothing nursery, but then I am very partial to earth tones and that room would fit right in my house.
    Cute little girl dancing with her grandpa--they were dancing, weren't they? : )
    Oh, you busy blog hoppin' lady! How do you do it all?

  3. Beautiful quilt! It will be loved. So glad you got to go to the shower. The photo of Rose and her grandpa is wonderful!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Such precious photos of wonderful memories... I had a smile on my face looking at each one!

  5. Both quilts in this post are gorgeous! I especially like the banner quilt. :) Beautiful work!

  6. I'll be back but in the meantime, I love that rag quilt!

  7. How fun to see both quilts gifted! What a great baby room. Looking forward to visiting during both hops.

  8. I am not the least bit surprised that the baby quilts were big hits. Why wouldn't they be? And thanks for the "tour" of the baby's room - it's gorgeous!

  9. Imagine me playing the banjo to the Beverly Hillbillies theme song as I tell you how perfect both of those baby quilts are!

  10. Both baby quilts were perfect for their intended recipients. Loved Cooper's soothing room decor and the rag quilt was just the right accessory. You are one lucky grandma .

  11. The nursery is so sweet for a boy. I love those colors. Genevieve is adorable.
