
Monday, January 13, 2014

DWM - 1/13/14

My Design Wall has a hodgepodge of things on it (and around it!) this morning...

Block #10 - Vintage Valentine

My mom and my sister both asked for a Vintage Valentine block for their table topper frames for Christmas (see below picture - didn't it turn out cute???)  I did have to leave off the top valentine from the original design so it would fit in the frame, but it still looks beautiful, doesn't it?

I decided since I was doing this block, I might as well go ahead and make one for my quilt too, right?  All the pieces are fused down on the block and ready for machine buttonhole-stitch applique.  I believe that will make 8 of the 12 blocks complete, plus I have the center medallion fused down and ready for applique as well.  Since this is one of my Dinosaurs, I'm glad to get refreshed on it and know that I am this far along!!!

And speaking of Dinosaurs.... it's time for me to "bag" one - 
isn't that what the big game hunters do?  LOL!!!

Dinosaur UFO #1
Rag Circles Doll Quilt

These blocks are a REALLY old UFO!!!  A true Dinosaur!!!  One of my earliest, actually.  In my first year of quilting, I took part in a Guild sit-n-sew where we were given instructions to make so many raw-edge circle blocks from our scraps, like this one .....

And then we cut them up into fourths and swapped with others.  We then sewed the fourths together to make a new scrappy circle.  I got mine sewn up to halves in class ... I remember it being a fun day!!!

Of course, swapping with others that meant that not all the circles lined up perfectly, and some sewers made better circles than others, etc.  Part of the package in a swap, right?  But with rag circles it really doesn't matter because the edges will ruffle and lose definition when they are washed anyway :*)  And I think the wonky connections will add some edginess to it.

I used this Easy Circle Cut ruler for my circles, and it worked perfectly!!!!

This was originally intended to be a lap quilt, but I've decided that I don't really like it enough to spend that much time and energy on it.  I'm going to sew up the blocks I have - 12 - and make a doll quilt for my nine-year-old granddaughter, Reaghan.  She still loves baby dolls and I think this will make a lovely birthday gift for her.  It will go quickly, and that will be the demise of my first Dinosaur UFO!!!  I'll keep you posted :*)

January NewFO & "Let's Book It" Challenge
Rose Medallion

It was SO MUCH FUN to finally open this book and begin to work on this project!!!  

I made copies of the templates for this project yesterday and began to prep them for hand applique.  I had originally decided I didn't want to take time to do hand applique, but the more I looked at this gorgeous burst of colors, the more I knew that machine applique was not going to get it.  And besides, I've really begun to enjoy hand applique since I learned how to do the starch method, and these pieces will not be that difficult to do.....

I also prepped the hearts and other pieces for the Miniature Heart Blooms UFO at the same time.  I actually managed to get a lot done yesterday during the football games, even though our Carolina Panthers fell to the 49ers :(

And for those of you who may not know Morning Glory Designs, Reeze has announced a new FREE BOM design for 2014.....  there's a contest going on right now to name it and you can win some lovely fat quarters if you suggest the winning name :)

Isn't this a GORGEOUS design????

mexican tiles BOM final

....Block 1 is available HERE now if you are interested in these lovely blocks!!!  But you must hurry, because after January, it will no longer be free.  Don't you love that border?  Reeze is famous for her borders :*)  PLUS - if you sign up for her newsletter, you will receive a Bonus Block each month - absolutely free!

I'm going to download and save the patterns, but in the effort to work my SIMPLIFY mojo this year, I won't start on this one now.  One day, though - I can definitely see this quilt in my future!!!

So that's it for me .....
What's on YOUR Design Wall?

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Love that heart block! I'm just starting a new fused appliqué quilt but it is Christmas. Yea for finishing off a UFO and reminder about the free bom. I was going to save it also. Not sure it'll be in my future but I am going to save all the parts.

  2. Awesome heart! Good job on the dinosaurs; I have a few of them waiting for me to bag also.

  3. Your heart is gorgeous. I think those circles will be wonderful too. I'd love to see them ragged up.

  4. TERESA!!! I *love* that heart block!! I need something for my stand next month -- did you have the whole pattern and just use a block from it for them?!? Dang -- so sweet!!!!!

    Bag yourself an ol' dinosaur, sweetie!! ;)

    I love the Morning Glory BOM -- I've already started saving it and I *really* love that she gives a bonus block to newsletter subscribers! It's one of the few quilt-related newsletters I held onto when I went through my annual purge/unsubscribe!! :)

  5. What a beautiful little Valentine quilt! Nice job, girlfriend!
    I find all kinds of uses for that circle cut ruler--even marking Baptist Fans for quilting.
    That is a gorgeous new project to applique. Wonder what colors you will be using--any purple, teal or blue in it? : )

  6. Love the hearts - Valentines is just around the corner. I like some of those blocks in the BOM, but I am not fond of applique - maybe a one block wonder for a doll quilt though. And your book it project looks interesting.

  7. I love that circle quilt Teresa! And, Santa brought me that circle cutter for Christmas! Thanks for the inspiration on that one, and I can't wait to see your hand applique project! Better you than me! LOL

  8. Love your vintage heart block! And the swap doing the scrappy circle quilt looks like fun!

  9. Love your vintage heart block! And the swap doing the scrappy circle quilt looks like fun!

  10. The valentin block is so sweet!

  11. fun stuff on your design wall. love your little heart quilt.

  12. Sweet hearts!! Love the block. Can't wait to see what comes out of your new FO and book it, looks like a very interesting book.

  13. The rag circles is such a great idea! Did you sew the circles straight on to the background fabric or affix them with something like Vliesofix first?

  14. Your heart block is gorgeous. The Vintage Valentine is one of my dinosaurs too. I think I am only on block 2 and I know I have had it for like 9 to 10 years. Just can not seem to finish that one. I found your blog from Connie and I am your newest follower. Hope you will stop by and follow me as well.

  15. Your Valentines are amazing. Very romantic.

  16. I like those circles, and I like that they don't line up perfectly. It catches the eye, and makes it look like things are moving. Cute quilt. Your granddaughter will like it.

  17. I participated in a swap of those circle blocks, but we called them bullseye blocks. I made a lap quilt out of them. That book looks very intriguing - may have to find a copy of it. Look foward to seeing your applique. Thanks for sharing, Teresa!

  18. Beautiful hearts and I made 3 of those dinosaur quilts.....lots of fun! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday
