
Thursday, January 23, 2014

On the Needles - 1/24/14

I managed to sneak in a little needle time during my evenings this week, which always makes me a happy girl! :*)

I started the Swing Cowl!!!!

Last week, Denise really encouraged me to go ahead and start this project because "it is so much fun!"  Of course, I couldn't resist that, so I sat down that night and started it.  If you've seen her gorgeous Swing Cowl (go HERE), then I'm sure you understand why I was so anxious to start one too!  And she's right, this one is a lot of fun and holds my interest easily :)

Here is another picture of where I am so far.... even though this is a night pic and not so great, it will give you an idea of how far I've gotten and the lovely movement in the design!  The colors appear much darker here than they really are....

This is the yarn I am using, so there will be many lovely variations of color transitions - YUM!!!

I did my first provisional cast-on for this - I love learning new things!!!

By the way - pay no attention to those fingernails which are in desperate need of a manicure!!!  
I think I need to hire a fingernail stunt double -- Anyone interested?  
The pay is lousy, but you'd get to play with lots of lovely yarns & fabrics! :*D

I also managed to show some love to my red House Targaryen socks......

This one is just about ready to start working on the heel - yippee!!!  I really enjoy working on socks.... I sure do hope this pair fits me :)

And last but not least is confession time..... I bought yarn!!!  Although I had made up my mind that I wasn't going to do that, and I really want to knit from my stash, I caved in to the pressure of a pattern I want to make and a SALE!!!  Okay, I admit it, I'm a sucker for a sale!  Knit Picks had this lovely deep royal blue fingering yarn on sale last week...........

.....  so I bought enough to make a Rocio Sweater - see it HERE on Ravelry.....

Of course, the color is not quite right, even taken in broad daylight :(
So that will add 2,200 yards to my stash report on the side banner.  I'm hoping to finish up Wingspan soon which will counterbalance that number soon :*)

Used this week:  0 yds
Used this year:  0 yds
Stashed this week:  2,200 yds
Stashed this year:  2,200 yds
Net Stash:  2,200 yds stashed

So what's on your needles?  
Please share with us at Judy's Patchwork Times linky party!!!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Oh really want MEEEEE to be your manicure double? LOLOLOLOLOL Enjoy your new goodies and projects!

  2. I so love that knitting design in your cowl.

  3. All your knitting projects are wonderful. I really love the swing cowl one especially. BTW what does that little safety pin mean on your socks? I have never used any of those but I must get me some -- they are so cute.!

  4. Your nails look way better than mine, sweetie! Oh, I love that blue yarn - would almost make me start a new hobby.

  5. You definitely don't want my nails to double for yours! ha! Not sure what is going on with them ... they keep splitting horizontally at the "quick". Grrrr

    I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that blue yarn you bought ... gorgeous! I can NOT wait to see the sweater you make with that!!

  6. OMG everything you have going on is beautiful! I love the red socks! Heck I love everything! :)
    And your new yarn.......drool! Knit On Girlfriend!!!

  7. I vote for Kevin the Quilter as your manicure double. LOL! Your cowl is going to be GORGEOUS!! And that blue yarn is luscious! :)

  8. The swing cowl looks like fun and love the colors! That Knit Picks yarn is gorgeous, just my color!!!! Great knitting projects Teresa. Thanks for the swing cowl info. I may just try knitting that one too.

  9. I may not know diddly about yarn crafts, but, you sure did pick some lovely colors!

  10. Love your red socks! And your cowl does look like fun. Lovely knitty eye candy!!

  11. Nice! So what are you going to make with that pretty blue yarn?

  12. Ooh that blue yarn is pretty! And I love your red socks too! But I have to confess... I was wondering what on earth a "swing COW" was.. then I grabbed my reading glasses!

  13. Neat projects!! I love the blue yarns that you found. They will be so nice to work with. I love knitting in the evenings, it's so relaxing.
