
Friday, January 3, 2014

We've Got Company!!!!

Sugar donuts for breakfast!
Hey, at Grandma & Grandpa's you can have anything you want, right?
....... so needless to say, there won't be a lot of blogging going on around here LOL!!!

Lots of running, and jumping, and make-believe.....

I can jump THIS high!!!!

What does the Fox say??????????

He loves his Boombox he got for Christmas....

...... this child has music in his bones!  Any time he hears music, he starts to dance :*)

He was really tickled when he discovered that Grandma and Grandpa have TOYS at our house!  

These were all the favorite toys of our older grandchildren -- the oldest is now 18!!! -- and they were bought at yard sales & flea markets even back then, so that will give you an idea of just how old these toys are.  You just can't find toys like these anymore.

We all fell over laughing when he tried to sit on this tiny little potty LOL!!!

I'll be taking Hudson and his mommie home to North Carolina in a few days, where I will finally get my hands on the cutest new addition to the family, Cooper!!!  There will be much love shared with his big brother and sister too :*)

And for a HUGE bonus, I'll get lots of quality traveling time with these two sweet granddaughters...

I'll be putting up one more post later today listing my Dinosaur UFO's for 2014, but after that, blogging will take a little break and pick back up after grandbaby time ♥♥♥

So for now, Pooh Bear says, "See ya later!"  


PS - Just in case any of you were on the fence about signing up for the oh-so-cute Bertie's Year lazer-cut BOM, the sign up fee is now 50% off through January 5!  Click HERE to check it out....

Hug & Blessings!


  1. Oh my goodness, your heart is going to be so full! Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful time with your sweeties!

  2. Looks like you are in the BEST company!! Enjoy!
    (Oh, you temptress!!)

  3. I wrote about my #1 Dinosaur here:

    PS: I'm working on the No Reply thing...

  4. Happy times... your post makes me smile. Enjoy every second!

  5. You have a beautiful family, enjoy your time with them.
    Happy New Year.
    Always, Queenie

  6. Looks like you are having a holiday too wonderful for words. Enjoy every minute! What a little sweetie.

  7. How cute is that little one! Anything goes at gramma's house

  8. YAY!!!! What fun you'll be having these next few days -- and then the trip on top of that??! You won't be able to stand all the happiness!! Have a blast and we can't wait to hear all about it!! Oh -- and thanks for sharing the 50% off thing -- I think! LOL! HUGS!!! :)

  9. Oh what a cutie pie. He looks like so much fun to be around. Enjoy your time with all your grandkids. You are blessed to have them.

  10. Enjoy the special Gramma time ahead, it sounds perfect...I love the toys, too ~

  11. Grammy time saturation. That is great. I need to get some more toys for our house too. We ran out of things to do when they ran out of batteries for their toys during the last snow storm.

  12. You're a blessed woman! Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

  13. Look at all of the quality family time you have had! Your grand kids are adorable!
