
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Playing in Pinks for February!

I really haven't finished with the January BLUES yet for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but February snuck up on me, so I had to start pulling out the PINKS as well :*)  My PINK stash is pretty slim, and the scraps are even slimmer, but I finally managed to pull together some fabrics for Hootie and Soul Searching.

It will be very interesting to see if these come together to make a few decent blocks!  
I traced off the fusible shapes for the February Hootie last night while watching TV....

I still need to dig into these crumb jars and whittle them down.....

Just look at all those yummy little scraps just waiting to become a gorgeous little quilt!!!

I have a few ideas of what I might like to do with them, but I probably won't decide for sure until I sit down and start playing :)

And after I finished tracing the Hootie pieces last night, I sat back and relaxed with some knitting.  Before I knew it, Wingspan was DONE - WOOHOO!!!

There are supposed to be 8 "wings" but as you can see from the tiny ball of yarn remaining, I didn't have enough for another wing.  I think this will be fine, though, since I'm built rather small - at least from the waist up LOL!!!  This still needs to be blocked, but all the ends are worked in and it is ready to go!  This will knock 400 yards off my stash yardage :*)

So what's in the works for me today?  First, I'm excited to show you the February Bertie wall hanging that I finished embroidering this week....

Isn't this just too darn cute?  

The white edging embroidery stitches took FOREVER and were not easy to keep uniform, so don't look too closely :)  Today, I plan to sandwich and quilt it and get it up on the wall so we can enjoy it all month.  The January Bertie only got two weeks' wall time, which is a shame because I love it so!!!

One last peek!!!!

Later on, I will be joining Kathy's Quilts doing some Slow Sunday Stitching on my little hand-applique Miniature Heart Blooms while watching the Super Bowl!

You can tell from the red hearts on the left that this was an early attempt at hand applique!  I was trying to do them by needleturn, but they are not very smooth.  I may end up taking them out and redoing them..... but then again, maybe not.  From past experience, I've learned that sometimes it doesn't really show that much when looking at a completed quilt.  Since this will be for my own personal enjoyment, I may decide to leave it as is :*)

I'm also hoping to get a few of these pieces for Rose Medallion prepped with the luscious oriental fabrics - I'm really anxious to see how that's going to look!!!  It's been quite a while since I played with the orientals - a task that I enjoy way too much LOL!!!

Also linking up with Judy's Design Wall Monday & Connie's Tuesday Linky Party :)

I wish a lovely week for you all!!!

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Congratulations on finishing Wingspan - that is just gorgeous! You have lots of handwork going.

  2. If you need more pink, let me know. I've made 6 quilts total for my granddaughters, and pink had a starring role in 3 of them ... a supporting role in the other 3. ;-)

    Your Berties are adorable!!! I love them!

    I am determined to learn to applique ... some day. ha!

  3. Hope to see wingspan at guild. It's beautiful, but everything you do is.

  4. Your pinks are luscious! I have some of those fabrics! Your Bertie blocks are to die for! I would love to do this.. but I have enough going on - so I will just enjoy yours! Thanks

  5. I found out I hardly have any pink, just not my color I guess. Your Bertie blocks are just wonderful!

  6. Have to agree with the others that your Bertie blocks are adorable. You have lots to keep you busy this rainy afternoon in middle TN!

  7. Great pinks!!! I love your crumb jars!

  8. So many lovely projects just Love the pinks. Your jars of crumbs look so inviting.

  9. So many fun projects going on! Looks like you have some pretty pinks in your pile. Enjoy your handwork.

  10. So much fun to see all your great projects! Wingspan is beautiful!

  11. Your pinks looks wonderful and not slim at all by my standards. Wingspan is beautiful. I love the colors you chose. Your Bertie wallhangings are adorable. The embroidery really sets them off well. You do such beautiful work on all your projects.

  12. Wingspan is absolutely gorgeous, Teresa!!
    Why do you have to keep sharing those awfully cute little Bertie quilts? I can only take so much temptation, you know. My LQS has all of the patterns for the year and every time I see them I think of yours and wish they were mine and think I might cave in. So far I have remained strong, but I might have to quit reading your blog so that I can maintain my resolve. They are so very fun!
    And then you hit me with that tiny, wonderful Miniature Heart Blooms. I can't take much more of this, my dear!! : )
    Wonderful post!

  13. Pretty pinks. You did a great job with your hand applique!

  14. That's a great supply of pinks - you'll do well.

  15. Teresa - don't you know the rule - If you can't see a "boo boo" from a galloping horse, don't take it out! Besides it may only be a perceived boo boo anyhow. You are right, the needle turn red hearts are fine! Great job. Glad you finished your Wingspan. Don't you hate it when you don't have enough yarn for the intended project?

  16. Wingspan is gorgeous! Love the February Bertie. Very cute.

  17. Wow Teresa where do I begin? Love it all! The shawl, the lovely pinks, the blocks. You are a busy person.

  18. Oh my, I just love Hootie! One of him made up in each color family will be wonderful.

  19. Wingspan is fabulous and I love how you store your scraps. So pretty xxx

  20. All of your projects are gorgeous! Your Bertie quilts are just adorable. And Wingspan looks so soft and warm. Lovely!!

  21. So much beauty to enjoy! Love that Bertie series you are doing! Enjoy your SLow Stitching!

  22. You have very nice pretty pinks! Perfect for the month of February. Regarding your applique hearts: I have also noticed that the overall look may be more important than each stitch or piece.

  23. Girl, you have a ton of pinks. My pile is puny next to yours. Everything is wonderful in this post. Love those hearts.

  24. All your pretty pinks! I see pink *everywhere* now! LOL! And I love your finished Wingspan! It's beautiful! What does 'blocking' mean? And Bertie is sweet this month! How fun she'll be to work on! :)

  25. I love those bird creations! I'll be following you around now, too! :O)

  26. Your Wingspan is beautiful! I also love your heart flowers; heart anything is one of my favorites. Did you get a lot done during the Super Bowl? We certainly enjoyed the outcome! There was a huge celebratory parade in the city today.

  27. Would you mind sharing the type of thread you used for your machine stitching on your Bertie's?
