
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Slow Stitching and an Easter Bunny!!!

Just in time for Easter morning, I finished up my Cottontail Bunny small quilt!

Look at that cute little pink nose - ahhhhhh how sweet!

I did a FMQ "furry" stitch around the bunny ♥

I was very happy with how this stitch gave it a "real fur" look :)

Hand stitching a small sleeve for the hanger.....

And now Cottontail is gracing our fireplace in the living room ...
We love it!!!

Today, I'll be Slow Stitching along with others at Kathy's Quilts linky party!  

May Bertie is ready for her hand-stitched embellishments....
this may be my favorite hat of them all so far :)

Looks like Bertie has had enough of winter too - she's hauling in the flowers herself!  
She'll have Spring one way or the other LOL!!!

Not a lot of stitching on this month's quilt.  Just the green stems for the flowers, and gold for Bertie's foot and a black french knot for her eye.  Then I'll put a big black button in the center of the wheel.  And of course I'll add the details on the darling little bee!  Even the stitching around the frame is a simple one this month :)

And I thought I would show you the progress I've made on the final Blue Collection vase....

Not much done yet, but once the pieces are prepared it takes no time at all to actually applique them down, so this will be done soon.  I enjoy this type of applique so much!

Of course, all day today, my mind and heart will be on Jesus!!!!

Background quilt with all those delicious
feathers by Janet O of Rogue Quilter!!!

Because He lives, so can we ♥♥♥

Happy Easter!


  1. Adorable Easter bunny - the FMQ fur is a great idea!

  2. Love coming to your blog :) So glad you post at Kathy's too though! Love your bunny finish... looks awesome :) Love seeing your applique layout... can you show more pics of your applique and how you do it? I am trying to teach myself! lol Kathi

  3. Such a fun bunny...wonderful job. Your cross is lovely.

  4. Such a sweet Easter Bunny - the stitching really does look like fur!
    Enjoy stitching the new Bertie!

  5. Love your bunny! Very creative idea with the 'furry' stitching! Send Bertie my way with Spring please! It will be a while yet before I have flowers blooming here.

  6. You Bunny is so adorable! I love it. And that Cross is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
    Happy Easter!
    xo jan@ Sew and Sow Farm

  7. Love that bunny and Bertie, too. Happy Easter!

  8. Love your bunny and that stitch looks awesome on there! Enjoy your slow stitching. Bertie is very cute.

  9. I absolutely love your bunny! Love the way your stitches gives the look of a soft furry bunny! Of course Bertie always looks wonderful!

  10. Your bunny turned out so cute. I love the fabric you used for the bunny.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  11. Love your bunny!!! So adorable:) Hope your Easter was blessed!

  12. Your bunny is adorable and I thought I saw that cute little nose twitch! Bertie looks stunning in her Spring hat too. Your FMQ skills are just perfect on the bunny. I think you've mastered it.

  13. Brilliant move to give the bunny a furry edge--looks wonderful! The little quilt turned out so cute!
    Bertie is looking ready for the Easter Parade!
    That is a beautiful cross--yes, that quilt behind it does looks familiar. : )

  14. What a fabulous way to make that little bunny look furry - genious!

    Bertie is adorable as always ... yours is coming along nicely ... I love the little flower cap.

    Hope you had a blessed Easter.

  15. Your little bunny is precious!!! What a great job! Love the FMQ edge you did - it really does look like fur!

  16. The bunny turned out adorable. The stitching is great.
    Bertie is humming right along

  17. Your bunny is perfect. Love how you gave him fur.
    Oh, I am so behind on my Bertie BOM. Trying not to stress about them. Hard to do though.

  18. "Because He Lives" is one of my all time favorite songs, ever!
