
Friday, June 27, 2014

On the Needles and On Pause .....

I'm sure you've noticed that my posts have slowed down...... Summer just seems to slow things down, at least for me.  Is that true for you too?

Not a lot happening On the Needles.....I've done more un-knitting than knitting on my Rocio summer sweater....

See that hole near the edge there at the top?
I have NO IDEA how that happened, but I had to go back & fix it.

So far, I have managed to finish up one full segment of the lacing for the back.  And that's an accomplishment, let me tell you!  I have put in and taken out every row at least twice, and sometimes more!  I thought it would get easier as I went along, but so far that has not been true. But it's actually beginning to look like it's supposed to, so I'm happy.

The Happy Dance socks have gotten very little love, but that's okay because I really only work on those when I have to fill time like appointments, etc.

One big reason I don't have time to blog much lately is that we are enjoying this sweet young lady granddaughter, Sara, and her puppy, Link, for a visit from their home in North Carolina ....

Having a sixteen-year-old in the house is a fun new experience for me and her grandpa.  Not to mention the addition of a puppy!!!  Needless to say, our elderly kitty, Gypsy who is accustomed to reigning supreme in this home has been very scarce these past few days.  Her nose is definitely out of joint!  Link would love to get to know Gypsy better and play with her, but Gypsy will have NONE OF IT!!!!

Our first activity when Sara arrived?   .....Grocery shopping of course for her favorite foods :)  Then our next stop was at the local Joanns.  Even though she is not really interested in learning how to sew or quilt, Sara loves to makes crafts.  We bought this fun kit to make a couple of cute pillows for her room.....

And she LOVES science!!!  We had quite a hard time trying to decide what to bring home from the many different science kits available.  Since our home survived my cooking experiments, we really didn't want to burn the house down with science experiments, so we ended up with this kit that has a lot of different simple experiments.

So far she has been happily making fun stuff like crystal rainbows, snow & crystal trees....

We also purchased fabric to make her a pair of shortie lounging pj's!

Sara loves anything with little woodland creatures!!
This is a soft blue knit - perfect for summer lounging!
I haven't sewn clothing in quite a while, but for some reason I've had a hankering for it lately, so we'll see how that goes!

What have you got going on for summer?  
Is it slowing you down?  
Maybe that's a good thing!!!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Nothing better then spending time with family! Enjoy your time with Sara and her pup and have fun with your projects! The pillows are adorable.

  2. Looks like you are in good company. There is no better reason for slowing it all down. Well, at least you will be slowing down your quilting, knitting, etc. I doubt that life itself will seem to take a slower pace! : )

  3. It's great that you are able to have time with your grand daughter. I love the fabric she's chosen for her pj's. My sewing slows down in the summer as well, mainly due to time spent in the garden and this year the watching of the soccer world cup xx

  4. What fun!! Her new lounging pjs will sort of match her new pillows. Have tons of fun!! Summer has slowed me down, but not for lack of wanting! Our weather has been horrendous and it's been difficult getting motivated.

  5. Have a great time with Sara. The other stuff will wait patiently...... The garden takes up some time here, but we can always count on a rainy day to spend time knitting or sewing. Love that knit fabrid!

  6. That's a great way to spend your summer! I can imagine the excitement of the addition of a puppy to the mix!!! How long will they be with you?

    Enjoy your time....crafts can wait. Have fun sewing.

  7. If there's ever a good reason to take a break from sewing, it would be getting to spend some time with a grand! Enjoy her visit!

  8. How fun to have your granddaughter for a visit! Link is so cute! I hope Gypsy will warm up to him, she might. Looks like some fun projects for you and Sara

  9. When the real heat comes I will slow down but for now, I'm finishing ; ) enjoy your company and your knitting

  10. Your knitting project is looking good and I admire you tackling that pattern. What fun to have your granddaughter to share your home with and her cute puppy. I think that is a very good reason to slow down and enjoy the summer. Cute fabric for the lounge pjs and it goes well with the pillow kit too.

  11. Your knitting project is very pretty. You will have a great time with the grand daughter and the puppy.

  12. Have fun with your grand-daughter and the puppy! That science kit looks interesting, did you get it at Joann also? My grand-son is going to stay with me next week.

  13. I think we all just get busy in summer. I know I do. Enjoy time with loved ones.
