
Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The Parmesan Pork Chops last night were wonderful!!!

Fortunately I managed to put dinner on the table without burning down the house!  However, I cannot tell a lie or even a small one by omission..... I did burn the first batch of little Ramen noodles I put in the oven to "toast" for the Crunchy Salad.  I overcame that setback pretty quickly by crushing up the other half of the package, popping them in the oven and setting the timer for half the time before - worked like a charm!

The pork chops got gone pretty quickly - I almost forgot to get a picture!  There's just enough left for us to have for lunch tomorrow.  They were very tender, even though they had been frozen and thawed.  I have found that often makes chops tougher.  I like the fact that they are baked rather than fried :)  And the spices were just right, giving them a really nice flavor.  When it comes to spices, I have to depend on the recipe to know what it's doing, because I don't cook enough to know if I should add or take out a particular spice.

This is not a recipe for the weight conscious.... it takes TWO sticks of butter!  But I'm here to tell you, they were GOOD :)  And although the recipe was not particularly easy, it wasn't too terribly complicated either.  It was enough that I felt as though I had accomplished something when I was done.  But it wasn't so hard that I would shy away from making them again.

With all that butter, I was glad to have my apron on - don't you love it's brightness?!?  
No, it's not "loud" - it's just nice & bright!!!

The Crunchy Salad was really, really easy!  The recipe called for pre-packaged slaw mix and broccoli slaw mix, and I diced up a small onion to add to them.  All I had to mix up was the sauce that went over it - and to toast the noodles of course :)  This side dish was not particularly to My Guy's liking, but I liked it very well and was pretty happy with the way it turned out.  Both dishes would have made Miss Jennifer at the Red Rooster very proud!

All in all, I felt very happy with my little experiment, even though I made quite a mess and had a pan full of dishes to clean up.  My husband says he's never met anyone who could destroy a kitchen as quickly and thoroughly as I can!!!

I'm already contemplating what my new recipe will be next week.......

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Congratulations on your cooking experience/experiment. I don't like to cook either (just me) - it it can't go in the microwave or done in 15 minutes in the fry pan, forget it.

  2. Looks so yummy! I love to cook and of course with that I love to eat. New grill at our house and so I am enjoying that.

  3. A big star for trying! I bet you could cut the butter in half and it would still be just as delicious. I've been wanting to do that salad, but couldn't find my recipe and have been too lazy to google it. Mind sharing?

  4. So happy that your dinner was a success! (That's why there is an extra half of the bag in case of an oops!) Those chops look yummy. My kitchen is always a disaster when I am done cooking or baking - it is the sign of a great chef =) Looking forward to your next adventure in the kitchen next week.

  5. That looked so yummy! I am in a cooking slump and have that cookbook also and you have inspired me to give it a try. I pinned a cinnamon roll cake just this morning that I am going to make tonight for tomorrow's breakfast.

  6. That is why I married my husband, he can cook. LOL

  7. Pork chops sound divine, it has been too hot here to cook so we are having salads and light dishes. I think I will have to try the pork chops for one of our Saturday night dinners.

  8. They look wonderful. I'm so glad that they turned out so well. The side dish looks delicious to me. I do a broccoli slaw salad that is just perfect for summer meals so I imagine this one must be similar.

  9. Those chops look absolutely delish! But all that butter! Yikes! And I can relate to the mess afterwards ... that's another reason I don't like to cook ... too much time spent cleaning up afterwards when I'd rather be quilting. ha! Love your apron!

  10. That does look yummy....why wasn't I invited over????

  11. Looks delicious! And now you are a food blogger--did you ever dream? : )

  12. Congratulations on a fabulous dinner!! Love your apron! I may just have to order that cookbook!

  13. Looks yummy. I think Pork Chops are going to be on the menu soon.

  14. Love the pinny, just my colour scheme. Glad it all went well. They looked yummy xx

  15. It looks delicious - I was just thinking about pork chops for dinner but I think I'll take the easy route and have hubby grill them. :) blessings, marlene

  16. Sounds very tasty , I love pork hops and I love coleslaw !

  17. Sounds tasty. Funny thing my DH says the same thing; maybe we are distant relatives!

  18. The pork chops looked like a major success. What wouldn't be good with that much butter!! :) Cute apron and to let you know, you don't have the title to "messiest kitchen chef" because there are lots of us with that title. Tell you DH that is the sign of a good chef. Congrats on your experiment.

  19. Wow, that sounds like a great dinner!! Wish I could have been there ;-) I love your apron, just what a cook needs are some cheery, bright colors for inspiration.
    Have a great weekend,
