
Monday, July 21, 2014

Design Wall Fun!!!

I've had lots of Quilty FUN this past week!

Our Guild held a Blooming Nine Patch class on Thursday, taught by the amazing Pam Thorne, one of our members who is a long-arm quilter and heads up our Scrapper Bees group.  Her goal was mainly to get us organized and help us plan our color schemes.  Pam is a super-organized quilter, so I knew we were in for a treat!

This is what mine looks like on the Design Wall so far....

This is just showing the first 3 fabrics, with the 4th just coming in on the right, and of course none of the blocks are sewn together yet except the nine-patches.  The pattern calls for 8 fabrics, but I will be using 9 in my quilt.  Of course, you can probably guess that my colors are bold and bright all the way to the end, right?

I couldn't decide between the first two, but I finally went with the more solid one on the left.

You should have SEEN all the fabrics in the middle of my studio as I tried to pick and choose the perfect ones for this quilt!!!  My husband took one look and turned and left the room without saying a word - yep, he was speechless!  It was a lot more difficult than I had anticipated to choose fabrics that would blend into one another in a pleasing way - and then to have enough of each fabric too.  I've been scrappy quilting so much lately, so I only buy half yards of something I like.  By the 5th fabric, you need more than 1 yard, and about 2 yards of the 8th fabric!  I did cut my strips a little smaller (1-1/2" instead of 1-3/4") so I could use my Sizzix machine to cut the strips :)  So that allowed me to use slightly smaller yardages.

There were some gorgeous quilts blooming in our class!!!  I wish I had thought to take pictures, but I'll try to share some of the finished quilts with you :)  This is as far as I got in class, and it hasn't been touched since I got home - because Miss Sara has been sewing!

Remember the pillowcase project we were going to start?  Well.....
          She sewed .....

New polish that matches her pillowcase! *sigh*
And she ironed.....

     And she made her first pillowcase!

Yes, she is hooked :*D

Best of all, she has been given a sewing machine - all her own - and she is in heaven!!!

The same Pam Thorne who taught our class saw on my blog that Sara was learning to sew and offered her first sewing machine to her!!!  Of course, Pam has come a long way from her learning days and this little machine no longer gets any attention.  Her girls have their own machines, and this one just got stuck in the closet.  When she offered it to Sara, I was floored, and Sara was thrilled!!!  She posted this picture to her Facebook timeline, and calls it "My new baby♥♥"

So all afternoon, Sara played with her new machine and we learned all about how to thread it, and clean it, and wind bobbins and ... well, just everything!  She said, "I can't wait to go home and show off my new sewing machine and make lots of new things!"  Thanks for making her dream come true Pam!!!

Everyone knows stitching goes better with Ruffles - right?!?
See the bag hiding there on her lap?
Like Grandma, like granddaughter - LOL!!!

Showing the cute stitches it will make to Grandpa :)

Today the girls come to my house for sit-n-sew, so I know it will be a fun day!  Sara will be sewing with us - working on her Dolphin pillow.

I hope to get a lot more nine-patches done for my Blooming Nine Patch :)  What's on your Design Wall?  Share with everyone on Mondays over at Judy's Patchwork Times!  Also linking up with Connie's fun Tuesday Linky Party!

And come back tomorrow for a recap of my fun day Saturday at TVQA Assembly Day!!!  
Hint - Jenny Doan of Missouri Star was there!!!!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. What gorgeous colours you're using in your Blooming Nine Patch, I love it and hope you'll post the finished top. Lucky daughter having her own machine and I love her pillowcase fabric with the birds.

  2. I just love that pillowcase fabric. I think you'll have to tell me where you purchased it!! It's calling my name! What a lucky, lucky girl! It excites me when a youngster becomes empassioned with something other than carrying around and fussing with their little 'devices'.

  3. How exciting for Sara! Her pillowcase looks great. I have made two Blooming Nine Patch quilts and love that design. Your fabrics are WONDERFUL!! I might have to consider making another one! With the brights. Happy sewing to you both!

  4. Your Blooming Nine Patch colors are amazing - reminds me of a tropical beach! Yay for Sara! It's so nice to see our passion being shared by another generation!

  5. Your quilt is going to be so bright and beautiful! I can't wait to see how the colors transition all the way out to the end. Just look at that smile on Miss Sara's face with her new pillowcase made by HER hands. Priceless!!! I can tell she is hooked and am so glad she is giving my machine some love. :)

  6. I think I need to move to your neck of the woods ... so many awesome quilty get-togethers/events!

    And woo hoo! A new machine for Sara! What a lucky girl ... and what a blessed grandma who is passing along the love for fabrics/sewing.

    I love the fabrics you chose for your Blooming Nine Patch. They just say Teresa!

  7. Sara is one lucky girl. I told you all it would take is the right tool!
    B9P is my favorite quilt to date. It stays on our bed all winter and is so wonderful to sleep under. You're right, finding enough of the right fabric from your stash is daunting, especially when you get to the outer rounds that require 2 yards. Not sure what tips Pam gave you, but I found that making the blocks and sewing rows from the center out made more sense to me, reduced my mess, kept me organized, and was far less daunting than sewing all the blocks then trying to get them all on a design wall. Just a thought...

  8. Your palette for your blooming nine patch is GORGEOUS!!! Looking for ward to seeing your progress on it. Congrats to Sara on her pillowcase and her new sewing machine! Lucky girl. And your friend Pam is very generous.

  9. Love your blooming 9P. I had yardage issues with mine too and successfully blended similar fabrics into one row. Love that quilt! Will be making another one,

  10. So much fun and excitement going on over there... I can feel it right through the computer screen!

  11. You chose fabulous fabrics for your Blooming Nine Patch! It is going to be a stunning quilt. I think this so wonderful that you shared your love of sewing with your granddaughter and she has found that she loves it too! Her pillow case turned out beautifully. What an awesome lady Pam is!

  12. Wonderful blooming 9 patch. Great color choices. And someone is sewing and finishing....Yay!!!

  13. Your B9P has the most beautiful colors in it. It's going to be fabuuulous!! Congrats to Sara for a stunning pillowcase and she did an excellent job of choosing the fabric for it too. She is one lucky lady to receive such a great 1st sewing machine. That will ensure that she will be able to sew almost anything her mind can dream up. How exciting for her. She looks so cute showing off the pillowcase too.

  14. That is so cool that s the GD was given a machine, and her pillowcase is very cute. One of the groups I belong to online they do a lot of B9P. Yours is looking lovely.

  15. I have made a blooming 9 patch. I have never seen an ugly one. Love the fabrics you are using.Sara is so intent with her sewing. Love her pillow case. That is awesome that she now has her own machine.

  16. What a great gift. Another blooming quilter in the family. Your stash will be the next thing to head her way. Darn, that means you'll need to replenish what you give to her. More fabric shopping (I'm sure you'll survive). Hope she likes brights! (if not, then send them my way, cuz I love brights!)
