
Friday, July 18, 2014

On the Needles & Other Fun Stuff!!!!

I'm having so much fun with my granddaughter here for the summer!  We've been VERY busy!!!  But first, since this is an On the Needles post, let me show you my progress on Rocio....

I've worked the back down to the armhole shaping.  I'm telling you, I un-knitted more than I knitted on this lacework, but I finally got the knack for reading a chart down pat, and the last 20 rows were error free!!!!  Once I got to that point, this project has been FUN!!!

Then after I put the back stitches on a holder, I began to pick up the provisional stitches at the shoulders to start on the right front.  The front is done in an easy reverse stockinette stitch, but it has increases every 4 rows, as well as the armhole shaping to remember...

I really love the look of this yarn - the variegated blues just make my heart sing!!!  I think I'm almost ready to break off these sttiches and put them on a holder, but I have to figure out what kind of holder I'm supposed to use because what I have is not working!

See the red arrow on the left?  It is showing the clip I'm having to use to keep those stitches corralled on that circular end.  I even had to use a stopper on the tip to keep them from falling off of that!  I'll be doing some research today - any tips from my knitting friends out there?

I've been busy quilting too - although, certainly not as much as usual, since Sara and I have been gallivanting all over Nashville seeing the sights :)  Wednesday, we went to the Adventure Science Center - 

Sara thinks "Science is Awesome!" and we found the perfect souvenir T-shirt for her!

And let's not forget her puppy, Link, who has definitely been enjoying life at a quilter's home!

I think she likes Grandma's lap pretty good too :)

Sara surprised me with her desire to learn how to sew!  So of course, we got out the small Janome and began to teach her the basics before she could change her mind!  

She is a very controlled sewist and careful of that needle, which I am delighted to know!  She also sews a pretty cool quarter inch seam...

She will not be happy that I showed a picture of her fingernails in need of some new polish!

For her first lesson, I just wanted her to get the hang of sewing a straight seam - which she of course she ACED! - and then how to sew parts together...

Looks like she ACED that too - look at those perfect intersections!
Makes a Grandma proud :*)

We've purchased some fabric for her.... today she is going to make a pillow case out of these soft ocean prints.......

Then, we are planning a throw pillow....

Sara wants to be a Marine Biologist - can you tell from her choice of fabrics?
That cute octopus print will be the back :*)

She also likes little woodland creatures, so we are planning a pair of shorts from this fun fox print...

... and then some shortie pjs from this sweet flannel fabric.....

Probably enough to keep us busy and out of trouble - at least for this coming week!!!
We'll keep you posted on progress.

I hope you are having as much fun as I am this summer :)

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. What a joy to have a granddaughter that is SO talented AND wants to learn things that grandma can teach her!! I would be in 7th Heaven if it was me. She is the perfect student and I love her choice of fabrics for the many projects you two will be making. Your sweater is coming along beautifully. You have become a Super knitter in my book. Beautiful colors too.!!

  2. How fun! I know you are thrilled that she is wanting to learn to sew. She has a GREAT teacher! :)

  3. Your knitting is gorgeous! The color of the yarn is just beautiful. And how fun to be teaching Sara how to sew! You have some fun projects picked out.... love the fabric choices!

  4. Beautiful seams and piecing. Oh, I do love that combo for the pillow case - all the other fabrics are great too - good eye there.

  5. She looks like a natural! Enjoy your time with her at the sewing machine!

  6. Definitely grab 'em while they're hot to learn! Sara's doing a great job!

  7. I just thread darning needle with different colored yarn and run that through the stitches I need to put on a holder and then knot the ends so it's a closed loop through the stitches. It also does pull down on your work like regular stitch holders do. The lace stitch on that is so pretty! as is the color.

    1. typo - should have said "doesn't" pull down on your work like other stitch holders do. ;_0

  8. Your sweater is looking so pretty. I love the yarn you are using! I do what justquiltin does. Thread a yarn needle with a contrasting yarn and slip your stitches on to the needle then on to the yarn and then I tie the ends of the yarn together. A new quilter is born!! That is so wonderful that she is interested and it looks like she is a natural! Have fun!

  9. How wonderful she is wanting to learn to sew. What a great way to spend a summer day.

  10. Isn't that just wonderful! She did great. Fun post

  11. It is so much fun to share our passions with those we love!! Great teacher and student equals success!!!

  12. Not only is she a lucky girl, but you are a lucky grandma that she is interested in learning to sew!! I know you're having lots of fun. Can't wait to see her finished projects! I love anything to do with the ocean, too!!

  13. That is cool the granddaughter wants to learn to sew. She does better than me I think.

  14. That is some impressive sewing by your granddaughter! I'm looking forward to seeing all of those projects finished - you girls are going to be busy!

  15. that is so cool that your granddaughter is making quilts. My daughter loves dolphins too.

  16. I don't have grandkids yet, but, isn't it fun to teach others our passion of quilting? Marine biologist, how cool.
