
Saturday, August 2, 2014

My Red Hootie Owl - Finally!!!

Well, it took me all month, but I finally got my RED HOT Hootie prepped for stitching!

I'm actually not that fond of this one.  I think I may have done it too quickly without really playing with the fabrics enough to get the right contrasts.  All the REDS are really beautiful, but they blend together too much.  Too much of the same thing going on!  They didn't look like they would mash togehter before I cut them up smaller....

But it will have to do, because it is DONE!!!  At least, I think it is.... you never know..... I still may decide to change a few things before I stitch it up.  Right now I'm tired, so I'm not thinking it needs any changes at all LOL!!!  I'm linking up with Angela at SoScrappy for the RED Finale, as well as Today's Linkup Party since I haven't even thought about this month's color (light/bright greens), much less planned any blocks with them.

We've been very busy here at AQAP!!!  Last weekend we went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga - what fun that was!!!

Sara got to actually pet the fish and loved it!!!

This girl wants to be a Marine Biologist one day, and her love of all things in the oceans is very real!!!  Could she be dreaming of her future here?

I love that pic!!!  

At home, Sara has been busy learning apparel sewing on her machine!  Her favorite thing to do so far is putting pockets on t-shirts we get at Goodwill for $1.  She has six of them so far - here's a few....

She learned how to make a freezer paper template, and that sewing on jersey knits is not always as easy as it looks.  I even held my breath and let her cut with the rotary cutter!!!  Of course, she has to wear a cutting glove :)

Next week is her last week with us, so we will pack it as full as possible!  There's still lots of sewing to teach her!!!

How is your weekend looking?  We will be plenty busy, but I hope to drop a quick blog post here and there.  I apologize that I have not been a very good blog friend lately :(  I promise to catch on reading your blogs in a few weeks!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. You have been very busy! I think your granddaughter has some sewing genes from grandma. What fun to be able to sew together.

  2. Her T Shirts are very cute. It is so cool when your kids/grand kids want to learn to sew and sew their own garments. She will always be able to have something different than what everyone else is wearing. Great picture of her and I think it is thrilling she wants to be a marine biologist. We need to encourage our girls to become scientists.

  3. I love your owl. I think the back round is perfect. Hootie looks like he is enjoying the stars at night time.

  4. What a very talented young lady!! Beautiful, too.

  5. Oh, grand daughter time take presidence over blogs, be real. Love the fabrics for the red Hootie! Now that photo is just screaming for an ART QUILT.

  6. Your time with her has been well spent, Teresa. The memories that you have created will last a lifetime.

    Your reds look wonderful. Were you expecting another green this month?

  7. Oh, your granddaughter's pockets are so cute. What a creative idea. I love that pic of her "dreaming of her future" too.

  8. Your red hootie is great. This one counts on pattern differentiation as tonally all of the fabrics are the same. Looks you've had a wonderful visit with your granddaughter building good memories for her, not to mention skills.

  9. I used to "pet" the really large gold fish that were in our cow/horse tank--or else they just liked to swim against my fingers!
    I do hope Sarah gets to pursue her dream! Every single person I know with a degree in marine biology, oceanography, or anything related is working in IT far from the ocean. It would be great if Sarah could live and work near an ocean!

  10. Cute owl! How fun to teach your GD to sew. Sounds like you've been really busy creating memories! Way to go!

  11. This Hootie is definitely hot. Just call him "low volume," if hot red can be such a thing.
    Looks like you are having such good times with Sarah, building great memories and teaching life skills. (You never know when you will need more pockets on your T-shirt.) : )

  12. Hootie will look great with all his siblings in the final quilt. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your grand daughter.

  13. So love your Hootie!....grin. Great photos as well.

  14. Love your red Hootie! Wonderful that your granddaughter is enjoying her time learning to use the sewing machine...great idea to add the pockets to the shirts!

  15. So many great memories for you and your granddaughter! That is a lovely photo of her. I like your Hootie, but if you are not happy with it maybe you could add some solids?

  16. I like red Hootie - he makes me think of a wizard! Such wonderful memories you are making with Sara! Lucky you!

  17. First of all, your hootie owl is adorable. Leave it be!! Secondly, WOW! Sara has come a long way with her sewing. Those t-shirts are adorable. It pleases me that she shares my love for all things ocean. I wish she lived near me. I have a big box of books all about the ocean in my storage unit that she would love. Next adventure, SCUBA lessons!!

  18. I rather like your red Hootie. For me, the true test would be when I set him with his Hootie friends ... and see whether the reds chosen still "bug me". ;-)

    And don't worry about not visiting ... as a fellow grandma, I know that when we have the grands, blogging takes a back seat ... especially when, as in your case, they live far away, so you don't see them as often as you'd like. ;-)

  19. Your red Hootie is not as bad as you think. He may well be the star in the line up once they are all put together. We'll have to wait and see. Love the T-shirt pocket idea. My DH hates t-shirts without pockets. Wonder if he would want some of these bright cute ones. lol

  20. Looks like a fun day - but I have to say how in love with the quilt in the background I am!!!! Gorgeous! ;)

  21. What a neat owl!! How fun. We've been to that aquarium and it's a really neat one to go through. Sewing on knit fabric can be challenging, that's for sure. The pockets on the shirts look great!

  22. I love all your owls! So glad Sara is enjoying her visit and getting so crafty at the same time!! Love her chevron pocket!
