
Friday, August 22, 2014

On the Needles - 8/22/14

First off, allow me to show off my finished Happy Dance Socks!!!

My husband has a problem with the fact that the color bands don't match -
but I actually think I love them more because of it!
And don't even get him started on those little stray dots of color!!!!
They are comfortable ....

They fit perfectly .... 

And these colors just make me HAPPY!!!

Okay, I'll stop screaming at you now LOL!!!  Unless, you didn't quite get my message that I really, really love these socks?  Oh, you got it?  Great!  Then moving on..... *very big grin!*

Next up on my needles for a quick, easy, portable project is actually not a pair of socks.  I know, you're wondering if the world is getting ready to come to an end, right?  No ... well, I suppose it could be, considering everything that is going on in the news right now!  But just sayin' it won't happen because I put something else on my needles LOL!!!

As you know, I am working on my Rocio sweater, but that project takes complete concentration -  not very portable.  And because of that, it has received absolutely NO LOVE this week!  However, a knitting friend of mine let me know that the Haus of Yarn Bus would be in my town last Saturday - and I had to go check it out!!!  (And I got in a lot of trouble for going without Joanne who was at the beach!)

This bus arrives in the parking lot of a business on Main Street - about 5 minutes max from me - every first Saturday of the month.  Yep, real temptation here folks .... now the yarn is coming to me!!!

Haus of Yarn is located all the way on the other side of Nashville so I've never visited there before.  

Photo credit of Haus of Yarn website
But let me tell you, if the bus is any indication, this is one brick-and-mortar shop I need to go visit for real!

Well, not too soon, mind you, because I dropped a pretty penny just visiting the Bus!!!  Look at all these pretties!  So many samples, of just about any project you might want to play with!  And samples are my downfall because once I see with my eyes what my needles can make - not just that hank of yarn, right? - then I am doomed  .... Doomed, I tell you!!!!

I managed to restrain myself somewhat, but I did come home with TWO skeins of yarn for socks.... and the very sweet & friendly Meg offered to wind them into balls for me too!  I went with a specific idea to get some aqua for socks and found it!

Left is Smooshy in Raspberry, and the right is Frolicking Feet in Aquas
 I even splurged on a new pair of Addi needles for the cuffs since I didn't have a long-cord #3 (remember my short cord in the last post HERE?)  Well, these are called "Rocket" Turbo needles and are especially designed for socks and lacework .... and just look at the long, sharp points on these little boogers!!!!

Yes, my friends, these needles slice through a row of stitches like butter .... or something like that ... you know what I mean, right?

My only other purchase was a set of 5 different yarns in a kit that I just couldn't resist!

Aren't these just DELISH????
They have a very slight sheen to them, and so soft!!!
These are small, 1 oz skeins, and I wish I had taken a picture of all the different color options that were available!  I almost came home with a group of bright rainbow colors, but then I decided on these colors for Fall instead.  Meg was making a Diagonal Cowl out of these very colors (yep, I saw it and was doomed!) from her own simple pattern, which she very generously shared with me and a couple of the others who were interested.  It will make just a simple, continuous cowl.... doing a stockinette stitch with increases and decreases at the beginning and end, and working in each color until it is gone.  Here is my start....

Meg cast on 79 stitches, but I only cast on 65 because of my short stature.  I think this will be a very pretty accessory this Fall :)  For now, it will be my portable take-along project instead of a pair of socks.  I'm sure I will be refreshed and excited about starting a new pair of socks when this is done.

This means of course that I now have to add these yarn totals to my Knit the Stash report on the right side of the blog over there....  1,230 yards in and 400 yards used.  So my 2014 totals are now:

Yards stashed:  3,430
Yards used:  1,500
Net Yards stashed:  1,930

So what's On Your Needles???  
Share with us at Judy's Patchwork Times today!
Judy has a beautiful sweater finish she's sharing with us today :)

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. A bus delivering yarn?? How awesome is that? Love your purchases. The cowl sounds so cool... can't wait to see your progress. And I love your socks, too! They are happy. :)

  2. Cute socks! They are fraternal twins instead of identical twins! The heel looks really interesting - I have not seen that style before. Is there a name for it?

  3. Those Wonderland yarns are just so you! And I love your socks! I have to confess that my OCD self is struggling a little with the unmatched stripes, but I know that just says that these were made by hand! Just love them!

  4. If you love them - then ignore the comments. Happy feet for sure. Now I think a bus is a perfect idea!

  5. Bam! Awesome socks and cute photos : )
    Yarn by the busload. Lord help me....

  6. love those socks!!! how did you do the heel. a yarn shop on wheels what a concept!!

  7. Kind of glad that bus hasn't ventured to this side of the country because it'd be way too hard to resist! Love your socks, esp. the heels! (eye of peacock?) BTW, mis-matched socks are IN!

  8. I LOVE your Happy Dance socks! It looks like you found some more wonderful yarns. My favorite needles, Addi turbo!

  9. I love your socks. You have inspire me to go yarn shopping for bright yarn to make bright socks. Thanks.

  10. I love those socks and they fit so well! I like the stripes as they are, they make them unique. A moveable yarn shop?? What a great idea, I wish there was one of those here in Boise! Congrats on your new yarn, oh, more socks to knit :-)

  11. well now, that business has it ALL together, with a bus no less! wowzers. that's incredible, and it looks quite addicting! but i do think you need to go to the real "haus" soon! socks=fabulous. needles? not sure but i'm glad you love them, and i totally get the tool thing, too! cowl=can't wait to see it finished, and while i don't knit, i'd be a great shopping pal!

  12. Your socks are wonderful! And it looks like you picked some really yummy yarn for your next pairs. I can't wait to see your cowl when it's done, those are excellent colors!

  13. Oh and prepare to be overwhelmed when you do visit the shop. It is fabulous! :)

  14. OMG!! A yarn bus that comes to you! Boy do we need that here. We have lost one of our yarn shops that was close to me. I love your HAPPY SOCKS too. The heel looks like my eye of the peacock heel that I'm doing now. I love the way they look. Your Fall cowl will be beautiful with such great fall colors.

  15. I love those socks. You have a bus delivering yarn, please dont tell my mum she'll be so jealous xxx

  16. Somebody was thinking when they put that little bus into action - what a great, great idea! I'm not a knitter, but I really love your purchases - what great colors. Don't blame you a bit for coming home with all of it!

  17. OH MY GOODNESS - I love those socks too!!! They are so pretty!! Now... the bus that comes to you - PLEASE do not tell quilt shops about this idea.... I would be in soooo much trouble!!

  18. I'd be in big trouble if a yarn bus came around here!!! LOVE the socks!

  19. Well, I guess you will have to give the socks you were making for DH from that yarn to someone else, now! : ) They are very happy socks, Teresa, which makes for happy feet!
    A traveling yarn shop--how cool is that? The yarn version of a bookmobile. I could use a quilt-shopmobile in my neighborhood. What a concept!

  20. Very happy socks and as for the wool bus coming to town, why oh why can't we have something like that in the uk?
