
Friday, August 8, 2014

On the Needles - 8/8/14

I've been getting a few stitches in here and there on my Rocio Sweater....

It's not looking like much yet, and the going is very slow with all we have going on with Sara's visit.  I usually just put a few rows in during my morning quiet times.  But once I get the second front side done, I will join all the pieces and knit down to the bottom, which I think will go much faster.

I don't have much further to go!  Yay!!!  
Now, if it just fits I'll be a happy girl :)

Can you see the pretty lacy design each added stitch makes on the front edge?

On the socks front, I've hit a little roadblock.  The Happy Dance Socks are definitely not "Happy," nor are they "Dancing"! ....

Somehow, I managed to get a purl stitch in there on the turn, and I didn't realize it until I'd knitted quite a few rows past it!  I was advised by everyone who saw it to just leave it there, that no one will ever know.... but I just couldn't!  I would know!  And I'd always be self-conscious that it was showing somehow.  Oh well.....I've already un-knitted at least 10 rows and still have a few to go before I can start back knitting :(  At least I noticed it when I did rather than after they were finished!

And one day last week, I came home to a VERY interesting and totally unexpected squishy package in my mail!  Ooooooo - don't you just LOVE unexpected squishy packages???  Me too!!!!  It looks like something from outer space, doesn't it????

This fun package was from my friend Lynn in Seattle, who apparently thought it looked like fun to make socks and bought all the stuff to make a pair, only to decide that it wasn't for her - oops!!!

So she packed up the whole kit-and-kaboodle and shipped the project to me :)  I think this yarn will make a really lovely pair of socks - especially with jeans this winter, don't you?  They will go on the socks needles next :)  Thanks Lynn!!!  I have officially named them my Opal Lynnie Lou Socks, and of course I will think of you with a smile every time I wear these :)

What's on your needles?  
Check out all the lovely projects at Judy's Patchwork Times :)

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. The sweater is looking very delicate and lovely!
    I would have to undo the stitch, too. What is it with us???
    Love the name for your next pair of socks. That is pretty fun to receive a package like that, isn't it?

  2. Love the color of your sweater! The pattern is beautiful. And what a nice little package to receive in the mail. Those socks will look great with jeans! Enjoy! :) ps.... I'd be unknitting, too!

  3. Tate Dutton Jacket is a garment that is currently being worked on by a knitter. It is not yet finished, and so cannot be worn.
