
Saturday, August 30, 2014

So Long Scrappy Greens - Hello ORANGE!!!

Today is a Sit-back-and-relax Day!

After all the scrambling I've been having to do lately to get all my commitments done on time, it feels wonderful to have a morning to just sit back and relax with my blog buddies!!!  You all really do make me happy :*)  The iPad is one of today's electronic conveniences that I really enjoy too - I couldn't have been outside working on a blog post this easily several years ago!  Even a laptop was big and heavy and clunky back then.

So, let's see..... what can I get into that doesn't require a lot of effort or demands?  Today is Saturday, and for me that usually means I get to think SCRAPPY and play with lots of colorful scraps!  This month the Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at  SoScrappy has been featuring LIGHT GREEN scrappy projects, and of course I have none to share because I didn't do any :(  Both of my 2014 Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects already have GREEN blocks, so I took the month off and concentrated on those other demanding projects that really needed my attention.  Just in case you've forgotten, here are my 2014 GREEN blocks...

Soul Searching.....

And, Hootie!

Oh, I DO love this GREEN Hootie!!!!

Angela has already announced that September's color will be ORANGE!  I'm sew excited, because that is the last color I need to complete both of these quilts!  And I have lots of fun ORANGE fabrics - I just love the bright pop it gives to quilts.... and also because I'm using it for my Happy Dance blocks :*)  Which also means that they are already WASHED - WOOHOO!!!!

As you may notice, however, these are NOT scraps! I haven't really been digging into the scraps for my RSC projects this year because I wanted to use some of my prettiest fabrics in them.  But for the rest of the year, I will finish washing up the rest of my stash and begin playing with making some more simple, basic blocks with my scraps, maybe some more HST's to add to the ones I made last year?

I also need to reduce these crumbs that are overflowing from my jars, wouldn't you say?  I've been wanting to play with these crumbs all year and haven't touched them yet.  Here's crossing my fingers that I get to do that soon :)

One of the blog events that has me really excited lately is the upcoming Sew Kind of Wonderful Curve It Up Challenge QAL!

Jenny has been putting on a lovely Blog Hop this past week and getting everyone excited about the QAL.  Go HERE to find out how you can play along.  It starts September 1, and I know from experience that it will be fun - here are the blocks I made from her first Curve It Up QAL a few years ago ....

Come join in the fun - you'll love the blocks you can make with this wonderful ruler!!!

So, now I'm going to go find a chocolate chip cookie & a fresh cup of tea ....
Anyone want to join me?

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Those crumbs in a jar look even better than candy to me. So pretty! I hope you find some time to dig in and play! So many lovely fabrics to enjoy.

  2. Love the green Hootie!! I have my fingers crossed I win one of those rulers so I don't have to buy one.

  3. Sounds like an interesting quilt along. Lots of opportunity to practise curved piecing.

  4. I love examining all the fabrics in your Soul Searching block each month. I'm off to find some "blah blah" fabric before it all disappears! This month's Hootie is also wonderful - are you getting excited about seeing them all together? I would love to join you for a chocolate chip cookie and some tea - it will have to be virtual, though!

  5. I always loved how your blocks turned out the first time! Excited for you to join our 2nd Curve it Up Challenge QAL!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I love your green Hootie! You really do have some wonderful orange fabrics! Those are going to be fun to play with.

  7. Yes, I want to join you--especially if chocolate chip cookies are involved!!
    Your green Hootie is especially endearing!
    I love orange, too (though in my fabric genre it is often referred to as Cheddar). : ) It does really bring quilts to life.
    Your "Curved" blocks are all very pretty. Do you plan to combine them with the upcoming Hop blocks for one project?

  8. You are trying to tempt me into more trouble....giggle. I'm passing, but those are lovely! I love your little green Hootie!

  9. How are ya! Orange is a fabulous addition to scrap quilts. Have fun!

  10. That little green Hootie is so cute! How's the knitting coming with all this quilting?

  11. I LOVE your orange fabrics and can't wait to see them put to use!

    Do you blog from your iPad? Do you use an app? Any advice or tips to share? I would prefer to be able to leave my laptop home when we travel. ;-)

  12. Your crumbs in jars are so inspiring. They just make you want to dive in and sew something.

  13. I'd love to join you on your patio with a cookie and some coffee! That looks like a great way to spend the morning. I love your blocks, especially the first one as the greens just seem to vibrate against the white/black. Very nice! Your scraps look so pretty in their jars, that's a great way to handle scraps. Thanks for mentioning the curve challenge-I thought I'd look into that as I could really use some practice piecing curves.

  14. LOVE your green owl and soul searching blocks! Each week I look forward to seeing what you make and post using the rainbow color of the month.

  15. Your green owl is adorable. This isn't a good time for me to get involved with a sew along. I travel
    soon and am usually on the road for a month. Then when I get to my winter destination, I have a whole different 'stash' to work with.

  16. Your Hooties are so cute. And I think I'm going to have to make a Soul Searching one of these days. I know I have the book around here somewhere...Your blocks are inspirational.

    I have never seen so much orange in my life!!!!! I'm having a difficult time finding any orange scraps or pieces in my stash. The ones I have found all have bats or pumpkins on them it seems!

  17. Your Hooties really make my day when I see one on your post, you can't help loving them to bits!

  18. Your Hootie blocks always makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  19. hey girl! i like your crumbs! cute storage, too. i just recently found the curve it up ruler, and so that will definitely be on my "wanna do" list, and your blocks are really fun. also... wondering what your iPad keyboard is? been thinking about getting one. also... what program do you use for posting on bloodspot? i've had trouble finding one that will let me load pictures, or scroll down through the blog. appreciate any advice or help/hints! xo and bless your day!

  20. Love your green hootie and what a fantastic way to sorry your colourful crumbs , so pretty ! You are have lots of orange fabrics :-)

  21. Wow you have an awesome stash! I love the crumb jars. What do you consider a crumb?

  22. What an inspiration post....the scraps, blocks....oh yess...

  23. Your green Hootie is very cute. I love your jars of crumbs............I should do that with my overflowing scrap bin.

  24. You do have a lot of orange fabric!! Can't wait to see what your September blocks look like.
