
Friday, October 31, 2014

On the Needles - 10/31/14

My needles have been a little quiet lately as I've been focusing on using my TV time for catching up on my Bertie blocks.  However, I have to share what I got in the mail this week.....

Aren't they just darling?????  

This will be a Christmas present for our oldest granddaughter (19 in December - wow time flies!!!).  She loves hedgehogs, so I couldn't resist this pattern when I saw it on Ravelry.  I ordered the pattern, yarn and accessories in a kit from Morehouse.....  Emma is going to love these!  And I think they will be fun to knit as well :)

I've also found time here and there to put a few rows on my current socks - Smooshy Raspberry.....

They're a strange shape at this stage, aren't they?  I just finished the gusset section and ready to start turning the heel.  I really love working heels!

Can you believe these are from the same skein of yarn?  One is definitely lighter than the other.  The sales clerk at my LYS wound the skein into a ball for me when I bought it.  Then when I got home, I split it into two balls by winding the outer thread into a ball until I had two balls that weighed approximately the same.  So basically, one is knit from one end of the skein, while the other is knit from the other end.  It's a good thing I don't mind my socks having personality, right?

And speaking of socks and personality....  How do you like my new shoes???

These are Alegria shoes in the Paloma design.  
Yes, they are wild and crazy - and I love them!!!!   

Michelle told me about these shoes at Red Rooster and said they were the most comfortable shoes she owns.  They are made similar in design to Birkenstocks, which I wear almost exclusively nowadays.  Wonderful arch support and wide toes area.  She said they no longer make this design, so if I wanted a pair I'd better get out there and find them quick.  So I did!  (on eBay)

And the socks are my House of Targaryen socks - love the two together!

So what's on your needles?  
Share with us at Judy's Patchwork Times!!!

Also linking up with Small Things Yarn Along!!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Teresa those hedgehog mits are darling. Those shoes are so fun!!!!!!! I love them. Just like your colorful patchwork quilts and with your hand knit socks what a fantastic combination!!!

  2. After seeing those shoes, I can't even remember what the rest of your post was about--oh, yeah, hedgehogs! Those are very cool mittens for a hedgehog lover. : )
    And those are very cool shoes for you!

  3. The mittens, as well as the shoes, are very cute!

  4. I think those hedgehog mittens just might be the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  5. Oh, Teresa, thank you so, so much for the hedgehog pattern link. I've been looking for one for ages! Love your shoes, BTW, and the socks you're wearing also! The ones on the needle are nice, too.

  6. Love those shoes! I also love the hedgehog mittens.

  7. The hedge hog mittens are just too cute! Very interesting about your sock yarn, they definitely look different. All I can say about the shoes is "WOW!"

  8. I think those hedgehog mittens are just the cutest. Your gd will love them. And those shoes - WOW really does say it all. What a great find.. I've never seen anything like them and they look great with your socks. Your current socks that are slightly different is a mystery. Maybe if you turn one upside down, the color will be the same. lol You know, like the pile on a rug or velvet changes colors with the rub of your hand. No one will notice when you wear them I'm sure!

  9. Your socks look great, but those SHOES!

  10. Oh, my goodness, what a fun post!!

  11. Those hedgehog mitts are adorable! Good to see progress on your socks ... I wouldn't have thought that there would have been that much difference from one end of the skein to the other.

  12. Oh that's just mean to tease with pics of these awesome shoes and say that they are not made anymore! just mean.... :P

  13. I look forward to seeing your mitts in process. And I love your shoes. I have some, you can see them here:

  14. Your posts always brighten my day Teresa! You find the most amazing things. Hedgehogs and shoes... Who would have thunk it???
