
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sew Sweet Simplicity BOM (Giveaway Alert!)

I just LOVE the name of Jacquelynne Steve's upcoming BOM....

Sew Sweet Simplicity!!!

...... And I'm just tickled pink to be a featured blogger for this fun event!!!!
                Come along, and let's have some fun making these oh-so-cute blocks!

Jacquelynne is all geared up to start things off by publishing the first block on October 27.... are you signed up to receive your FREE blocks yet?  If not, it's not too late :)  Go HERE NOW to sign up!!!  Please note - even if you currently receive The Art of Home newsletter, you still need to sign up separately for the BOM blocks :)

The BOM will run for 5 months - you will receive 1-2 blocks per month (total of 6 blocks) for 4 months, then you will receive instructions for the borders and finishing on the 5th month.  And don't let the look of these blocks fool you - they may look complicated, but they're simply made up of squares, half-square triangles, and flying geese!!!  They're not named "Simplicity" blocks for nothing :)

And listen up.... We have OPTIONS!!!  Yep, we can make this quilt as simple or as fancy as we like!  Jacquelynne will provide the option of making a 4- or 6-block quilt!  And she is adding some lovely applique details for those of us who think no quilt is complete without an applique or two .... even some really cute embroidery designs for the hand stitchers among us!  (There will also be video tutorials to help any newbies out there!)  Or, you can choose to just make the pieced blocks only ..... the choice is yours!  Isn't it nice to have choices?

Of course, there will be lots of prizes and giveaways!  Starting today!  Jacquelynne is offering this AMAZING PDF Pattern Bundle with a retail value of $40 to one lucky winner on my blog!

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post - and be sure you leave me a valid email address to contact you if you are the winner.  The Giveaway will run until midnight October 23 (Central time).  Because it is a PDF download, it is open to all US and International readers!  Yes, that means YOU!!!!

There are quite a few other featured bloggers who are joining in to share their blocks and give you inspiration as we go along, so be sure to get the schedule on The Art of Home blog so you can see what each blogger is doing.  Jacquelynne is doing the sample blocks in her lovely Cottage Charm fabric line - and I gotta say, it's really hard to beat that!

As you know, I'm a COLOR GIRL and I like to be different (no snickering now - be nice!) - so I've chosen to use my bright solid scraps on a black background - BIG surprise, right?  =^..^=

Leftovers from Amish Beauties ♥♥♥

What I haven't decided for sure yet is whether I will include applique or embroidery - but I'm leaning toward a little of both maybe.  I think they will add a unique element to these sampler blocks - and I really love some of the sneak peeks Jacquelynne has shown of her designs!

Jacquelynne Steves Free Block of the Month
Photo courtesy of The Art of Home

Looks like fun, right?
You betcha!!!

So, make sure you are signed up to receive the blocks -
And don't forget to leave a comment for the Giveaway!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun--I'm signed up!

  2. Definitely looks like fun. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Shahann at yahoo dot com.

  3. I am so ready for this to begin - fabrics pulled. I'm thinking a 4 block throw with 2 pillows for something fresh.

  4. Waiting with great anticipation

  5. Anxiously awaiting the first block! Wish I had the nerve to do brights! but, I'm, well, boring :-) Thanks for your great blog.

  6. I have a feeling yours will be gorgeous! As usual! :)

  7. Love your bright colors. It's going to be a pretty and cheery quilt.

  8. Looking forward to seeing your color way develop.

  9. Can't wait to see what all is created!

  10. Your quilt looks so neat!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. You are a wonderful PR Angel. Love your brights. I'm signed up and looking forward to it very much.


    PS - I added your giveaway to a page on my blog where I share insights on giveaways and contests:

  12. Looking forward to starting this fun BOM

  13. I sure don't need another project, but this sounds irresistable. Of to sign up!

  14. This looks like great fun! I just have to run out to the quilt store to buy some fabric first! LOL

  15. I am already signed up...and excitedly waiting for the fun to start! Love this idea! :)

  16. Love the POTC blocks at the top of your blog. I have my fabric and template ready to go, just need to finish up my Grandmother's flower garden before I start another hand project!

  17. I am tickled pink to find this blog and the BOM sign up! I am in and can't wait to get started! Woohooo!

  18. I've been signed up for awhile just waiting for it to start. Looks like it's going to be fun. edrin1932(at) gmail(dot)com.

  19. I can hardly wait for your new BOM to start. What a beautiful block to make. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  20. I'm signed up too. I enjoyed reading your blog and learning that you're shaking it up by using black as your background fabric. Like you, I am a color girl so now you have me thinking. I still need to purchase my background fabric so maybe I'll shake it up too.

  21. I always love BOM's and I'm looking forward to this one! My fabric selections are complete and now just waiting for further instructions. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

  22. Yes - it's a lovely name! I'm looking forward to the colours that you choose for each block!

  23. I love these block designs. What a great idea.

  24. It does look like fun. Would love to win the patterns.

  25. Looks like a blast!! So many BOMS to choose from right now!! What shall I do??

  26. I look forward to seeing your BOM with those gorgeous jewel colours!!

  27. This is my third try. I am signed up and I like Jacqueline's colors for the block of the month.

    1. Hey there Friend, I have tried 4x now and just can not seem to get it to post, so this must mean YOU are going to win AGAIN!🙀😸

  28. I'll give this a try. Just finishing another QAL. So glad I found you.

  29. Nice I am looking forward to the blocks
    cooladam1 at live dot com

  30. Can't wait! And I really want to see your blocks too 😊
    dadrpark at yahoo dot com

  31. Gorgeous. I love the combination of applique and stitchery.Thanks so much for sharing

  32. I've really been looking forward to this BOM! She does such lovely work -- should be FUN! :)

  33. I am signed up and ready to go ! I think embroidery for me!

  34. I have signed up a when I first heard about it. Can't wait.

  35. I am signed up and ready to go. Let the BOM start now.

  36. I am signed up for this BOM and have my fabric ready. I am with you and am not yet sure which version I will go with although I am leaning towards the applique.

  37. I am signed up and looking forward to this really pretty project , I love both appliqué and embroidery so may include both .

  38. I already signed up and I am lloking forward to the fun! I probably will do both too.

  39. Collected my fabrics and am ready to begin.

  40. I'm leaning toward the applique version.

  41. I signed up too. Need a new challenge in my life.

  42. I went out of my mind and signed up a while back....giggle.

  43. I've signed up and my sis is going to do it too! Re: today's blog post. I agree with the Bertie's year colors. So glad I didn't do it as it'd be my first hand sewing project and I wasn't quite ready.. But I do love fall. I also have that mirror and another reason to use it now. We are on the same page today. Off to my quilt meet.

  44. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Ready to quilt-a-long!

  45. I think the bright solids on a black background will be beautiful!
    My email is
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  46. I am signed up, this is going to be fun. I like the ideas of solids also. Rarely do just solids. This may be a good one for that.

  47. thanks for this chance! melcrafts (at) hotmail [dot] com

  48. Love those Amish Beauties and BOMs!

  49. It will be fun to see your quilt project!! Those solids are the "rage" right now. Thanks for the chance to win some patterns.

  50. I am signed up. Looking forward to it!

  51. Looking forward to seeing some SWEET SIMPLICITY!

  52. I'm all In!!! Cant wait to begin.

  53. This is a first for me, I can't wait to get started!

  54. well the time is going rather slow but am sure it is about to speed up. I better be ready cause the fun will soon begin. thanks for a chance to get something.

  55. I have signed up. Sounds like everyone is ready to have fun.

  56. Already signed up and looking forward to starting. Can't wait!

  57. I signed up and cannot wait to see the patterns!

  58. It's so great to discover these blogs!

  59. Love your color choices!! This is going to be a fun QAL!

  60. I LOVE your blog photo header! Your EPP blocks and the COLORS are gorgeous!!! I'm going to have to keep tabs on your versions of these BOM blocks. I imagine they will be striking.

  61. I think Brights will be great.

  62. Planning on doing a little of everything in this BOM.

  63. I'm signed up and excited to start sewing.

  64. I'm looking forward to seeing your version of the quilt with your bright colours and black background.

  65. Thanks for the great giveaway! Definitely looking forward to the QAL!

  66. Already signed up and awaiting the first beautiful block of the BOM!!

  67. I love to quilt, applique, embroidery, and do anything related to sewing.....and I can hardly wait to see the first block of Jaquelynne's BOM. I have followed her blog for some time now and love all the things that she does.

  68. This looks like such fun! I love that it has applique and hand stitching too. Thanks for being part of this.

  69. I am planning to do this project with my granddaughter. We will use some of my batik stash for fabric. The blocks look adorable and I can't wait to see all the different bloggers fabric choices.

  70. I like the idea of brights too. Though I do love florals. Hard to decide. Thanks for a chance to win.

  71. I'm all signed up and ready to go! I think I'm going to use 30s prints.

  72. looking forward to the Block of the Month.

  73. This is a great giveaway bundle, thanks for the chance to win.I can not wait to get started.

  74. Thank you for the great giveaway. I've signed up for the BOM and considering blue and white fabrics.

  75. awesome. I'm happy to see you are leaning towards bright solids. I love working with variations on colors (shading), so can't wait to see if this will work for me. :)

  76. This is going to be interesting! I can't wait to see what you do.

  77. Ready to get started, can't wait to see how yours comes together with the bright fabrics you've chosen.

  78. I'm signed up and this will be my first attempt at a block of the month!

  79. I'm signed up and this will be my first attempt at a block of the month!

  80. This sounds like so much fun...I can't wait to get started!! Thank you!!

  81. I am looking forward to this BOM and have become a follower of your blog bus Bloglovin!

  82. I have my fabrics ready to go. Can't wait to start the BOM!

  83. Sounds like fun and I'm all signed up and ready to go! cdahlgren at live dot com

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I am loving the variation in this BOM and cannot wait to get started. One can get into a "rut" and do the same thing and make small blocks or large blocks and add nothing to them to make them more interesting. I am one of those people. This is so exciting.

  86. Not long to go now..I am waiting with anticipation for it to start..

  87. Sounds like fun, I'm all signed up!

  88. I'm signed up and am ready to get started.

  89. I am signed up and ready to go. Looking forward to it.

  90. With all the different ideas of colors this is going to be a blast.

  91. I love your color pallet....I may do that too. I'll check back and see your blocks!

  92. Love the fabrics.....who wouldn't.

  93. still don't have my fabrics so I'm ready to win.

  94. I can't wait, either. It will be fun. I have Jacquelynne's line to use and will enjoy seeing what everyone else makes.

  95. I'm anxious to see how you select solids to do this since I am not usually a solid person. Looking forward to picking out my fabrics maybe even add several solids.

  96. Excited to play along and see what everyone else is doing for their colors. I'm not brave enough to do applique, so piecing is my method of choice. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  97. Can't wait! Need to decide still on the fabric. Want to use up some of my stash! Getting down to the wire and am hurrying to finish up a baby quilt so I can start. Email: Connie

  98. This does look like fun! Thanks very much for the chance to enter.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  99. Thanks for the chance to win prizes !!

  100. I signed up for this fun project and have enjoyed visiting blogs so far.

  101. Oooohhhh! This sounds so fun!

    kyramcquary at yahoo dot com

  102. and im ready!
