
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

From NewFO to UFO .... and hopefully soon Done!

It's SOOOOO nice to be home again after traveling for well over a week!  Thanksgiving with our family was amazing - it always is!  But My Guy and I both brought home a pretty nasty cold, so we've been taking it pretty easy since we got home.  This is my medicine of choice....

Picked this up yesterday at Tuesday Mornings - I love it!!!!!

So, I'm taking it a little easy on the sewing front.  Just a little light prepping and stitching as I feel like it.  I came across an old UFO yesterday - looking for something else of course! - This was a NewFO Challenge project linking up with Cat Patches waaaaaayyyyyyy back in October 2012!

The pattern is from Pearl P Pereira's Baltimore Christmas - Partridge in a Pear Tree.

A local quilt shop, The Quilter's Path, featured this cute little block as a standalone quilt, using that wonderful pear fabric above for the pears - and it turns out SO cute!!!  Well, it did for her anyway.  I haven't touched it since then :(  I consider this one of my Dinosaur UFO's, even though it's not listed over there in the sidebar - I had actually forgotten it, that's how neglected it was!!!

I decided it needed to be worked up quickly and displayed this Christmas on my hanging Ackfeld Wire table stand frame.

Somehow, the Cottontail Bunny quilt seems a little out of season LOL!!!  I think my little partridge has waited in the "wings" long enough - like that pun, did you?

I love using my scraps for applique - all those small pieces of lovely leftovers are simply perfect for this type of project!  I pulled out my greens and chose a nice range for the leaves.

Then I took quite some time choosing the right gray-browns for the partridge.  I don't believe I've ever seen one in real life, and I had to pull up some pictures from the web.  Apparently they come in all kinds of colors - from grays to browns and everything in between.

I decided these were the most common coloring.  The example in PPP's cover is very gray with no stripes on the wing, but I felt these pictures indicate some brown in there and a definite striping design in the wings, so finally I pulled these fabrics ....

The soft brown is a scrap that I think will be perfect for the body, and I still need to choose between the two striped ones for wings.  Of course that little black scrap in the upper right from my crumb jar is perfect for the black stripe on it's face.  On the left is the fat quarter of dark brown I pulled for the tree stems.

All the pieces are drawn on fusible, so I just need to spend this evening finishing up with the fusing, cutting and placement.  I doubt I'll actually get to stitch them down tonight, but hopefully it will be done by the weekend.  Like I said, I'm taking things a little slow :*)

I'll be linking up with SoScrappy for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this week - we have Angela's full permission to play with whatever color scraps we like this month - woohoo!!!!

And as promised, I am steadily working on my other RSC project - Hooties!!!

These are all getting their feathers stitched down so I can begin letting them nest comfortably on their limbs :)  Come back in a few days to see my progress!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Wow, you're productive for being under the weather! I LOVE that pear fabric and the other fabrics that you're choosing for your quilt are going to look so nice together. Well done on tackling an old UFO, maybe I should do the same (tomorrow....)

  2. I guess lots of people are carting home from Thanksgiving travels. Those pears are great! Such a good idea to let the fabric help you out. Looking forward to seeing the owls flock together soon. What a fun quilt!

  3. I love that partridge fabric. I had some for a swap a couple of years ago. I wished I had more. Hope you feel better. DH has been feeling under the weather since Thanksgiving too.

  4. I just fall in love with your Hooties everytime you show them and FINALLY broke down and ordered the magazine with the pattern. They are JUST ADORABLE and I hope to have my own Hooties someday! LOL

  5. I am so in love with your partridge quilt--your fabric choices are perfect, right down to the striped wing!
    Hootie looks happy to finally have his feathers stitched in place. : )
    Take care. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Do feel better soon - taking it slow is a good thing.

  7. I hope your cold passes quickly! It's good to take it easy. I really like your partridge quilt... Beautiful fabrics.

  8. Awwww....I hope you feel better soon!! I love your pear fabric -- how beautiful that is . . . perfect for your NewFO!! As always, your little owl block is perfectly darling! And while your bunny is also quite darling, she is a little out of her season! LOL! :)

  9. A cold! Ugh! I have been down and out with one the last few days, too. Can't remember the last time I had a cold. Can't wait to see your partridge quilt on display!! That will certainly keep you busy while you recuperate!

  10. Love that tea cup too. Your project planning is great thanks for sharing.

  11. Your partridge is cute, and I love the owl.

  12. That's awfully productive for not feeling 100%. Hope that nasty cold goes away soon.

    Love your Hootie, and I can't wait to see your partridge! Add in Bertie, and we could say that you've "gone to the birds". ha!

  13. Hope you are back to 100% soon. Nothing like going into the holiday rush under the weather.

  14. I hope you are both feeling better soon. Those things just seem to linger.

    I love the partridge piece. That is going to be gorgeous.

  15. It seems a lot of people got colds after Thanksgiving. Hope you are both on the mend and you are enjoying so easy slow stitching as the mood strikes. Love Hootie!

  16. Ooooooo!!! So very pretty - love the block, and the pear fabric is fantastic. Your owl is Too Stinkin' Cute!!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Your eye is incredible Teresa! I can't wait to see those fabrics bringing that partridge to life! Hoot! Hoot!

  19. Feel better soon. This is the first time no one was sick at Thanksgiving. Hoping it holds through your pear pattern.

  20. Oh - that mug! I checked our Tuesday Morning store and they didn't have one (sob). DH drinks coffee but I am a dedicated tea drinker . . .

    Hope you both feel better SOON!

  21. Hope you're on the mend soon. Being sick is so not fun! What an eye for fabrics for your partridge block. Hootie is coming along nicely with the stitching. The finish is in sight.

  22. That rabbit fur is wonderful. I hope no bunnies were hurt in the process of making that hanging. I'm looking forward to the Hootie reunion.

  23. Love the mug! Went straight to Amazon and found one for myself ;-) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  24. I too love the mug! Hope it does the trick and you feel better soon. The pear fabric -what can I say it's beautiful, I think your rabbit looks great for the season and of course last, but not least, your delightful
    Hootie!!! What a beauty.

  25. Hope you're all better by now; we were without our modem for most of last week, so I'm really behind with blogging. Love your projects! One hedgehog is finished, hurrah. Am almost to the thumb on the other.
