
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Arcadia Avenue Block #2

We're sitting under a solid sheet of ice here in Nashville, and thankfully we still have power!  Which, of course, means I have lots and lots of time to SEW!!!!

Block #2 - Peacock Feathers - is on the left

I managed to get my second block for Arcadia Avenue finished today - woohoo!!!  Do you notice that the center seam got greedy and gobbled up a few center points? UGH!!!  And I was SO careful!!!  Drat!!!

Yes, I should have waited until I had it fixed before showing the pictures, but I've been jealous of so many in blogland who show their beautiful quilts in the snow and just couldn't resist getting some pics earlier today before the light was gone and the snow melted!  Snow has a bad habit of melting at warp speed in this neck of the woods :*)

But this block did turn out gorgeous, didn't it?  I'm just loving these fabrics!  I actually made a change mid-stream about my medium constant fabric.  It shows up as the gray star.  Originally I had planned to use a dark raspberry there.....

........ but as I was assembling the first few sections I realized that it was just too much like the colors in the wedges.  So I decided to fall back on the neutral gray that Sassafras Lane used in so many of their blocks for the medium fabric.  I think I like it much better because it gets it's message across very subtly, while allowing the wedge colors to shine :*)

Despite it's imperfections, I'm linking this block up with the Linky Party over at Sassafras Lane Designs.

This is not an easy paper-piece project, but it is totally the most fun I've had in quite a while!  Added to Millefiore, which has been such a wonderful handwork challenge, I have to say I am very pleased with the new projects I chose for 2015!  Tomorrow, I plan to work on something completely new!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. I am at a loss for words--stunning doesn't seem adequate!
    (And I wouldn't have noticed the "gobbled points" on my own.)

  2. Me either! Could not see what you were talking about! The block look great! Good photos too!
    I am enjoying following your progress as I really want to do this quilt and it seems manageable broken down into smaller bites.

  3. I'm speechless too!! That is one gorgeous block. And I know my eyes are not what they used to be, BUT I don't see any gobbled points missing. Maybe my computer put them back in. You chose some challenging projects for this year, but I love seeing all of them with your great colors.

  4. I had to look closely ... and even then the gobbled points were almost imperceptible ... had you not mentioned them, I would have never caught that. I know I mentioned that I couldn't imagine block #2 being as fabulous as block #1 ... but it is, isn't it? Wow.

  5. I didn't even notice that you had points missing. Both of your blocks are gorgeous.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the gray in your block. This quilt is going to be beyond stunning.

  7. Sweet heart - these are just absolutely awesome! You are too critical of yourself.

  8. Holy smokes they are gorgeous! It's the first I've seem these, and I am definately checking it out. I think you might have talked me into starting a new project! Yea!!

  9. I saw Nashville on the news last night, and wondered how you were faring. Glad you have power. I'd be going crazy iced in with no power.

  10. OMGosh....that is another beauty. Your color choices really make these blocks pop. Stunning work!

  11. You are working on some really pretty things, Teresa! Hope you are staying warm also.

  12. ZOWIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Those are some completely AMAZING blocks! Your fabric choices are perfect and your piecing is incredible!! I want them!!!!!!

  13. These blocks are just over the top! So, so beautiful! I didn't even notice your points had issues. Hope your ice is gone by now - my brother had to drive through that on the way home from Florida this week - I think it was a stressful trip!

  14. Oh I am loving these! The colors you choose are really adding to the appeal!

  15. Totally gorgeous and I love your new block!

  16. Teresa, these blocks are nothing short of stunning. Going with the gray was perfect! I certainly cannot wait to see more!!!

  17. Well......GLORY BE! You have some mad piecing skills Teresa! Had you not specifically pointed out that center section, no one would know! Wonderful choice on the gray! How long did it take you to piece one block????? I mean, I know you have a lot of time with the ice and all.....but it would take me at least a week to get one done!

  18. Another gorgeous project in the works! Wow... these blocks are amazing.
