
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Woolies - Folk Art Album

I've been remiss in sharing another BOM that I've been participating in this year ....

A group of us are meeting together once a month to work on Lisa Bongean's Folk Art Album (FAA).  Yes, I am doing a folk art quilt!!!  (Did you just hear that loud thunk?  That was the sound of my friend Janet O. dropping her mouse in shock!)   I have to admit, I mainly chose to join in on this project so I could gather together with my friends  But I also have to admit, that I am enjoying it very much. =^..^=

We are calling our little group The Woolies because almost everyone is making theirs in wool .... we all fell in love with a gorgeous sample quilt done all in the most wonderful wools in one of our local shops, The Quilting Squares in Franklin TN  and the search for the perfect wools was ON!

I say "almost everyone" because Little Miss Rebel decided that since I already have one project in progress using wools, I would make mine using batiks from my stash

 and this lovely gray cotton background ...

I've darkened this a little so you can see the design texture.
It is Modern Roses by Moda

I started out with the intention of hand appliqueing these pieces, but very quickly discovered that they are pretty darn tiny and fiddly - so I abandoned that idea and very wisely (I think!) made a quick executive decision to use raw-edge fusible applique instead in order to have some hope of finishing it in my lifetime :*)

I'm still choosing to hand stitch the pieces down, so it will retain some of the organic look that is so charming about this pattern.

Block #1 is almost done!  

I have the first seven blocks fused down, so quite a lot of hand-stitching is lurking in my future LOL!!!  I'll share them one-by-one as I begin stitching them.

FAA is proving to be a nice addition to my current hand-stitching projects.  POTC and Millefiore blocks are exciting, but they require tons of advance preparation before they are ready for hand stitching.  These blocks will be perfect to work on when neither of those are at the stitching stage.  I did manage to finish up this POTC block last week ....

and this one is now in the prep stage  ....

Hope you are finding something stitchy to get into today!  I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday with Patchwork Times and Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching - it's a party I try to never miss :*)

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. *LOL* So you heard it from there, did you? At least it didn't break. : )
    If you are going to do folk art, you chose a beauty of a pattern AND you are making it yours by doing it in batiks. It is gorgeous. You know that after CW repros, batiks are my next favorite fabric--so lush and rich in color. These blocks are going to be amazing the way you are making them (wise choice on the applique method).
    More POTC deliciousness in the works!!

  2. Very pretty! I love your Lucy Boston block too--those pink wavy stripes are great!

  3. Love your buttonhole stitches! They are just wonderful! I like that organic look and it is well worth the effort!

  4. I just can't get excited about wool applique, and I definitely don't need another obsession to collect! You did the right thing to use what you have on hand and make it yours in the process. I agree, the hand stitching gives the primitive look you're after.

  5. I like your batik version of the BOM and the blanket/buttonhole stitching. And another WOW for your POTC.

  6. Oh, my goodness,Teresa, your work is just gorgeous, as always!

  7. I love the blocks done in batiks....good choice, Miss Rebel! You continue to tempt me with your other blocks....must resist (at least until I finish some other projects)

  8. Love those shooting stars! They look just like the real ones. I love Folk Art quilts and yours is going to be a beauty. What technique do you use for turning under the edges? Impressive hand stitching for sure.....

  9. So much beauty. I love that appliqued block. Of course, your latest POTC block is gorgeous.

  10. Wise choice for your "Woolies" project - I think the hand-stitching will be the perfect accompaniment. The pink and green POTC is stunning!

  11. OMGosh....those are going to be gorgeous. Your sense of color is fabulous.

  12. You always have so many pretty projects.

  13. What a great pattern! Make it yours and enjoy it (love that background fabric). Your POTCs are just stunning. You sense of color and texture and movement in fabric makes me in awe.

  14. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! I'm always inspired (or maybe a bit intimidated!!! LOL) by your wonderfully bright fabric choices!!! They make me smile - I just can't seem to make myself buy any!!! LOL

    I have been stitching a little - maybe I'll put together a post in a day or two. Until then, have a blessed day!!


  15. Your batik block is gorgeous. The colors just leap off of the background. And your new POTC block is another beauty!

  16. Beautiful block! I love the batiks you used. Another stunning POTC block!

  17. I love your Folk Art Album in batiks! I particularly love the combination of the batiks and the blanket stitching - I don't think I've seen anyone do that before. It is absolutely beautiful!

  18. Wow, Teresa, your folk art album block is beautiful. Your wonderful sense of color shines through. What a great option to use batiks. I think it will look spectacular. Looking forward to seeing the other blocks as you get to them!

  19. I just don't know what to say ... your Folk Art Album is going to be spectacular. I'm not the least bit surprised that you're making it *you* with your delicious fabric choices. It's going to be such a wonderful quilt when you're done - I can't wait. And your POTCs ... it seems like each new block is even more fabulous than the block before it.

  20. How very clever to do this quilt in batiks. It’s turning out just beautiful.

  21. You can't go wrong with using batiks any time! Your primitive project is stunning in bright batiks. Wise choice of applique method too. lol Girl, when do you sleep??

  22. This is a gorgeous project and I love the stitching you are doing... it gives the block so much more texture than hand applique gives. Total YUM!

  23. Everything is so gorgeous! I love watching your progress.
