
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Folk Art Album - My Way!

My sewing needles have been just as busy as the knitting needles, so I have lots of sharing to catch up on =^..^=  Several hand-stitching projects in progress, which I love because I can just pick one up and carry it anywhere.  It's so nice to be able to enjoy stitching no matter how busy I get!

Today I thought I'd share the progress on my Folk Art Album blocks.  This is a quilt design by the oh-so-talented Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings.  I finished this little sweetie last night ...

Block #8 - Folk Art Album

This block took a while to stitch, with all those little leaves and quite a bit more stitching around the flowers than you would think until you get around to actually doing it.....

It was well worth the time though, 'cause I'm absolutely in love with the way the stitching seems to lift up the top layer of the flowers to give them a beautifully textured 3-dimensional look!

This little bunny is so adorable!  We trimmed him down considerably - he is a chubby little fellow in the pattern.  He will get a little black bead eye and a fluffy cottontail after the project is quilted.

 I had a hard time choosing a fabric for him.  I'm not a "primitive" style quilter, although I truly enjoy many designs in that style - Lisa Bongean's in particular!  So although I use black a lot in my quilts, I don't at all care for the primitive style of using solid black for animals.  It totally erases all of their wonderful personality - and it just seems so dreary and gothic to me. (Black crows in particular give me the creeps!!!)  The rabbits in my backyard are a rough gray color, but going with gray wasn't working for me either.  Solid gray was too flat, and prints looked cartoonish.  I did a very impromptu happy dance when I happened upon this smoky gray/brown batik piece buried deep in my stash - I think it's perfect!

So now I have three of the FAA blocks stitched and done!  Yesterday I got Blocks 9 & 10 fused and ready for hand stitching.

Block #9 - Folk Art Album

Block #10 - Folk Art Album

Block #10 is one of my favorites.  Just look at those wonderful colors playing so happily together!  If you are familiar with this pattern, you may notice that I've pretty much used Lisa's color scheme in my blocks; they're just on a brighter scale - doing them My Way!   And the beautiful aqua batik for the dragonfly wings gave me exactly the look I was going for.  Ethereal blue, reflections of water ♥  I love it when a plan comes together ;-)

Although I have 10 blocks fused, only three are completed with the stitching - the Bunny (#8) and these two .....

Block #1 - Folk Art Album
(Previous blog post HERE if you're interested)

Block #7 - Folk Art Album
(Previous blog post HERE)

I'll share the others as I begin to stitch them down.  One of them will be chosen to do some Slow Sunday Stitching today during the Carolina Panthers game.  They've totally shocked us with their 8-0 start this year - we were expecting something more in the line of 0-8!  I'm' sharing at Freshly Pieced - WIP Wednesday!  Are you hand stitching anything today?  Share your lovely work with Kathy's Quilts!

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Your blocks are just plain beautiful.

  2. Your fabric choice for the bunny was simply spectacular. Love each and every one of your blocks so far ... but then I always love your work. This is going to be a fabulous quilt when you're done.

  3. Love, love, LOVE these quilt blocks! That bunny has the perfect fabfric, so soft and pet-able, just like he should be. This is going to be a fabulous quilt.

  4. Beautiful blocks and such pretty stitching. I love your fabric choices for them all, but especially for the bunny.

  5. Loved seeing your beautiful stitching! This is going to be a fabulous quilt.

  6. Oh what fabulous blocks! I have done a small bit of this kind of stitching and it is so much fun and adds so much to the project! Enjoy your stitches today!

  7. Gorgeous! I love your cheerful fabric choices. It makes me smile that you decided to put the bunny on a diet.

  8. Wonderful! All the blocks make me smile!

  9. Your blocks are beautiful (as is always your work) and the fabric you selected for the bunny is just perfect!! He looks ready to hop off the block -- great job!! :)

  10. Your blocks are just gorgeous as is your beautiful stitching. I'm with you - those black crows give me the creeps too.

  11. Yes, you have been busy. Adorable bunny. He'll be extra cute with the added cottontail. I like your blanket stitch applique. It does give it dimension. Pretty blocks.

  12. The FAA blocks are all looking great. And I especially applaud your fabric choice for the rabbit!

  13. Beautiful! Your Panthers are doing an amazing job this season. :0)

  14. Wow! Your blocks are just stunning! Your fabric choices are perfect! Love the red flowers in the bunny block.

  15. Your blocks are gorgeous. I always love the colors in your pieces.

  16. GORGEOUS!!!! That bunny is soooooo cute!! Great fabric choice!! Loved all your knitting projects, too!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  17. Your version of this quilt is stunning! Your fabric choices have created wonderful visual confections. Every single block is an explosion of color working in harmony. And you nailed the bunny look! : )

  18. your blocks are beautiful & thank you for sharing; whatever the hand craft I find it'll bring gratification.

  19. Your bunny reminds me of the ones I have in my garden...they love to munch on everything! Have fun stitching this week.

  20. What a cute and colorful project. I love it!

  21. I just love these blocks and the adorable bunny :)

  22. I love your folk art blocks! And bunny looks very textured almost velvety!

  23. beautiful workmanship and pattern. Love your clear colors. Makes me want to do this. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  24. Fantastic colourful blocks - and I think you made the perfect fabric choice for your bunny too!

  25. Love your color choices and the bunny is so adorable.

  26. Your finished blocks and stitching look wonderful. This will be such a beautiful quilt when you get all of them done. How do you choose what to work on next with so many wonderful projects at your finger tips? I couldn't make up my mind and probably pick up a good book to read and avoid making that decision. lol

  27. I just found your blog following a link from Freemotion by the River. We like a lot of the same things (bright colors, embroidery on quilt blocks, the beach ...) so I typed your url straight into my blog reading software. 🙂. I think that second light you saw by the sunset is called a Sun Dog. Its a kind of reflection like a rainbow. I have only seen one once in my life but my astronomer husband tried to explain it to me. Grin.

