
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stash Report – Week #19

I think I’m going to have to put my stash on birth control pills!!!!  
Yes, it has multiplied again!!!

Remember I shared a few posts ago that we had a marvelous visit from the awesome designer and quilter, Edyta Sitar, this past week?  Well, of course I had to purchase some of her luscious fabrics!  Straight from her hands to mine – wowzers!!!! 

I also decided to purchase an additional 3 yards of the background fabric used in my Eldon class kit so I can go ahead and make the full-size quilt.  I want to focus on aquas as the primary color for this quilt, and there are bluish-grey streaks in this background that will reflect those colors nicely.  It will also give the quilt a nice cozy warm feel I think.

I had not really intended to make the full quilt, but when Don came home that night and saw the block, he instantly liked it – a lot!  I had laid out the block on the carpet downstairs so he could see it when he came in, as I often do when I’ve taken a class. 

Eldon block in process
He came upstairs where I was sewing and said, “There’s an amazing quilt block in the floor down there…. I hope it’s going to become a quilt for our bed???”  

So needless to say, I have a new project!  This will need to count for my NewFO Challenge this month I think :*)

And look – I got Edyta to sign one of the logs!!! =^..^=

With the addition of 1 yard of another fabric at my LQS, my total additions come to 8.5 yards.  Not too bad considering I really refrained from going crazy and buying a thousand half-yard cuts when Edyta opened her little Pandora box of fabrics like many of my fellow quilters did. =^..^=  In the initial frenzy, I picked out at least a dozen fabrics that I wanted!  But after some painful careful consideration, I put all but four of them back.  Then I purchased a few more during the Eldon class.  My decision was helped by the fact that I had just broken the bank in Paducah, of course :*)

Finishes – uh oh, here’s where the rubber meets the road.  STILL no finishes!!!  I was so busy taking classes this week that very little sewing got done.  But …. I did complete the FINAL BLOCK for Moonglow last night and began stitching the rows together!  Yay!!!!  I’m hoping to have it done by this evening and maybe post pictures tomorrow.  So that will count next week as a finish.  It’s about TIME!!!

So here are the final numbers for this week:

Used this week:      0 yards
Used YTD 2012:      52.50 yards
Added this week:   8.5 yards
Added YTD 2012:   92.50 yards
Net Used for 2012: -40.00 yards

Head on over to PatchworkTimes to see how others are doing with their stashes.

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Holy wow! That's some of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen! I think you 'done good' in limiting yourself to what you got. LOL! :)

  2. I have that Eldon pattern and hope to make it someday. Can't wait to see yours!

  3. I also have the Eldon pattern and have to admit that I would have probably broke my fabric diet to buy those luscious batiks!!! Your block is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Oh, what fun to have taken a class from Edyta and have fabrics directly from her hands ;>)

  4. Everyone has already expressed my feelings on your fabric and the beautiful block - well done! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hubby is right, that is a great block. Good NewFO!

  6. Don was right, gorgeous! Didn't do the P'cah thing this year, maybe next. Did you actually go through all your fabric and counts how many yards you had?? Uh mmmm....maybe this is something I should doooo?? I finished 4 quilts last week!!!!!!!!!!!!! They just all need binding.Looking after Dad does give me more time to sew, thanks Dad! :o)

  7. I am drooling over your luscious fabric from Ms. Sitar. I don't know how you resisted not buying more. That must have been very, very hard. Your Eldon block is beautiful. It looks very labor intensive but will be a stunning quilt. Nice job.

  8. That is "drool-worthy" fabric, Teresa. And what an amazing block! DH seems to be very supportive--that is great! But to make a full size bed quilt of that block--yikes! More power to you! But then--you made Moonglow--you can do Anything!!! : )
    Smart woman to have the block signed!
