
Monday, July 2, 2012

Design Wall Monday - July 2, 2012

I loved seeing all of your comments from yesterday's post about my Stash Report adventures!  You are such great friends, and I love the way you all rallied around and helped me feel good about my stash numbers :*)  I've decided from now on I'm going to name it the "Stash Enhancement Report" =^..^=

I’m really not one to worry about adding too much fabric to my stash.  The way I look at it, I need fabric to quilt, right?  And I’d much rather buy it when I can find it at really good prices, than to have to search for it later and pay huge prices, right?  I call it “smart planning” – anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! =^..^= 

So what’s on my Design Wall this week?  Still working on my current UFO Challenge project, Vintage Valentines.  This week I worked on the huge center medallion.

Those pieces kind of look like a cat, don't they?  LOL!!!  I was really kind of dreading this one because of the size.  But as I was putting together the other blocks I realized that I needed this one done early so the other blocks would work well around it and not fight with it. 

So I bit the bullet and opened up the folder to get the pieces for this center block.  Uh oh!  I hadn’t cut out the fusible tracings yet!!!  

Darn!  I thought I had already done that for all the blocks!  And then I looked and realized that none of the TBD blocks had been cut out yet!  That meant that blocks 7-12 and the center medallion had only been traced to fusible, but not yet cut out ready to fuse to the fabrics!  Ugh!!!  LOTS of work yet to be done – work I thought I had already done!!!  Oh well….  Guess what I did while I was watching Tiger win the AT&T National?  =^..^= 

Pieces all prepped for one block

So now you know why I only got one block done this week.  :*)  Here is the Center Medallion block, all fused and ready to applique down the pieces. 

Whew!  It was a big job, but I think I’m happy with it.  I'm still not real sure about that green and white check for the leaves and stems, but I think once I applique them down with a buttonhole stitch in dark thread they’ll stand out enough to work out okay.  The original had this fabric here, so I'm giving it a trial run.

If not, I can always change the fabrics out for something I like better later.  This is what all the finished blocks look like so far on the Design Wall.  

Lookin' good!!!

It feels really good to be getting some of these UFO projects completed!  I have had to carry some of them out into several months, but I don’t really mind that at all.  It has really helped me to be able to stay focused and get each one done.  So far this year, I have completed piecing 3 UFO’s and quilted 6 flimsy UFO’s!  And I’m now half-way through with Vintage Valentines, so I’m VERY happy with those numbers!

…. Now DON'T FORGET to come by tomorrow to see my block for the Red White & Blue Blog Hop!  I just can’t wait to show you!!!  =^..^=   Here's one more little peek.....

These are the blogs that are participating today – go give them some love if you have time!

July 2nd

And to see what others are creating on their Design Walls, go HERE to Patchwork Times.

Hugs & Blessings,

Also linking up with:

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Manic Monday at Sew Happy Geek
Tuesday Linky Party at Quilting by the River
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
WOW at Esther's Blog
Applique Thursday at A Quilting Reader's Garden


  1. Gorgeous! I love the colors. :o)

  2. That is going to be a gorgeous Valentine quilt. I don't think I have the patience for applique, in any of its varied forms, but I certainly love the look.
    Will try to wait patiently (with that patience I don't have) for your patriotic block. : )

  3. I love your Vintage Valentine Quilt. I know how much you have put into it because I have made one too! It was my first applique project, took me way too many years to get it accomplished. (only because I started and finished many projects in between) I think it looks gorgeous! Congrats on the wonderful job!

  4. You are amazing. I thought I was busy (and I am!), but not with all the quilty things you are. Those Valentine's blocks are gorgeous! The colors look good to me and I think you are right about the outline stitching around the checked leaves will make them stand out. I wasn't real fond at first glance because the background and the leaves blended too much. You do beautiful work.

  5. I think that the green and white check fabric will be fine once you get it stitched down wit the green thread. Looks like when the center is done you will be more than half way done.

  6. Oh's gorgeous! I love your colour choices and I know how much work that!

  7. I'll be back tomorrow, I'll be back tomorrow! (And just so you know, I sung that as I typed it.) And girlfriend, every time I add to stash, I call it a retirement deposit! The more I spend on fabric now, the less I'll have to spend on a retiree's income! :)

  8. Your applique blocks are absolutely stunning!! I like your use of checks. Yes, keep the name "Stash Enhancement." I does sound a whole lot more fun.

  9. What a beautiful block and I agree that using dark green for the buttonhole stitch will really enhance the leaves and stems. Thanks for sharing.
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  10. Your block is beautiful and so are the other. Love that quilt.

  11. You could also gently shade inside the leaves edges with a green watercolour pencil, just slightly to give the leaves more substance as well. I love the pattern and your colours, it's really beautiful. Any your patriotic block is striking!

  12. Hi there. I have all those blocks filed away somewhere. Maybe some day I will get at them. Your blog is lovely. We share a common love for the Lord ; )

  13. Beautiful valentine blocks!!! I love them all!! wonderful design and fabric colors!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  14. Loved visiting your link, your quilt is going to be heavenly. Thanks for sharing I will drop in to your blog that's for sure. Cheers Glenda
