
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Slow Stitching Sunday

I'm visiting with my daughter this weekend, so posting has to be done with BlogPress and the little one-finger-typing keyboard on my iPhone. Needless to say, this post will be short and sweet =^..^=

The Lord and I are sitting here together, enjoying each other's company and surrounded by the peace and glory of a late summer day on Christy's front porch. =^..^=

I hope it is as gorgeous in your neck of the woods as it is here! Mid 80's and happy sunshine dappling through the leaves, a gentle breeze - aaaaahhhhhh!

I have begun stitching on my next block for Promises and Borders.

I am behind on this project. This is Block 6, and she has released two more since this one, so I have some catching up to do. But this morning I am in no hurry ;-)

I am delighting in the Lord and all that He is!

I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts today. Since I can't link on BlogPress, this is her blog address -

Go visit her today if you can. Her posts are always a blessing!!!

Hugs & Blessings!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I know it's hard to blog when you're away from phone and I'm amazed that you did so well with your iphone. You're moving right along on your embroidery, which is beautiful. I can see that you're enjoyig your Sunday. Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  2. That is a beautiful scripture on this block, Teresa. I have been at my daughter's tending for a few days. DH had his ipad with us, but even typing a post on that was more than I wanted to attempt.
    Enjoy your Sabbath!

  3. You did a great job posting on iPhone...I am amazed at the technical knowledge to work all these devices!
    A beautiful stitchery...thanks for linking up!

  4. Great progress. It is nice to have something to carry along on trips.

  5. I so very much want to do that series of blocks. But, I have to get the stockings done, first.

  6. What a marvelous way to spend some quiet time -- soaking up the beautiful weather and stitching ... in the quiet company of the Lord! Sounds like a winning plan to me!!! Hugs! :)
