
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stash Enhancement!

I recently discovered Ozark Fabrics over on Facebook where you can buy fabric at discounted prices, and I thought you might like to know about it too :*)  I have to be really careful not to buy too much fabric there - I'm a real sucker for a sale!  You didn't know that?  And how long have you been following me?  LOL!!!  Yep, I love a good sale or discount, or anything that lets me play with pretty fabrics for less money :*D  Who doesn't?

So here are some fabrics I received from Tonya recently - these are all designed by Jason Yenter - LOVE his fabrics!!!! - his Return to Atlantis line from In the Beginning fabrics...... these fabrics say it all!!!!

Are these super yummy, or what???
Don't you just love the rich colors and details????

I have absolutely no idea what I will make with them, but it's going to be fun hoarding, petting, stashing them until I figure that out, right?  =^..^=

You can click HERE to check out Ozark Fabrics for yourself - if you dare :*D  Once you get to her page, you can click "LIKE" to get the new updates to show up on your feed.  That's how you find out she has new fabric in!  Click "PHOTOS" to see what she is currently offering.  Right now she has some really pretty fabrics posted from the Hot Chocolate line - they are just as yummy as their name implies!  So far, I have resisted, so there may still be a piece of two for you.  You do have to join the group before you can order, so click on "FILES" to read the rules and agree to them so you can be included.

Bear in mind that this is a small operation and she puts up one set of fabrics at a time, so there's not always a lot to choose from.  You have to be quick to get the fabrics you want because there are a lot of other sharks, um, fabric lovers out there who want it too :*)  Tonya recently decided to open up an online shop too called Hillbilly Handiworks - it's still very new but you can go check that out HERE.  She says she will be having some really nice sales here soon ;*)

So that's my good deed for the week!!!  Oops - that's actually TWO good deeds - sharing some yummy eye candy and cluing you in to a new fabric source.... wow, I'm on a roll!!!

Linking up with Judy's Patchwork Times, where other quilters are doing their best to use up their stash, while I seem to be doing my best to add to my stash LOL!!!

Patchwork Times
Have a blessed Sunday my friends!!!

Hugs & Blessings!



  1. aww, glad you found Tonya- and to be part of the SHARKS!!! :-)

  2. You are absolutely right--those are some super yummy fabrics. You are such a devil to tempt me that way with the link to Ozark Fabrics. Shame on you! And me still in the black on my stash report. I'll procrastinate and hope the other sharks get there before me. I too have the dreaded "saleholic" disease!

  3. Ahhhhh... I can see that you are a JASON YENTER fan! Yes, those are some really pretty fabrics. What are you going to do with them? You better be careful over that Tonya's because you'll become addicted to all her lovely fabric. I just happen to be one of those SHARKS that Bea mentioned! ;)

  4. That fabric is beautiful!!
    I know what you mean because I'm trying to sew my stash, too. Gotta use some fabric before I buy more fabric. haha.

  5. Wow! These fabricsa are fabulous! Thanks for sharing the source!

  6. New fabrics are always fun! Using them is optional!

  7. Oh such yummy colors and patterns!!! Nice haul :) These would look so awesome in the Texas Teardrops pattern!!

  8. Wow, that fabric is definitely eye candy, Teresa!
    I'm pretty sure you have done more than your share of good deeds!!

  9. Gorgeous fabrics. The first one looks like a stained glass window.

  10. Wow! What gorgeous fabrics. Thanks for the link.
