
Monday, December 22, 2014

Sew Sweet Simplicity - Block #3

It's time for another Sew Sweet Simplicity BOM block!!!  Are you ready?  

I really had to get busy and get this block done in time for you all today :)
Sometimes I wonder if I would ever get anything done without a deadline!

This Laurel Burch cat looks to me almost as though it has a halo, which of course reminded me of Gypsy, so that was naturally the one I chose from the panel print for this month's block =^..^=

I got off to a great start.  I knew exactly the fabrics I wanted to use. This purple is one I picked up while on my Thanksgiving travels - YUM!  It is from the same line as the blue I used in an earlier block.  (Shimmer by Timeless Treasures)  You can see the difference here..... aren't they beautiful???

And I wanted to put a nice gold in as well - this Laurel Burch fabric seemed perfect!  This picture is not quite true - it is brighter, and there are actually little punches of orangey-gold in this fabric where you see the darker brownish color patches.  You can see it better in the next photo I took earlier in the day.  I only have a small treasured piece of this!

And in referring back to my first two blocks, I realized that orange seems to be a recurring color, so I added a fun orange too :)

Before long, however, this block proved to be a little bit of a challenge for me.  Not the pattern of course - it was perfectly written and very easy to follow, as always :)  No, I had trouble deciding where to put each fabric in the block - not a common problem for me.  For some reason, I just couldn't visualize how they would look in different places in the block.  So this is how I auditioned them .....

After quite a bit of dilly-dallying (fun word huh?), I finally decided the gold would look like a crown around the cat, and I would save the purple for the outer sawtooth points....

I moved along pretty well after making these decisions, and here is the completed block!

I have to admit, I'm still not completely satisfied with it.  I'm thinking maybe those colorful strips around the cat cause it to fade away a little?  And that bright gold demands a lot of attention so perhaps the cat needs the stark outline of the black in order to shine as well?  I don't know what it is, but it's bothering me.

I'm keeping open the possibility of going back and removing those colorful strips and just framing the cat in black at a later date.  I want to be sure these beautiful felines are the focal point of the quilt!

So now that you've seen my block and listened to my whining, how about I share some fun news!


Yep, once again Jacquelynne is offering up one of her amazing pattern bundle prize packages as a Giveaway this month!  I just love that Sun Blossom Tote bag!  And the sand dollar quilt - ooooo, it makes me yearn for Summer!!!

You can win this fun PDF Patterns Package designed by Jacquelynne Steves simply by leaving a comment here on this post - perhaps let me know if you're loving Winter or you would rather Summer hurry up and get here (like me :)

Since this is the busy time of year, we will leave the Giveaway open through January 2, 2015.  But why not go ahead a leave us a fun comment now so you don't forget :*)  It is open to all US and International readers :)  

I think Jacquelynne is a little jealous that her blogger buddies are having all the fun giving away fun prizes, so she's decided to do a little GIVEAWAY on her blog today too!

You'll want to hop over to her blog (here) and get in on the chance to win one of her "mini-kits" of pre-cut fabrics to make one of these fun Sew Sweet Simplicity blocks out of her own fabric line, Cottage Charm.  All the pieces will be already cut for you, just arrange and sew - how easy is that?

That's not all Jacquelynne is offering FREE right now either!  If you sign up for her FREE e-magazine (here), she will send you a PDF of this lovely Red and White quilt.....

One other note to put on your calendar, we will be hosting a "Catch Up" day for the Sew Sweet Simplicity BOM in January.  So if you haven't been able to play along - maybe the holidays have just been too busy? - or maybe you're all caught up but you'd like to make extra blocks?  Well, get your things together and get ready to sew along with us on "Catch Up" day!  Watch for more details to come soon :)

 We are looking forward to some children and grandchildren who will be traveling "over the river and through the woods to Grandma and Grandpa's house" :*) ♥♥♥  I probably won't have time to blog much between now and New Year's, so I wish you all a lovely Christmas week!!! 

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. I will finally get to play with my sewing machine! Great tute on auditioning fabrics. Well, the shortest day is over, so we can start looking forward to each longer day - I am tired of winter already.

  2. I think your block is stunning. I guess I would have to see it with your other cat block and see if this cat seemed overpowered by the color surrounding it. You have such fun fabrics!
    Enjoy the grandkids, and have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Stunning work as usual Teresa! Isn't it interesting how people see things differently? I think your kitty IS in fact the focal point of this block? I LOVE how the gold illuminates the kitty and the saw tooth border is in contrast. But, it's your work, and you have to do what makes you happy. I have felt that way before too,..........drats..........the ongoing mind of an artist! LOL

  4. I agree with Kevin ... my eyes are drawn to the kitty, but as he said, you need to do whatever you need to do to be happy with that block.

    Like you, I'm ready for summer ... or at least spring (especially since our spring will include a trip to our favorite spot on earth ha!). I'd love to win because that sand dollar quilt certainly reminds me of the beach ... and you surely know by now just how much I love the beach. ;-)

    I know how much you're looking forward to your family coming for the holidays ... enjoy, and see you next year! Merry Christmas to you all!

  5. Lovely block - thanks for sharing. I don't love winter or summer - I look forward to Spring & Fall. Thanks for the giveaway too.

  6. I think it's lovely, as is. Perhaps what's bothering you is the stripes are unbalanced.

  7. I LOVE your block. What a great idea, to use the Laurel Burch fabrics for your block centers (I LOVE Laurel Burch designs too). Great colors! The stripes around the cat doesn't bother me at all, but like Kathy and Kevin said, you gotta do what you gotta do. I love it!

  8. I suspect the variation in the lines around the cat is the "bother" - not that lines are there but that they are varied and off balance? Stunning block, either way!

  9. I like summer better than winter, unless I am inside with a warm quilt!

  10. I love the vibrant colors in these blocks. Have a fabulous visit with the family.

  11. I love your block! I usually like winter, things slow down a little but not this year so far. Maybe after Christmas things will slow down and I can enjoy a little sewing while inside on the cold and wet days.

  12. I like the asymmetrical borders around the cat. They add a nice dimension to the block. I'd like to track down some of that Laurel Burch fabric for my own quilt. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  13. Have to say that so far winter has not been so bad here in Wisconsin. No snow, been in the 30's - pretty warm for this time of year. But, the only drawback so far is that it has hardly been sunny at all. Just dreary days. Looking forward to Spring though.

  14. Our winter hasn't been too bad so far, but I would much rather it be summer anyway.

  15. I long for Summer,my sandals can hardly wait to be worn again.......

  16. I only tolerate winter and I'm always looking forward to summer.

  17. I suspect you feel a bit uneasy about the Laurel Burch cat because you know the cat is just waiting for you to look away before she chomps on the bird and shakes off the bow. : )

  18. I love winter at Christmas time, after all, what would Christmas be like with no snow. About the end of January I begin grumbling especially if it dips below -20C.

  19. This is a lovely block!
    I love winter, but this one has been quite mild so far, and no snow in December (lots in November!!)
    Waiting for snow....
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  20. You certainly have an eye for matching up fabrics. Don't touch that block and leave it just the way it is cuz it's perfect! :) I enjoy winter (to a point) , but get really tired of the slush and cold about February, but then there's still a good 6 weeks left.

  21. Thank goodness for the catch up day in January. I haven't been able to do any sew alongs. Our weather hasn't been so bad, just a few chilly days and rain.

  22. I love summer. Never look forward to the snow and cold in winter. Your block is lovely and many thanks for the generous giveaway.

  23. The only thing I like about winter is snuggling under quilts. I love the smells and sounds of summer, as well as not having to worry about falling on the ice. cdahlgren at live dot com

  24. I'm ready for Spring and Summer. I don't like the cold. I'm loving your blocks. Thank you for the giveaway.

  25. Teresa, I like how the orange corners point directly to the kitty in the middle -- all of which I think highlights the center. But maybe, just maybe, only black around the kitty in the middle might make the center stronger. I'm so glad to see others sometimes struggle with these kinds of decisions. I realize I'm not alone. I don't need summer yet but I'm not excited about the cold, either. (Autumn is my favorite but I we can't have it all year long in Ohio.) Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  26. Your square and fabrics are simply fabulous!

  27. Love your cat block...but I think I agree with you that the strips around the cat are distracting from the adorable kitty! Love that sand dollar quilt - it would match the tattoos my daughters and I have on our feet - we each have a half and when our feet are put together, they make a whole! I could make a sand dollar quilt for each of them!!! So glad you will be having lots of family for blessed this Christmas and the best New Year ever!

  28. I really don't mind Winter and now that we have moved to Washington State, I love the summers here! It's a win-win situation! I don't have to fight snow constantly but we'll probably get some each winter to look pretty. I don't have to fight the heat like I used to in Texas, either. So, honestly, I think I'm pretty happy just watching the Seasons come in. Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

    1. Woops! I forgot to say that I like your kitty block very much. My eyes went straight to the kitty before they started moving around and taking it in. It was my thought to note how you did the colors because it was not how I thought I would have done them but I thought they were very effective like that and I was taking note to myself. I was thinking that I probably would have put the yellow on the outside instead of the purple. BUT I liked what you did better. I really like the yellow where it is and the purple on the outside, even though it's also dark. To me, it was a little unexpected and interesting the way you have it. I thought it was very effective, also. There was no doubt that the kitty was the center of attention for me. Anyway, that was my thought process as I looked at your block. You seemed to want input and that's mine, for what it's worth. Whether you change it or not, I'm sure that's going to be a stunning quilt! I have one of her purses that I carry in the summer and I always get compliments on it :)

  29. Teresa, your block is PERFECT! I wouldn't change a thing!

  30. Another stunning block, Teresa. Sometimes the block just tells you what it needs.

  31. LOVE your bright and bold block, with the kitty center! Don't rip it out!

  32. I also see the Kitty but if you used less yellow I think maybe Kitty would pop more. Yellow can be a very over-powering color. It's lovely as is though. So far-so good as far as winter is concerned. It's been mild so far in Illinois. I'm wishing for a blanket of snow Christmas eve into Christmas. The only time I wish for any snow.

  33. Love your block!! genipickens at gmail dot com

  34. I love this block - I see the kitty popping right out, too. You could put it away until next month, or even two or three from now, to see how the effect is with more blocks in the mix. Also to see if your own eye changes it's perception of it after a period of time. Then audition black strips over the stripes if they still do bother you.

  35. Your kitty block looks great the way it is.. Not sure I would have used the colors in the positions you did, but I like what you did with them. You have a better eye for color than most. The kitty does stand out, but might pop more with a darker contrasting color closer to it. Not seeing it in person makes a big difference to my eyes. Computer colors change with each and every persons' monitor.

    I'm partial to spring and summer too, but I would not want to miss a little winter. Just keep the ice off the sidewalks and streets and I'm fine with winter.

  36. Love your block , such fun fabrics . I am not a huge fan of winter so am already looking forward to spring . Merry Christmas .

  37. Love your Laurel Burch fabric I have some , too. The block looks great.

  38. I'm so enjoying watching your blocks come together for this BOM! You've done such a marvelous job with it! Merry Christmas, Teresa! :)

  39. Cool block w/ the Laurel Burch fabric! I am doing my blocks right after the holiays!

  40. I prefer to have winter especially here in Arizona as summer is our super hot time.

  41. I love the fabric you are using for your blocks it is beautiful. I do need the catch up day.

  42. Love your blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. Love your blocks and the Laurel Burch fabric!

  44. Winter has barely started, and already I'm looking forward to sprint.

  45. That is beautiful fabrics. So fun to be different! Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. We're finally getting some cold weather here in So. AZ. So I get to layer my clothing, which I love to do!
    Your kitty block is gorgeous just the way it is. I think the cat would be sad to lose its lovely multi-color frame!

  47. Quilt and a Prayer...what a great name for your site and you definitely have some great ideas. I also have the panel of cats that you have chosen and you are an inspiration for me. Thanks for allowing me to enter your contest Happy New Year to you and your family

  48. Beautiful colors!!! I love summer!!!

  49. Yes, quit whining! LOL!! I just love, love, love your blocks. They are the VERY best. Your color choices are exceptional, and I just adore the Laurel Burch fabrics. I think I have some in my stash somewhere, so I'm very jealous that I didn't think of using them for this BOM. Keep up the great work. and happy 2015 to you and your readers. Think spring!!

  50. I would prefer summer get here in a hurry. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com

  51. After many years in cat rescue, I have always yearned for Laurel Birch fabrics and you've done it proud here, love that block!
    Winter is with us in the UK, hard frosts here in East Yorkshire and that's quite enough for me, so roll on spring and mild weather and longer days. Well mild weather in theory, the way the climates altering who knows what we'll be blessed with next!

  52. Teresa, Love your block. Everyone tends to second guess their fabric choices.
    Hugs and Happy New Year!!

  53. As far as time of year I enjoy the most, I think it would be fall but since you only asked winter or summer, then I guess it would be summer because I can garden and be outside so much.

  54. Your quilting blocks are so you and so unique.

  55. Oh my! Your blocks are just beautiful and so unexpected. What fun choices!
    I am definitely a summer those longer days, I seem to get more done. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

  56. Winter is bringing it's cold chill right now. I would love some 60 degree weather right about now.
