
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Slow-ly Stitching .....

Sunday is the day we join Kathy's Quilts in the celebration of Slow Stitching!  In my case, I have to admit it is more like Slow-ly Stitching!

Rosette #2 in progress
Center and Round #1 attached
Round #2 hexie units are assembled and in place on the design wall, but not yet sewn together
That pukey yellow above is what I get when I try to take a picture close up and face on.  I tried it with three different cameras and finally gave up.  This picture is closer to the actual colors.....

I've shared my current obsession handwork project with you before ... The New Hexagon - Millefiore designed by Katja Marek.  And I am still having a ball playing with these wonderful rosettes!  However, progress on Mille goes very slowly, at least mine do at any rate.  I am still plugging along on Rosette #2, while many I see on Facebook have done all 5 rosettes and are drumming their fingers, impatiently awaiting the unveiling of #6 tomorrow.  I even know of a few who have made extra rosettes while waiting for the next one to be presented!  (Bear in mind, the rosettes are 36" wide!!!)  Yes, these people obviously have no life LOL!!!

What you see here in the bottom of my hand-sewing basket are the pieces for the Round #3 hexies that still need to be sewn together.  YAY!  It is indeed getting slim pickin's in there!  I can actually see the bottom :*)

These Round #2 hexie units are all stitched together, but they still need to be attached to the center round (see first picture).  And then the Round #3 hexies - the ones still in the basket - will be added after that.  Quite a bit still needing to be done, but it will be an enjoyable journey of slow stitching all the way ♥

What's in your basket???  
See all the wonderful projects at Kathy's Quilts!
Also linking up with Design Wall Monday

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hugs & Blessings!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Catching Up With Miss Bertie ....

It's been quite a while since we checked in to see what Miss Bertie's has been up to .....

This is May's little wall quilt which I finished up last year.  It has greeted me each morning this month as I blindly stumble toward the coffee pot - so bright and happy!  As you know, one of my favorite things about Miss Bertie is her creative hat choices.  Don't you just love the little spring blossom hat on this one?

At the end of the year last year, I had completed six of these fun little BOM quilts - January through June.  December is still in the bag, untouched.  But July through November were in various stages of completion.  Four of them were pieced, appliqued and embroidered, just in need of sandwiching and quilting to be done.  The August quilt still needed to have the half-square-triangle border attached and the embroidery stitched around the center section....

Finishing these five quilts was one of my items on my Q2 Finish-Along list, as well as my guild's UFO list for this year, so I grabbed up my box and took it along to retreat a couple of weeks ago at the Red Rooster.

And Lo and Behold!
I got all five DONE!!!
(They may look a little wonky because they are not laying flat on the table, 
but they are perfectly straight, I promise :*)

July Bertie's Year
One of my absolute FAVORITES!!!

August Bertie's Year

September Bertie's Year

October Bertie's Year

November Bertie's Year

I'd really rather not think about how much more quickly the months fly by with each passing year.  Is that true for you too?  Well, I find that looking forward to displaying a new little quilt with each flip of the calendar page makes it a little easier :*)

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

I'm delighted to mark this item off my Q2 Finish Along list - you can see my list HERE if you are interested.  Adrianne at On the Windy Side blog is the hostess of this fun quarterly event, and I have to say, it has really helped to motivate me to get some projects completed that would very likely still be languishing on a shelf in my UFO closet!

Hugs & Blessings!

On The Needles - 5/29/15

My raspberry socks are DONE!!!

Actually, they've been done for several weeks now; I just haven't had opportunity to blog about them.  I really love them, although I'm not terribly happy with the noticeable jog on the cuff where I ended the bind off.  I have to get better at that!

And I do have to say it bugs me that the socks are two different shades, when the yarn all came from the same skein!  This was expensive yarn too.  It is called Smooshy, and I pulled from one end of the skein for one sock and from the other end for the second sock.  Oh well - I know funky is in, but it still bugs me.  Just sayin' =^..^=

So I suppose, technically I'm sharing what I have OFF my Needles today LOL!!!  What I actually have ON my Needles are the sweet little toes of my luscious aqua socks, but I'll wait to share them when I have a little more to show than just the tips of the toes.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

I'll also link this post up with the Q2 Finish-Along over at On The Windy Side.  So happy to have another project finished from my list!  (See my Q2 list HERE if you are interested)

So, what's on your needles?
Share with us at Patchwork Times!

Hugs & Blessings!

Monday, May 25, 2015

May Flowers

One of my objectives for 2015 has been to finish up some of my favorite wall quilts - Calendar quilts!

I started Kim Schaeffer's May Calendar Quilt in 2012 - yes, three years ago!!!!  I traced off the pattern pieces onto fusible and chose happy, bright fabrics - and promptly forgot about it when something more urgent called my name.  Yeh, that happens to me a lot *very big grin*!

But I am happy to say I finally finished it recently and it is proudly hanging in my living room, cheering me up each time I spy it =^..^=  Kim gives her Calendar Quilt designs such cute details.....

Kim's pattern version stuck to reds, oranges & yellows for her quilt, but you just know I had to add in a little spark of blue - right?

And then I decided that a big-stitch hand-quilted "path" for the blue butterfly was a necessity to fill in some much needed quilting in that open area .....

One thing I did that was new with this quilt was to applique the pieces down as I quilted instead of before quilting.  In other words, I fused them all down in their proper positions, but instead of stitching them down as I usually would, I next sandwiched the quilt layers, and then used the applique stitching as my quilting.  It went SO MUCH quicker that way!  I also tried out a few of my decorative machine stitches around the flowers.  I just love that orange raggedy zigzag stitch around the outer part of the center!

I wasn't happy with the blah look of the yellow flower petals, so I got out my colored pencils and added a nice orange "blush" to the edges and tips .....

And after adding a black-and-white rope trim around the center of my red flower, I needed something to cover up where the two ends met rather messily.

Now I ask you, what could be cuter than this little caterpillar???

My usual choice for a binding is darker than the quilt to add a "frame" around it, but for this one, I fell in love with a simple, spring-like yellow and blue plaid, cut on the bias ....

A binding finish to share at
Julie K Quilts' Binding Blitz!!!
Of course, I used lots of GREEN scraps in the background, so I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at SoScrappy! 

I love changing out these quilts each month, adding a fresh new look to our home.  Each little quilt helps me to transition into new seasons and holidays.  I finished up the June calendar quilt two years ago and it is one of my favorites!

I don't seem to have a picture handy of it bound and quilted, but trust me it is :*)  I have July and August in progress, so I'll be sharing those with you soon.

My outdoor spring flowers are very happy that we have actually had quite a nice spring here in Nashville this year.

Usually we get about one week of spring and then the summer heat hits hard and fast, not letting go until sometime in October.  It's been much cooler, and we've gotten some nice rain showers too.  I sat on the porch this morning and enjoyed the soothing sounds of a gentle drizzle while watching my favorite Oriental Lillies begin to open up ..... ahhhhhhh - Life is Good!  My Guy does such a wonderful job of keeping our lawn and yard looking spectacular, doesn't he?

I'll leave you with a picture of the lovely spring flowers my son sent me for Mother's Day this year .....

It is the first time he has sent me flowers, and I have to admit I was charmed and delighted :*)  They lasted a good long while; I reluctantly disposed of the last of them just a few days ago.

Hugs & Blessings!

Linking up with:

Patchwork Times - Design Wall Monday
Freemotion by the River - Tuesday Linky Party
Julie K Quilts - Binding Blitz
Quilting Reader's Garden - WIPs Be Gone
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Whoop Whoop! 
SoScrapy - Rainbow Scrap Challenge