
Monday, October 1, 2012

NewFO’s and UFO’s and DWM – Oh My!!!

Wow!  I can’t believe September is gone already, can you? 

That means it's time for a little recap and report on my progress for the month.  And since it also happens to be Monday, let me start with what is on my Design Wall today….

This is the expanded block from The Blue Collection that I showed you yesterday.  I'm happy to say it is now completely finished with the exception of a few stems and leaves that I cannot add until the blocks are joined together.  It was already mostly complete, I only had to add some leaves and stems and the upper lip around the bowl …

These little stems & leaves may not look like much work, but let me tell you, I'd rather do ten of those oranges than just one little stem!  They are such tricky little boogers to turn under and get them just right!!!!  These two stems and leaves took me forever to complete!

….and then, because it was a heavy sports day, giving me lots of time for handwork, I finished up another one!

This one I completed from start to finish.
(And yes, I know it needs to be pressed LOL!)

The top went together like a charm - I love the fussy cut lid :*)

I think my needleturn applique is definitely improving!!!   =^..^=
I also prepared the next block for this quilt so I can be ready to work on it next Sunday :*)

It’s been quite a while since I have had a completed UFO to report for Judy’s UFO Challenge, so I was delighted to finish up Girls Just Want to Have Fun while at Runaway Retreat a few weeks ago!  I'll definitely be asking, Can I Get a Whoop! Whoop! on Friday!!!

I've got to get a better photo of this quilt!
This quilt required a lot of cutting and sewing up of a lot of little pieces, but it is well worth the effort, don’t you think?  And as I've said before, it is probably the only 30’s quilt I will ever make, so it will definitely be special to me :*)  I think my guests will truly feel pampered with it on the bed when they come to visit.  Now if I can just get it quilted. =^..^=

For Barbara’s NewFO Challenge, I had quite a few ideas and projects that were calling for my attention, as I reported HERE.  But I finally narrowed it down to these fun new starts…..

Most of you will remember that I participated in the Dots on Dots Blog Hop and made this cute little teapots table quilt which I named A Spot of Tea.  I received the Honorable Mention award that day – yes, I know, I’m special – hahaha!  :*D

I also jumped on the Hawaii Sunset bandwagon and got this block put together before I had to put it down for a while.  You can read more about my progress on this quilt HERE.

I hope to get back to it again later this week.  I just LOVE this quilt!!!!  There are quite a few bloggers working on this quilt right now, which makes it so much more fun! :*)

So that’s it for my September!  A lovely month, made even more lovely by the fact that my daughter came into my life in September.  I love you Christy!!!

October is always a bittersweet month for me.  I love the onset of fall with its cooler temperatures and the trees all resplendent with color and majesty!!!  But it also means winter is approaching, and that I do not like!  I've never enjoyed cold weather, coats or blustery winds – brrr!!!!!  But I know we have to have winter in order to have balance in our ecosystem, and in order for spring to come around once again, so I will choose to ENJOY this winter!  That has been my word for 2012 – ENJOY!  And for the most part, I think I've done a pretty good job of that.  What about you?  What is your favorite or least-liked season?

But today it is still just the first day of October, and I am now on my way to go and ENJOY spending the day sewing with some of my bestest quilting buddies!  I hope your October is an amazing month for you and yours :*)

Hugs & Blessings,

Be sure to go over to these fun blogs to see what others have been having fun sewing up ......
Patchwork Times



  1. Love the blue collection--I started it years ago, haven't touched it in years. Yours may inspire me to get back to it. Beautifully done!

  2. Your Blue Collection is coming so wonderfully and I do love those tea pots! You had a super September.

  3. what a nice collection of eye candy you have today. Goodness that first one is amazing. I stared at it for at least 5 min. That is just beautiful. And you teapots, just love them. Fabric choices are wonderful.

  4. wow - you got a lot done!! love the jar! If you get any art quilting going I'm doing a link party on Fridays - called Off the Wall Friday - if you'd like to join any week!!

  5. Everything is just so beautiful Teresa. I like that ginger jar. I will have something to post with a ginger jar in Nov. I can't show it yet as it's a birthday gift for a friend...hope she doesn't read these comments, lol.

  6. wonderful post I think your 30's quilt screams LOVE. and I don't even like those fabrics. wonderful job. I have put you in my favorites because I have to see how the blue project ends. happy quilting

  7. Your applique looks flawless, Teresa. Of course, whatever you do, you do it well! This is an amazing project!
    Your finishes for the month are wonderful--especially love "A Spot of Tea".
    Your Hawaiian Sunset block is so striking with those vivid colors. I can see why you are so drawn to it.
    Looks like September was a very good month.

  8. Where to start? You have a fabulous bunch of eye candy today. I too love how you fussy cut the jar lid. It makes it looks so realistic. Wonderful. Now, I have to admit your tea pots really ring my chimes. Could you share where you found the pattern? Or is it original? Your fabric choices really make the pattern shine. wonderful things to look at on your blog today! Thanks for sharing it all.

  9. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! Such absolutely beautiful projects and your applique is gorgeous!! Well done!! Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!

  10. Wow! What a productive month you have had! I'd say you were quite "enjoying" your projects! Love them all... Blue Collection is so gorgeous; lovely 30's quilt for your guest room; A Spot of Tea is charming. As far as seasons go... Fall is my favorite!

  11. I love your Girls Just Want to Have Fun, a friend thinks she has the pattern and I can borrow if not she knows where I can order it. I haven't done anything in 30's in a while and this is just the ticket. You do beautiful work.

  12. Oh my gosh! Teresa, your Blue Collection blocks are marvelous! Love the oranges fabric - and I hear ya loud and clear on preferring to stitch an orange any time to a fussy bitty stem! :)

  13. Love your 30s fabric quilt. I made my one and only 30s quilt, love how it turned out but really don't like the fabric so I used the rest as the backing. They make beautiful quilts but I get tired of working with them. Your jar and teapots are great and your needle turn looks really good, too.

  14. Wow -- you've got a lot done! I love that beautiful blue. All of these projects are wonderful, congrats!

  15. You have been busy! Love the blue collection. The fabric for the tomatoes is perfect.

  16. What a fun post today -- it was nice seeing my favorite tea pots piece again! Your needle turned applique looks fabulous!! I love, love, love October ... but I think I've made that pretty plain in several places. LOL! I like cold ... especially if it's accompanied by snow ... too. Don't hate me! LOL! :)

  17. Teresa, As usual - you "bowled" me over with all you got done in September. Your needle turn applique looks as good as any of the experts to me. I'm with you on tiny little applique pieces -- more trouble than the big stuff. That's what keeps me from doing more of it. My favorite season would have to be Spring - the birth of Mother Nature, my birthday and the end of cold, wintery winds and grey skies are all gone. You are so productive -- are you sure you don't have a double that helps you with some of these projects? lol

  18. You have been one busy lady!! Love everything you are working on but especially the applique.

  19. What a colorful post, Teresa. Very pretty stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I would say you had a very successful and productive September. Everything is so beautiful and your applique to wonderful. I could certainly use some of that joy right now - looking forward to our moving this month. Oh, happy day because it has been a long year. Judy C

  21. Teresa what beautiful work! I doubt that your needleturn applique can get any is perfect! Love all your projects! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  22. I LOVE October. Every other year, w have a family reunion in the Ozarks in Arkansas. The leaves are turning, the weather is crisp, and the family members are a hoot! Can't wait!

  23. woohoo--went through your blog looking for orange fabrics. Yes, the round oranges are MUCH easier than the stems and leaves! Those turtle pincushions were darling!

  24. I love your spot of tea and Hawaiian sunset. Awesome quilts.

  25. I absolutely love the Blue Collection! Spot of Tea is my second favorite of what you show here. All your work is really great. I am very glad you linked to Confessions and I found your blog.

  26. your applique block is stunning. great fabric choices.
    My least favorite season is ummer. I was glad to say good bye to it.

  27. Wow, Teresa, you've been so busy! It's all lovely, but that quilt top is extra special! Whoop whoop!!

  28. I'm speechless. My mouth is hanging open in amazement at your creativity and skills. I am particularly wowed by your applique!

  29. Do you happen to have the pattern you used for your lovely 'Spot of Tea' quilt?
    Love the blog!
