
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bling On the Needles!

Okay, so technically, a crochet hook is not "needles", but it's a yarn project.... Just sayin' :*D  

And I'm absolutely loving the yarn I have on my crochet hook right now!

This is the most gorgeous fuchsia yarn with a really pretty sparkle bling in it!  Such a pleasure to play with :*) Can you see my little wonder clip there on the bottom right?  I've found so many uses for these little clips!  It's just perfect for holding my place without losing stitches when I put down the project for a bit.

Here's a close-up shot of the pretty ruffle that is being built on the edges....

There will be one more row of ruffly stitching after this one, and then it will be done.  It is a surprisingly quick project!  You can see more pictures of what the Swishy Scarf is supposed to look like HERE.

As for actual knitting needles, I finished up my Sugar 'n Cream dishcloth....

Poor little thing is a little whoppy-jawed!!!  
And believe me, this picture shows it's best shape LOL!!!  

One of the reasons I chose this project was so I could practice my tension, and it seems it's a good thing I did.  I started out making really tight stitches, but in the middle I could tell I was loosening up, and by the end my stitches were much looser.... hence, the lop-sided dishcloth!

However, I really enjoyed knitting up this little project, and it will work just fine in my kitchen.  I'll smile every time I pick it up :*)  And since I enjoyed it so much, I went back and picked out a couple of cute pastel colors in the Sugar 'n Cream to make some baby cloths for my son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their first baby next week.  Hopefully I'll be able to do a little better with my tension on these :*)

They don't know what the baby will be, so I tried to pick colors that would work for either a boy or girl.  The problem is that I'm not really very fond of baby yellow or mint green :*)  These colors called out to me, so these are what came home with me!  =^..^=

And one last exciting news flash....I'm going to be absent from blogging next week because I'm busy packing up for a week-long retreat in Pigeon Forge!  A group of us are going to the Mountain Quiltfest Show and staying in a cabin for the week to sew and play!  WhooHoo!!  I'm so excited!  I'm taking two classes, one from Paula Nadelstern!  So look for lots of fun pictures when I return.

Hugs & Blessings!

Linking up with Patchwork Times - On the Needles

And don't forget to visit my Blog Hop Party Giveaway HERE if you missed it!


  1. Like the sparkles in the pink. Looks like something my daughter would love:) I knit myself. Haven't tried crocheting yet.

  2. Haven't you been busy! Your quilt retreat sounds fabulous. Have a wonderful time. Love your banner!

  3. ***LOVE!!!*** The yarn is so pretty and sparkly, and I'm loving how it is working up so pretty in the pattern. Your dishcloth doesn't look so wonky, and once you wash with it, you won't even notice, I bet. Cute colors for the baby cloths!

  4. That sparkly fuchsia yarn is so you!!
    It would take more than a dishcloth to get my tension back where it should be--haven't knit since I was about 10!! : )
    Love the yarn colors. You've got plenty of time haven't you? Stitch up some of each to be ready, right? : )
    Sounds like you are headed for a week of TOO MUCH FUN! Enjoy! : )

  5. That scarf is going to be so very pretty. Hope you sharevavpicture when you're done with it. How lucky you are to get to go to a quilt retreat. Especially in Pigeon Forge!

  6. That's going to be a very pretty scarf! Don't you love the colors of Sugar 'n' Cream? I just finished a very similar cloth! Have fun at the quilt retreat.

  7. I love that saturated fuchsia color! I haven't a clue in the world about crocheting or knitting, but, you go girl!

  8. I too love that color and your pattern is so terrific. I do basic crochet patterns. Can you share the pattern and where I can find it? Thanks I would love to try.

  9. Great fuchsia crochet project! Can't wait to see the finished scarf!

  10. Teresa just to let you know those cotton dishcloths always look wonky when you are done knitting them as they are knit on the bias and it's the bias that makes them look a bit wonky. If you block it, it will be less wonky looking. But I would just use it and not worry about the look. I've made dozens of them and they all turn out the same. Yours looks great!

    What brand is that pretty pink yarn? I like how the scarf is looking so far. Great tip about the Clover clip too, thanks.
    Have fun next week.

  11. Oh the scarf is wonderful!

    I love interesting yarns. I think it is so great that we get to actually use interesting yarns.

  12. I love crochet/knit wash rags for my kitchen. Since I don't crochet/knit, I have to find them in thrift stores and hope that the yarn isn't acrylic. Love your colors.

  13. You know with a title like *bling* it would get my attention! LOL!! All your yarn projects are so marvelous! You're quite accomplished with the needles and yarn, aren't you?!?!? :)

  14. The crocheting looks like fun! I like to knit cotton dishcloths too and there are so many fun colorways to play with. I bet your dishcloth will shrink up when you wash/dry it. I bet your family will appreciate the hand knit dishcloths!

  15. great tip for the clip to hold your place.
    the yarn is so pretty. don't you just love the variegated yarns!
