
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Good News / Bad News Kind of Week

The Good News....

Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, was so much fun!  We did not have wireless in our cabin, so blogging was just not happening.  So that means I have lots to share and catch up!  Later in the week I'll share pictures of some of the quilts in the show - they were amazing!!!  For now though, I'll just show you my favorite one.  This amazing quilt took 1st Place in its class and won Best of Show...

Circle of Curiosity by Anne B.G. Armour
I'm sorry this is not a better picture... it's hard to tell sometimes until you get home and pull it up on the computer :(  It was a huge quilt and hard to get a full picture, but here are a few closeups of the amazing detail, both in the applique and the quilting...

This camel was absolutely incredible in its details!

The quilter used crystals to show the water dripping from the jug - delightful!!!

This fishing net was woven with strings of thread - totally realistic looking

Here you can see where the quilting brings the roads and pathways to life

I took two classes at the Show.  My favorite was with Paula Nadelstern!!!!  Yes, the amazing Kaleidoscope lady!!!  I'll be sharing pictures from the classes later this week as well.  (Trying to keep this update post as short as possible :*D)

When we were not at the Show or in classes, the six of us all had a wonderful time sewing together in our cabin.  It was a lovely cabin, if a little "buggy" - we had regular visits from ants and ladybugs, not to mention a few "stink" bugs LOL!  But we had plenty of room and everything we needed.  This was the view from my sewing nest ....

Lots of trees and rustic cabins... very inspirational!
I wish I had taken a few pictures of the mountain views - but I was too busy having fun!

We were pretty cozy :*)
A few of us even managed to finish up a few projects!

Mona finished her miniature Mariner's Compass - LOVE IT!!!

Susie whipped this up after her class on Stripes - too cool!!!!

More Good News....

While I was at Quiltfest, our newest granddaughter decided to make an early appearance!

Meet Genevieve Rose ....

She was only a few days early, but she sure threw us all into a tailspin trying to figure out how to get to Raleigh North Carolina in time to see her come into the world!  As it happened, none of us made it that quickly.  But that was okay, because this little beauty was well worth the wait :*D

I think Grandpa is pretty happy with her ..... what do you think?

The week was not all fun and games and new grandbabies however....

The Bad News....

While in the middle of Quiltfest, retreating, trying to figure out how to get to Raleigh to see Genevieve.... my daughter in Savannah, Tennessee, calls me to tell me she is really, really sick and headed to the ER.  She had been throwing up for two days and her stomach was bloated and sore to the touch.  Turns out, she had developed an infection in her small intestine and it was quite serious.  The doctors never did figure out how she contracted the bacteria that caused the infection.  However, after a few miracles - not kidding! - and 3 days of IV antibiotics and other meds, the infection has been butt-kicked!  She was allowed to go home yesterday and is slowly recovering. But not before she gave us all a big scare!!!

Just to give you an idea of how that kind of illness can affect you, this is a picture she sent me of her hand taken just yesterday.....

Her whole body was swollen like that!  I'm kind of glad I didn't have to see that.  There are some things a mother just doesn't need to see, you know what I mean?  She said the swelling is a lot less today, and instead of 9 months pregnant, she now only looks 5 months pregnant.  I'm glad to see her sense of humor is still very much intact!!!  And thankfully that Bad News eventually became Good News :*D

So for my last piece of Good News.... I was blown away by the great response to my Blog Hop Giveaway - 399 comments!!!  And the winner is....

 326 - LJ has left a new comment on your post "Blog Hop with a Fun Giveaway!": 

I do have a jelly roll (or two - say this very quietly) and need some great ideas to use them. 

LJ - I've already sent you an email to let you know you've won!!!  Thanks everyone for playing along, and thanks especially to Mishka at Quilting Gallery for hosting such a fun Blog Hop =^..^=

I am delighted to welcome quite a few new followers too!
I encourage you to comment and give me a chance to 
get to really know you and make friends!

Until later.....

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Bless the Lord. Congrats on the littlest miracle too : )

  2. Wow! You had quite a week! Glad your daughter and your new granddaughter are all okay (well DD almost okay now). Miracles are still around--just often overlooked.
    Looks like your Quiltfest experience was loads of fun!

  3. I was beginning to wonder what was going on with you? Thank God your daughter and granddaughter are OK. The quilt that won is absolutely AMAZE-BALLS! It looks like you had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see more photos!

  4. So glad you had fun at QuiltFest and expecially thankful that your daughter and new granddaughter are doing well. She sure is a cutie. Welcome back, missed you!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the retreat. Congrats on the new addition and thank goodness for miracles...glad your daughter is on the mend!

  6. Oh, good news/bad news posts scare me - but it all worked out. Congrats on the addition, glad all are well and that you managed to enjoy your time away during all this.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sounds like you were in a whirlwind all week. Glad everything turned out okay.

  9. What a week you have had! So happy the doctors were able to get your daughter's infection under control. And that new grandbaby is totally precious! There's nothing like holding a new little life in your hands for the first time.

  10. Oh, oh, oh! What a sweet little miracle little Genevieve Rose is! Truly, she brings happy tears to my eyes for y'all, sweet friend!!! So glad that you had a marvelous time on your retreat -- someday I want to make it to that quilting festival! And **very** glad that your bad news quickly turned tail and became happy news again!! Love you!!! :)

  11. Thank goodness your daughter is on the mend and congratulations on the new addition :)

  12. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! Such a sweet little girl :)

  13. Congrats on the new grandbaby, and, hope your daughter only looks 1 month pregnant today, and not at all tomorrow. Glad they got that bug.

  14. You definitely had good and bad news and miracles, but for today I wish you a quiet uneventful day. These are my favorite.

  15. Sounds like you attended a wonderful retreat. That winning quilt is just stunning. I can't wait to read about your class with Paula Nadelstern. I love her fabrics!

  16. What a sweet wee one and I am so glad your daughter is recovering so well. Thank heavens for antibiotics.

  17. Congratulations on your new grandbaby. She is precious. I am so glad to hear your daughter is doing much better. How scary for you all.
    Looks like you had fun at the show though.

  18. Hi, Teresa. I'm so glad to be part of the 'Good News'. I am so pleased to have been the winner of the Quilting Gallery prize. I am way behind on my blog reading and so just got to your posting for the 19th. "Circle of Curiosity" is an amazing quilt; I can't even imagine myself having the patience for all those tiny pieces let along having the artistic ability. I'm so glad that your daughter is on the road to recovery; how scary. Lastly, I wanted to tell you that my mother's name was Genevieve. :) The fact that I won and your Genevieve was born seems rather serendipitous. Again, thank you so much.
