
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Child's Play - A Fun New Book & A Giveaway!

Have you heard about Jacquelynne Steve's new Book - Child's Play?  It is just the most darling book!

Child's Play is available in both a digital eBook ($12) and a printed hard-copy version ($15) - you pick your favorite way to enjoy it!  There are 55 pages, chock full of wonderful creative ideas and yummy recipes!

Here are a few pictures to entice you .....

CUTE little stuffed animals - and you make clothes for them too!!!
Note the little pocket baby  kitten  =^..^=

There are a couple of quilt patterns in several colorways !

If stitchery is your thing, Jacquelynne designs the cutest things!
This kitty is going to be in my stitching basket very soon!

Wondering what to feed the kids that they will enjoy and is still healthy?
There are some really fun recipes - how about Peanut Butter & Jelly Pizza?

You will also find several fun projects like this really easy & useful tote bag.
Wouldn't this make a great bag for day care essentials or a day at the beach?
Jacquelynne is really excited about the inclusion of tutorial videos in Child's Play.  For the digital version, all you have to do is click on the link, and it will bring up the YouTube video automatically! For the printed version, the link can be typed into the browser. 

Never read a digital book?  Here are some advantages to the digital version:
  • You can view it as a "flippable" book or download the PDF onto your computer or device.
  • Especially important to international shoppers: NO Shipping Costs!
  • It looks beautiful on the iPad!
  • Links are easy to use- just click.
  • Print out just the pages you need- maybe a recipe or a pattern page or the kids' activity sheets. So much easier to have a single recipe page in the kitchen to work with than a whole book, right? And you don't have to worry about splatters on your book!
  • Never trace a pattern again- just print it out onto inexpensive computer paper and cut the pieces out.
  • To save ink when you print pages, you can choose "grayscale" in your printer options and print in black and white.
  • Less expensive than printed book.
So how do you get a copy for your very own?   
Well.... how about I give a copy to a lucky follower?

Now that sounds like fun to me!  Just leave a comment on this post telling me what you think you will enjoy most about Jacquelynne's book, and I'll pick a winner by random drawing at midnight on Monday, March 25.  Not a follower - well, maybe now's the time to think about joining up!  :*D

Now, if you don't think you've got your mojo going on right now, or you'd like to grab a copy for your very own right this very minute, you can just click HERE for the eBook digital version.  Or click HERE for the printed version.  Jacquelynne will get your copy to you right away!

If you'd like to learn more about Jacquelynne Steves and her designs, here are her links:

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Oh looks fun! I'm always looking for neat ideas and this book looks full of them! I am a follower :)

  2. I am a follower :) I think the recipes would be fun :)

  3. I love books that have a variety of patterns, projects and RECIPES to boot! This would be awesome!

  4. I follow and I would love the book for all the quilting fun!

  5. I love being one of your followers. I think it would be a fantastic book for this grandma...Lots of special things to do with my grandkids!

  6. Looks like a great book for some inspiration. I am a follower.

  7. I'm a happy follower and Grammie to 5 kids. I'd love to have a closer look at this book! I think I'd like to try my hand at the stuffed animals.

  8. I have a little grandson and it would be lots of fun to make some of those little critters for him to play with when he comes over to my house!

  9. I am a follower. I think this will be a great book to look at with my grandson. The pictures look so bright and cheerful.

  10. I like that the book is kid-friendly. I can see my grandkids looking through it to decide what they like and then helping to create those items.

  11. I'm a follower :)

    Wow...what I will like most? Probably every single page!! lol Your pic's have me drooling to sew cool lil' doggies & kitties & bunnies...OH MY!!!, stitch wall pics, make some tasty food, & a quilt!!! Oh yeah...and a cooool lil tote!! Sooooo fun!!! Can't wait!! :)

  12. I am a sewing sort, but those recipes might make me abandon the sewing room for a homemade treat!

  13. Super book with lots of great ideas!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!! I'm a seasoned follower :)

  14. I have three grandkids, what isn't to love about this book! I think the wall art would be fun, they can pick their own fabrics :)

  15. I'm a follower and this is my kind of book! I can see a few joint projects with my children in this one...

  16. This book looks a great mix of recipes and fun projects to sew!
    I'm a happy follower!

  17. This book looks great - cover to cover. But I know I would be making the tote bag for my great nieces first!

  18. I love the tote bag! Would be great for all the little cars from my son!

  19. i would really enjoy makeing the stufffed animals especialy fifi and fluffy....They are so adorabel. My great neice Chloe would love these.

  20. Of course I follow you. I would love this book because I love books. I also like making things. Thanks.

  21. That looks like a neat book. I liked the dog and cat embroidery ideas, so cute. Thanks for mentioning the book and for having a giveaway!

  22. This looks like a really fun book to have. I'm always interested in new things. I follow you by email

  23. I'd love to have a copy ... I'm always looking for fun things to do with the grands. They love PBJs ... what fun to serve a PBJ on a waffle!

  24. I will love the little stuffed animals!


  25. I am a follower and I would enjoy making the adorable stuffed animals.

  26. Oh my gosh ... those pocket babies are TOO CUTE!! After helping Joc make the doll for Ellie, I realized what fun it was making your own stuffed 'babies'! I think that would be my favorite!!! :)

  27. love the kitties! And the quilt looks fun too. I am a follower and just love your header quilt.

  28. I love that quilt and the tote is really cute too :) definitely interested in the recipe section as well! And I'm already a follower :)

  29. Cute ideas for my grandchild! I like that it is a book that has varied projects from food to sewing.

  30. would love to sew those stuffed friends! :) Thanks for the chance!

  31. I have 2 granddaughters, 15 months and 2 weeks old. There is a lot to sew for them! thanks for the chance.

  32. Thus book is so adorable. Can't wait to sew the cute stuffed cats and bunnies.
