
Sunday, April 6, 2014

It's a PURPLE-y Kind of Month!

PURPLE is our color for April's Rainbow Scrap Challenge ... and of course I'm delighted!   It's one of those really delicious jewel colors that just trips my trigger! =^..^=

And I think it makes a really delicious Soul Searching block too, don't you????

From the deep dark PURPLES.....

To the more red VIOLETS......

They are all yummy to me!  
And I especially like them all mixed up scrappy-style to add sparkle!

Auditioning for the Soul Searching block :)

My task of washing up my stash for the RSC color was made much easier this month because I had already washed many of my PURPLE fabrics for the recent Diamonds are Forever workshop at Guild -

I sewed up a few of these fun blocks last night just because I love seeing these colors play together so much!!!

What a lovely potpourri of strips!!!!

And while I had all the PURPLES out, I chose my fabrics for this month's Hootie block....

I'll let him shine in next week's RSC report :*)

And can it be a coincidence that my current socks project is PURPLE?
I think Angela is reading my mind! *grin*

Are you playing in PURPLES too?  
Please share at SoScrappy's RSC linky party HERE!

Or are you just enjoying some of the lovely PURPLE blooms that are bursting forth this spring?

purple spring blooms
Courtesy of Found and Sewn

Wishing you all a perfectly PURPLE kind of Sunday!!!

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Those Soul Searching blocks keep calling my name -- LOVE your purple version!

    (I'm thrilled with the color this month!)

  2. Wow, your purple looks great.

  3. What a great bunch of purples you have! But, you also have a super collection of b/w mini prints, too.

  4. Oooh - thank you for all the PURPLE fabric treats!!

  5. Beautiful display of purples! So many beautiful shades to choose this month. Looking forward to hearing from Hootie next week

  6. Your purple projects are a delight to see! Should Searching is on my list of projects to do, are you making the blocks the same size as the quilt in the book?

  7. When I saw that purple was this month's color, I knew you have some beautiful purples to use up ... And you didn't disappoint! I can't wait to see your April Hootie!

  8. Oh my gosh Teresa do you have the purples!!

  9. Whoohoo!!! Purple IS THE COLOR!!! Your Soul Searching block looks smashing. I can't wait to start mine, but I need to finish March's first, huh? You have such a great variety in your purple stash that all your purple-y projects will be beautiful. Your socks (bra) looks a bit bigger today!! lol

  10. I love your purple fabrics! Your Soul Searching and fun blocks, too! Purple socks? You go girl!

  11. Your purples look gorgeous!!! I love that Soul Searching block.

  12. Can't ever have too much purple!! A definite favorite!! You have a wonderful selection!

  13. Gorgeous. I found the book that Soul Searching is in and had to buy it. Waiting to see Hootie, and of course you must have purple socks.

  14. I've seen a lot of postings with purple these past few days. Your purples are beautiful and your quilt blocks too.

  15. Your post is so ROYAL looking with all of the purples! I LOVE your Soul Searching block in purple! And that diamond quilt, well, I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the quilting on it? That is going to be STUNNING!

  16. that is one wonderful set of purples! purples and greys are just something that is scarce in my scraps and my stash. Love yours.

  17. Yes a very purple day!! What is it about chartreuse that pulls the other colors together? It always works with brights!

  18. That block is fabulous! Cute socks too.

  19. Love those purples! They look great with the black and white, too.

  20. What a luscious color to be working with! Your blocks are so vibrant. And I love the variety of prints within them!

  21. Love your pile of purples you get to play with this month. Purple is one of my favorites too..... if I can stop starting new projects maybe I can do the quilt I was planning for the purple month! Can't wait to see that owl tomorrow.

  22. I love all that purple, it used to be the most prominent colour in my staff, but alas no more - I definitely need some now, having seen all your purples, they are just gorgeous.
