
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Design Wall Monday - 4/8/14

Yes, I'm a day late, but I have several exciting-to-me projects currently in the works....

These Diamonds are Forever blocks are just too much fun to let them sit idle for too long!  They're like potato chips - I can't resist dipping my hand into those luscious strips and starting just one more block.... and then just one more.... well, maybe just one more LOL!!!

I love all these wonderful colors and playing in the scrappy strips - and don't these lime pieces look like a row of ties?  LOL!!!  Yes, late last night I was getting a little loopy and in need of sleep :*)  You can see by the number of "ties" that I still have quite a few blocks to go on this project, so you'll be seeing it again - just thought I'd warn you!

I also spent a very relaxing and enjoyable couple of hours this weekend preparing the applique pieces for my last vase in The Blue Collection.

My tools of the trade for Starch Applique preparation
Edit - One friend just pointed out that she found it amazing that diced pimentos would be part of my applique tools LOL!!!!!  Of course, that's just the jar that I keep the liquid starch in for traveling :*)

This is the vase that holds the center tree, and I totally love this piece of Jenny Beyer border fabric I found for it!  There is only a fat quarter of it, so I have had to be very careful about cutting it.  There are a lot of pieces to this block, and of course those angles are already threatening to give me headaches.  Looks like I'm going to have to re-cut the bottom right piece because it is not lining up :( 

The Blue Collection is one of those dreaded Dinosaur UFO's that I really, really, really want to get done this year!!!  Once this block is done, I will have the outer border applique remaining, with about a million leaves (see below picture of the original by Maggie Walker), but most of those are going to be done with raw edge fusible.  I'm sorry but I'm just not crazy enough to sew all of those leaves down by hand!!!  And there is still the motif block at the center top that needs to be completed as well.  But I'm beginning to smell a finish here and it feels GREAT!!!!

This is the Designer, Maggie Walker's quilt.....

Courtesy of Maggie Walker

The number pulled for my Guild UFO this month is #7 - which is to assemble my Fantasia blocks from the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last year into a top for the contest at our next meeting.  Ugh!  I have no idea how I want to set those blocks!  At least I DO have all of them done, which gives me a great shot at maybe meeting that goal.  Here's the RED block for reference :)

The May Bertie's Year BOM block should arrive this week and I'm looking forward to playing with her - we're quickly becoming very good friends.

And that's about it for me.  What is on your Design Wall?  Some see all the pretties at Judy's Patchwork Times today!  Also linking up with Connie's Linky Tuesday party!  Hey, wait a minute.... that MY Cottontail bunny she's featuring today!!!!  Yippee :*)

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Your diamonds are standouts! WHat a beautiful piece your 'blue' is going to be.

  2. Am I to believe that diced pimentos are a critical ingredient in your applique process? LOL. Whatever you use, your blue quilt is going to be a stunner.

  3. I had to laugh ... I'm right there next to you in Judy's link up! So what's a day, eh?! You've got some beautiful things in the queue! Seeing your Diamonds Are Forever in the blocks makes it look much more 'do'able to me! And I've really loved watching your "The Blue Collection" come together! Haha to what Libby said -- I had to go back to see what she was talking about!! She's got a good eye! :)

  4. Love your diamonds quilt-beautiful coloring. I did one simalar years ago in red/white combo. Fun to do.

  5. Your Diamonds are Forever blocks are Awesome! I just love your color combo. The greens just pop. I have seen the pattern for The Blue Collection quilt and would love to make it, but am afraid I would get it partially finished and it would sit. Good luck getting yours finished! Setting goals is good. :)

  6. Your diamond blocks truly sparkle!!
    That is THE PERFECT fabric for the Blue Collection pot! Wow--couldn't get any better.
    Oh, how fun to get your Fantasia blocks put together. I just stand in awe at all you do. And a Bertie block in the mix, too!
    I'll just slink away and make a few more mini pineapples. : )

  7. Those colors are just stunning Teresa!!! The applique Asian quilt looks gorgeous too. You have a lot of projects going on at the same time, don't you? Sounds like me, lol, but some I never finish.

  8. I love your Diamonds for ever especially the lime green which really sets everything off.

  9. Wow, there's a lot of detail in that Blue Collection quilt. I'm not sure that even once I learn to applique, I'll ever have enough nerve to start a quilt like that! I'm in awe of you.

    I'm excited with the prospect of seeing your Fantasia blocks become a quilt. I can't wait.

  10. I love your string blocks. That's going to be such a pretty quilt! I also like your Clover iron holder. Did someone make that for you? If so, what's the blue square part for?

  11. Great colors for your newest quilt! You sure are productive!

  12. Great string blocks I am lovin the lime green. Can't wait to see your Fantasia all put together it will be gorgeous.

  13. I am drooling over your yummy photos...every single one of them! No wonder you can't tear yourself away from "one more block"!

  14. I love the lime green and bright blues together! Your applique project sounds like a lot of fun to work on. Enjoy!

  15. I love your choice of colors in your diamond quilt! It is stunning! I just finished my first string quilt top and would love to start another, they are a lot of fun. The Blue Collection looks very challenging, but beautiful!

  16. I can't believe how many beautiful projects you are always working on Teresa and those diamond blocks.....I love them and the colors you are using!! I just might have to make some of those! Is your bunny done yet??? Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  17. I always love all the great colors on your blog. I love those colors, too. Great projects. Glad you are working on the bowl quilt again. Almost done.....

  18. Teresa! You have such beautiful things to look at! I am completely mesmerized by your vase in the Blue Collection! It looks REAL! WOW!

  19. Your diamonds are just GORGEOUS! I love the colors together.

    The blue fabric is so perfect for the vase. That is truly a work of love.

    I can't wait to see how you decide to set your blocks now that they are done.

  20. I love the colors in those Diamond Blocks; they are amazingly gorgeous!
