
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Like a Little Kid with a New Toy!

I've got a new bag of "potato chips" to share with you my friends!  These blocks are irresistible and YUMMY!

My very first Japanese x&+ block!!!

Yep, I just started a new can't-make-just-one-block project!!!  Honestly, I couldn't help it.... It's all Mary at Needled Mom's fault LOL!!!!  I was totally focused on getting a good chunk of my Diamonds are Forever blocks done this week, and feeling very virtuous :)  Head down, knocking out those blocks.... oh yeah!  I'm in the Zone!!!
Then suddenly, out of the blue - BAM!!!  

I got totally knocked off the tracks!  I was very innocently reading a few blogs the other day with my morning cup of tea as usual, when I pulled up Mary's blog post and saw her AMAZING Japanese x&+ quilt ....

Photo courtesy of Needled Mom

You can read more about Mary's quilt HERE.

Oh my gosh!!!  I could look at this quilt all day and not get tired of it!  Look at all that scrappy goodness :)  Bright colors everywhere - it's just awesome!!!  Mary joined a Japanese x&+ group swap - what a great way to get so much variety!  My first thought was, "I want one!!!"

I must admit that I've fallen in love with every Japanese x&+ quilt I've seen - something about this pattern really appeals to me.   The first one I saw was made by Carol Muse Skinner, and she used all Kaffe Fassett fabrics.  You can see it HERE at her blog, Postcards from Panama.  Seriously - go see it now!  You'll be glad you did!  Friends, it just about made my eyeballs pop out it was SO beautiful!!!!  I decided then that I really wanted to make one for myself, but I got sidetracked, and before long I had forgotten it.

Then a few weeks ago, the bug bit again when I saw Carla's in progress - you can read about her quilt's journey at her blog Grace and Favor HERE....

Photo courtesy of Grace and Favor

.................. Oh!  I wanted every single one of those blocks!  Yes, my friends, I coveted them!!!  Teals and grays and limes - Oooo-la-la!!!!  Carla did a swap with her friend Cindy to build up the scrappiness of their blocks - great idea right?  She encouraged me to get started on a Jx&+ of my own, maybe even start a swap, but there was too much going on in my life right then and again I let the idea slide.  I did however Pin a tutorial on how to make the blocks from Badskirt blog :)

Then I saw Mary's quilt and the longing returned, full force!  When I commented on how beautiful her quilt is, she replied with lots of encouragement to start my own.  And when I said, "I really want to - maybe I'll do some color planning today ...."  she came right back with, "I'm holding you to it!"  And even offered to make up a few and send them to me to get me started... Wow - Mary is clearly a gifted Encourager!  How could I resist that???

Now you all know how I get when I start thinking in terms of color, right?  It's like offering a dog a steak bone!  It's all I can think of.  There's a reason they call it "stash" - as in "addiction"!  Once I started thinking about what colors I'd like to play with in this quilt, I was off and running - there was no stopping me!

Hot pinks!

Hot oranges and yellows!

With Blacks and Whites to frame them....

I had to wash my orange and yellow stash before I could do anything, and a good part of yesterday was spent washing the rest of my black/white fabrics.  I couldn't resist putting together block combos as soon as they came out of the dryer!  They are truly just as irresistible as a fresh bag of chips!!!

And now there are Four!!!

Between this new project and the Diamonds are Forever blocks, I think I'm in heaven :*)
Thanks to Mary and Carla, I'm well on my way to having my own Japanese x&+ quilt!!!
I'm kinda glad you can't see me doing the Happy Dance right now :*)
I bet you want to start your own now, too, don't you?  LOL!!!

And for an added bonus, this is my NewFO Challenge project for April
I just love checking things off the To Do List so early in the month =^..^=

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. Given what I see with the four you've already got done, your quilt is going to be GORGEOUS! (No surprise!)

  2. LOVE your new blocks! I started mine a couple of years ago and then I moved back in Sept. and haven't been able to locate them OR my scrappy trips blocks. I need to find them soon as I'm itching to work on them and finish them up!!

  3. Gorgeous! I just love your colorway for these blocks!

  4. I think you are going to need to name it "Happy Dance" as they are such happy colors. I LOVE them. That is going to be such a stunning quilt. Now you are making me want to make another one!

    I have loved following Cindy and Carla's blocks as those are such great colors together, but I missed the Kaffe one. That is stunning too. Is there a x&+ quilt that isn't beautiful?

  5. You are a wizard with color combos! This just jumps out at me! So striking and colorful--very nice selections. : )

  6. You and I have a lot of the same fabrics! I love it!!

  7. I love your choice of colors and you have the greatest stash of b/w and w/b prints I have ever seen. Stunning blocks and I agree - this quilt needs to be called 'Happy Dance'.

  8. AS IF I need another addiction! What a great way to use up bits and pieces.

  9. It is very beautiful! I made one last year with the help of my bee mates. It was a gift for a special friend who was having a baby girl! It's on my flickr page, go check it out. MsSpy

  10. Just when I thought I was nearly done making these fun blocks, you post the most delicious colour way ! Yum!
    I'm thinking I may need to make another in these colours as well. I have tons of scraps. TONS. Thanks for showing my quilty too : )
    Happy stitching ( I guess that goes without saying)
    ; )

  11. Like you I admire these blocks every time I see them! Your colors are so bright and happy - can't wait to watch this one come along.

  12. I have seen a few of these quilt tops lately and think they are so effective, I definitely have to make one.
    I love the colours you have chosen and look forward to your posts with progress reports!

  13. Oh my, I wish I hadn't read this post - now I HAVE to add this one to my "must do soon" list!!! Wildly gorgeous color combo! Love, love, love it!

  14. OMG it is gorgeous! I love how each block looks soo different from the others even though it's the same pattern! And your colours are yummy!

  15. That's a fun one for sure! Great color choice.

  16. Such a feast for the eyes Teresa! I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Your color choices are perfect and this quilt will be so graphic and full of color! Hmmmm....should I? Could I????? YIKES!

  17. I adore the oranges, pinks and yellows ... framed with the B&W prints they'll be HOT!!!!!!!! :)

  18. Teresa, I can so understand how you fell in love with that's gorgeous...and the fabrics in your blocks are it! I was wondering about the Diamonds are Forever design...where did that one come from...I ask that question even though I have more quilt designs to make than I will ever have time to make! Lol

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  21. I have seen those blocks on other blogs and want to start my own but have held off. Love your color scheme.

  22. I first saw this block over at Julie's blog (she is in Japan). She did hers all by hand (she doesn't own a sewing machine). Love that fussy cutting of the scissors print.

  23. Wow! I have seen a few in my blog hopping and have been able to resist. It may get put down as a RSC block a month for next year. Looking forward to seeing yours progress.

  24. Beautiful!!! Looks addicting - can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  25. What beautiful fabrics! Love all aof them, especially your collection of black on white.
