Traveling and retreats are always pretty busy times for me, even though I'm supposed to be "resting" at retreat -
right!!! Although I really
did rest a good bit at Red Rooster, my ambitions for doing some hand stitching came to naught. My passion right now of course is to be making those delicious
Patchwork of the Crosses blocks! But I've decided to put them on the back burner for a week or so until I get the
Bertie blocks caught up - I didn't realize that I was
FIVE blocks
behind on these -
At the Rooster, my first order of business was to finish stitching together all the rows for my
Blooming Nine Patch .....
Because this quilt goes together on point, I had to make all of the blocks before I could start putting it together. Here it was on the floor as I assembled it ....
and I finished up just before the lunch bell on the second day.
Wow! Does it ever BLOOM!!!!
I'm very happy with it and can't wait to get it quilted and bound :)
Then after lunch, I pulled out the
Bertie blocks and began the machine stitching on all five blocks. I had already fused everything down, so it was a very relaxing and fun project!
I then made the half-square triangle borders for October and November so I could finish them up and enjoy them on the wall this year.
November Bertie with its border, before hand stitch embellishments |
I'll probably leave October up for a couple weeks, then put November up mid-month. Unfortunately, the July, August and September
Berties will have to wait until next year for their time to shine on the wall :(
This little pumpkin actually smiled when he got his eyes :*) |
Since I got home, the past few nights have found me in my chair, slowly stitching the embellishments to my
October Bertie. I actually finished the stitching this afternoon while watching football, but then I decided I like this gold in the upper left corner for the border stitching rather than the green, so it looks like I will be doing some frogging :( ....
Very washed out picture - I'm not happy with my camera lately! |
And just so I can justify my rant of last week, I took a picture of some
real-life candy corn that was in the candy dish at the Rooster next to the Kit "candy corn" fabric (right) and my substitutions (left)....
..... Will the REAL candy corn fabric please stand up???
Yep, I feel justified *VBG*
I want to thank all of you who commented and encouraged me to speak up about the quality of the fabrics I've been receiving in the BOM. Several of you noted that you are also doing the BOM and were disappointed as well. So as much as I hate to do it, I've decided that I
will send a note letting them know of my dissatisfaction. I'll keep you posted.
The greatly revamped
November Bertie, using mostly my own lovely bright fall wools, has also been enjoying the addition of some embellishment since I
thought I was done with October. I
love this variegated fall-colored spool by Valdani for these blocks!
Note the machine stitching around her kerchief to give it shape and clarity - I thought that turned out well considering I had no idea what I was doing LOL!!!!
This one is well on it's way to being done, with only the border ring of chained feather stitching to be done before quilting.
These stitched borders take quite a while to accomplish, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete it tonight or not. My intention is to keep my nose to the grindstone until all of these are done - keeping the
POTC blocks out there as my "carrot" will encourage me to keep going when I start getting bored with them!
Before I leave, let me remind you.........
Tomorrow is the first day of the Sew Sweet Simplicity BOM!!!!
Be sure to come by to see my
Block #1 - I'm
SEW EXCITED about how it turned out and can't wait to show you all!!!! Are you ready to start your first block? I had a ball with this wonderful design, and everything went together like a charm!
I can't wait to see your blocks and the fun fabrics you choose to make yours with!
And I bet you want to know who won the giveaway Pattern Bundle from Jacquelynne too, don't you? Well, Mr. Random Generator must have been in a really great mood, because he chose #33 - which is one of my good friends!
Anyone who knows Joanne, knows that she is luckiest person alive! She always wins!!!! I've sent her an email, and she'll be receiving that happy bundle of PDF patterns from Jacquelynne soon.
Don't be discouraged though - there are SEVERAL MORE GIVEAWAYS coming up during the BOM - so stay tuned and join in the fun!!! :*)
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow - my post goes live about noon.
Hugs & Blessings!