Mom says that I have won a new championship title -
Favorite Cat on Quilt 2016!
My cover shot |
If you are just meeting me for the first time, you can read about how I became a Quilt Snoopervisor HERE, and how I was rescued from the coyotes in the North Carolina mountains HERE.
So, this is what happened.
Pets on Quilts, and lo and behold, I won as the favorite Cat!!!
I have to tell you, I’m overcome with surprise, 'cuz you see, I have never seen myself as anything special. I’m just a little gray cat from the mountains who was lucky enough to be adopted by my new Mom and Dad. But Mom says I am very special, and it makes me happy to know that she thinks so. She says I am the sweetest cat she has ever had - and that’s saying something 'cuz Mom has had lots of cats since she was a little girl!
(I think that must have been quite a long time ago!)
I do believe that I have an impressive set of manly cheeks, and a quite splendid set of whiskers, if I do say so myself!
(And yes, Miss Molly, they are REAL!!!)
I told Mom I really want to thank all my new furriends who voted for me purrrsonally, and especially
Jacque, Padsworth and DragonDrop over at
Lilypad Quilting! And a special thanks to my new furriend
Terri Stegmiller who is one of my mom’s favorite artist/designers and who sponsored this contest by contributing a gorgeous set of her amazing hand-dyed fat quarters -- which we WON!
Oh my!!! My furry little paws are just itching to touch these fabrics ….
can you even imagine how much fun it is going to be to help my Mom make a quilt with these beauties?
My tail and whiskers are twitching with excitement, I tell you!!!!
Honestly, I’m not sure what this new title means, or what my new duties might be, but I have to say I hope there’s not a lot of fighting involved, because I’m a lover, not a fighter!!! I'm hoping I left that part of my life behind in the mountains. The only other cat I have to "fight" now is this wuss cat who lives with us and is always trying to claim my cat tree...
Believe me, he doesn't stay up there very long!!!
Since coming to live in Tennessee, I’ve enjoyed being an only kitty and loving on my new Mom and Dad as much as I want!
I don’t have to share their scratches or cuddles with anyone else! And they give me all the food I want - even special food that has
tuna in it!!! Yep - you heard that right! Yum, yum, yum I love it!!! Mom loves the little growly purrs I make every time she puts my bowl down. It took a little getting used to not having to fight anyone else for my food. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve put on a few pounds since coming here -
Best of all, I haven’t seen even one coyote since I got here! Mom says they have coyotes in Tennessee too, but you couldn’t prove it by me. I’d just as soon never meet another coyote in my entire nine lives! That’s why I never ask to go outside - I’m purrfectly happy being an indoor kitty, safe and sound in my new home. This is as close as I get to the outdoors now...
I admit to an occasional fantasy about catching one of those birds that keep flying around the window though....
Mom says I also need to congratulate the other winners of the
Pets on Quilts 2016 contest -
Buddy the Flickr dog
(wait, wasn't that a horse???), and
Kathy’s Ducks,
(love her blog title, "Quacks on Quilts" - hahaha - just 'quacks' me up LOL!!!) and
Lara for her mugrug of
Charley and Wilbur - although I’m not quite sure why anyone would want to vote for dogs or ducks, do you?
Mom says Buddy is beautiful and that she would like to have a Sheltie someday. Seriously???? Why would she want a dog when she’s got me??? I can tell I’ve got my work cut out for me around here, keeping out stray dogs, defending my cat tree, helping Mom quilt, and working hard at my Snoopervisor job so I can stay slim and trim and keep my title next year =^..^=
So, again I just want to say
THANKS again to all my new furriends who voted for me!!! Mom and I are going to have a
blast playing with our lovely new fat quarters! You can be sure I will be my best Snoopervisor
ever for this project, because, you know, it has to be
purrrrrfect to live up to Terri’s beautiful artistry!
Purrs & Headbutts!