
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 2013 NewFO Challenge

April was a slow month for starting new projects - and boy am I glad!!!  Considering that Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville fame was the National Teacher at Music City Guild this month, I think I did great with only starting one new project :*)  Of course, I had to start at least one in order to be eligible for Barbara's NewFO Challenge for April!



I would have had two starts because I signed up for two of Bonnie's classes, but I ended up giving one of the class spots away to a friend who really, really wanted to take her Smith Mountain Morning class.  As you can imagine, the classes filled up quickly and we ended up having to have a lottery for SMM.  I figured I can make that quilt another time since I have the book :*)  But I did join in on the fun in the Jared Takes a Wife class and had a ball!!!  You can click HERE to read my post about that class.

I finished up these two blocks in class....

 And then I made up two more while I was in Gatlinburg last week.....

All of them together so far ....

These blocks look nothing like Bonnie's quilt - here's a picture of me and Bonnie in front of her quilt....

I graphed the block to half the size (6 inches finished) because I want my quilt to be a small wall quilt - maybe 16 blocks max in a 4x4 setting.  This picture gives you an idea of the actual size of my block....

And of course, my bright solids on black background is a huge departure from Bonnie's colors too LOL!!!  I'm naming my quilt Amish Beauties because the original block name is Blackford's Beauty.

Did you start a new project this month?  Share it with all of us HERE at Cat Patches!

I also managed two finishes this month!   Both Easy Street and Hudson's Heroes are official finishes for 2013 - whoohoo!!!  It would be a great year if I could manage to finish two quilts to every one I start each month, right?

And I also wanted to let you know about a great giveaway going on.  Remember my friend Jacquelynne Steves?  She is giving away a copy of the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 7!  Go on over and check it out HERE!!!!  Don't you just LOVE the cute block she designed for this issue?

Photo:  Candy Stripe by Jacquelynne Steves - Source

Hugs & Blessings!

Also linking up with Connie's Tuesday Linky Party!


  1. These are just gorgeous Teresa. I love those Amish colors.

  2. I saw you on Bonnie Hunter's Blog. I loved taking her Midnight flight class at the Block Party in March. Nice that you sized them down. I like the Amish look.

  3. Oh, Teresa, that just sounds so "you" to give up a spot in one of Bonnie's classes so a friend could take one. You are a sweetheart!
    Your blocks are stunning! Can't wait to see it when you have all of that shimmering color bordered and quilted! : )

  4. Your Amish Beauties are gorgeous - so striking! I've not met Bonnie Hunter in person but I do enjoy her quilts. They do take time though! ~Jeanne

  5. Teresa, your Amish Beauties ARE beautiful indeed!! I favor brights and jeweltones too. You look so cute holding that little "beauty up". Always love the blocks that you choose to do. If you lived close to me, I'd be in such big trouble because of all the quilts you inspire me to "want to do" too. I'd have 2-4 starts each month!

  6. I really liked you block in the bright solids. I remember seeing your picture with it on Bonnie's blog! I have Jared Takes a Wife on my list of quilts to do. I really liked her original color way with green as the prominent color. It sure would be nice if I could start a new quilt in one of Bonnie's classes! I really like the border that you put on your Easy Street quilt. I've finished the quilt top, but can't decide on a border. I like your dark inner border. I might do that. :-)

  7. I just LOVE your Amish Beauties! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  8. Your blocks are so beautiful! I would love to take a class with Bonnie Hunter. :D

  9. Amish Beauties is gonna be dynamite! I love the contrast your blocks have! MMMM MMMM MMMM!!!!!!!

  10. Great blocks! Sew so tiny. Aren't small blocks fun?! This is going to be a stunning quilt!

  11. Beautiful blocks! It's definitely going to be a gorgeous quilt. Love those brights with the black.

  12. You're right, they don't look like Bonnie's, but that's because they are yours! They are wonderful!

  13. I love using a black background. These look great! You have your 15 minutes of fame from Bonnie's blog now. LOL

  14. Love the picture of you and Bonnie! :)

  15. I love how you interpreted Bonnie Hunter's block with your Amish Beauties. What a striking looking quilt it will be.
