
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Preparation is the Key for Me

I'm still in love with the Patchwork of the Crosses blocks!

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I just realized this morning that I had never posted the completed picture of this block!
It's definitely my favorite so far!

This one is ready for the last layer - dark green to pull out that color from the center :)  It's already beautiful, don't you think?  That bold pink is amazing!!!  When it's finished, there will be four POTC blocks on the finished pile - woohoo!!!

Today is going to be a very busy day for me, so I doubt I'll get around to much Slow Stitching with Kathy and the girls, but if I want to do any stitching next week, I'd better take time to get a few more blocks prepped.

Here are some fabrics I've pulled to see how they will work as POTC blocks....

Picked this one up in Indiana last week - that's a gorgeous deep orange!

Same pattern in two colorways - red and white

Stripe border print for the above two poinsettia prints

One of my favorite fabrics EVER!!!
But it might be tricky to get a clean design.....

I seem to be liking deep pinks quite a lot lately, don't I?

I always enjoy having a slow stitching project at hand, ready to pick up whenever I sit to watch TV or go away for a few days.  But I've found that the key to my success and happiness with any hand project is PREPARATION!  I have to take the time to prepare or that project will end up languishing.  Believe me, I have several who have already met that fate, so I know!

Are you taking it slow today?  
Join us at Kathy's Quilts!

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hugs & Blessings!


  1. OMG! That last POTC block is absolutely stunning!

  2. Those blocks just jump right off the page/screen! What great fabrics

  3. I love those fabric choices for the upcoming blocks.

  4. Every time you show a block, I think.. that's my favourite..... and then you do another. I went out and bought a whole pile of fabrics that I think will work in this type of block, and I started one. Do you have a specific order you sew them together?

  5. Stunning -- just stunning!! I agree with what Cathy said, too! LOL! Do you use one of those funky mirrors to see what design you'll end up with? And are all the fabrics you're using blinging??!! Cuz if so, I think I may try my hand at one (just one, mind you)!! :)

  6. Teresa - These blocks are more than gorgeous - they are getting pinned!! :-)) Janet O. told me about your Lucy Boston blocks and now you reside on my sidebar so I can enjoy each new one you make!!

  7. Oh my goodness that pink block is outstanding. The blue is beautiful also. The fussy cutting you are doing really raises these blocks to another level.

  8. I like viewing your beautiful blocks. The color combo's are amazing!

  9. So beautiful! It really is a whole different way of looking at fabric and how it can be used!

  10. Wow! Gorgeous. Your fussy cuts are wonderful.

  11. I can see why you like this pattern as all your blocks are gorgeous! Do you fussy cut them? Have you started any of the connecting blocks?

  12. I never get tired of watching your progress on the Patchwork of the Crosses. Today's bright pink one is truly amazing; I think it's my favorite. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Amazing blocks, Teresa! I can see that making these would cause you to see fabric in a whole new way!

  14. Love your Patchwork Crosses blocks, those new fabrics are gorgeous and I look forward to the 'magic' you will do with them :-)

  15. I love how you are fussy cutting the fabrics for these blocks! I'm looking forward to seeing your next blocks.

  16. Ooooh! You've kicked the already-intriguing POTC blocks up to a whole 'nother level! Beautiful work!

  17. OOO, those are so pretty. I really like the pink block.

  18. Every time I see one of your POTC I'm thrilled. You are the Queen of Fussy Cutting.

  19. I especially like that blue, teal, and gold block. Gorgeous work!

  20. They are all gorgeous. It's hard to pick a favorite, but that turquoise blue is probably mine in this post.

  21. Where do I find the pattern. I would like to try this.

  22. Okay, so I've got a couple of questions . . . what size are your templates, roughly? (Length across the long end.) And how big are your individual blocks finishing? And . . . how are you planning on putting the group of finished blocks together??! This should suffice for now. I'm busy making templates. LOL! :)

  23. How Beautiful! Sewers at their finest!

  24. Is there a pattern for this beautiful quilt block.
    You really have a gift thank you Cheryl

  25. Where did you find the beautiful Christmas fabrics?


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